Chapter 284

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Lawyer Liu was stunned. To tell the truth, at the beginning, when Lin Xueer told him the reason for her crime, although he thought it was far fetched, he didn't doubt it.

After all, it's not strange for women to be crazy for love and do unreasonable things. But now Bo Yanchen said so, Lawyer Liu's heart began to be uncertain again.

Is it really Lin Xueer who is cheating him? But what is the purpose of her doing this?

Win Bo Yanchen's sympathy?

Or to confuse the public and conceal some ulterior plots?

"As a lawyer, we should first find out the client's real ideas, and then meet and negotiate with the other party. Otherwise, it will only waste each other's time. " Bo Yanchen leaned on the back of his chair, his right index finger tapping on the table. It was obvious that he was giving orders.

Lawyer Liu finally made an appointment to Bo Yanchen, but before he said a few words, he was ordered to leave. This is a disgraceful thing for lawyers who eat with their mouths.

He was furious. It's all Lin Xueer's fault. It's this woman who is so obsessed with her that she has to bring these inexplicable words to Bo Yanchen. Also assured that Bo Yanchen heard these words will be moved, will pity jade, and then open to her.

He really believed it.

Now, it's just nonsense!

Bo Yanchen where seems to be able to open up the appearance of one side, people a listen to angry, almost didn't give him to blow out.

"Mr. Bo." Lawyer Liu stood up and said, "I'm really sorry today. I'm not fully prepared. I'll have a good talk with Miss Lin again, find out what she really thinks, and then visit again. " Finish saying, turn round to want to leave.

"Wait!" Bo Yanchen called him, "go back and tell Lin Xueer. If she wants to mitigate her crime, tell the truth. Who's at her command? How much for that man? Of course, you don't have to tell me these words, just tell the police directly. "

After a pause, he continued, "besides, just now you said that her mind was twisted, that's why she did this kind of thing. If so, it is really necessary for her to go to prison to reflect and reform, and thoroughly wash and purify her twisted heart. "

Lawyer Liu's face is stiff. Bo Yanchen's meaning is very clear. Even if Lin Xueer tells the truth, he doesn't intend to forgive her.

It seems that this time we not only came here in vain, but also made the situation worse.

Bo Yanchen took a look at Lawyer Liu, who was still in the same place. He said in a cold voice, "if there is something about the case in the future, please contact my lawyer directly."

Lawyer Liu's face was blue and red. He answered with a low voice. He didn't want to stay any longer. He turned around and walked out quickly.

Bo Yanchen is looking at his back figure, the corner of the mouth draws up the arc of a touch of ridicule.

Oh! If it wasn't for his little wife, he would have no time to see the people sent by Lin Xueer. It's a waste of time!

Especially when he heard Lawyer Liu say that Lin xue'er has been admiring him, he felt sick.

This insidious woman in the end where the self-confidence, that he heard these words, will be open to her.

No matter what Lin Xueer said is true or not, in a word, if anyone dares to touch his woman's hair, it will definitely end miserably.

Thinking of this, Bo Yanchen narrowed his dangerous eyes, picked up his mobile phone and dialed a call, "Hello, Wentao. Contact Lu Fei. Regarding Lin Xueer's case of suspected commercial espionage, it doesn't matter in terms of economic compensation, but we must let the court reprimand I don't care. He's a lawyer. He can do it himself. "

After hanging up, Bo Yanchen stood up and went to the window.

Open the mobile phone, click on the address book, touch Li Xintong's number with your fingers, glance at the time above the mobile phone, 1:00 in the afternoon

Thinking that her little wife might be on lunch break, she couldn't bear to disturb her. She quit the address book, click on the photo library, and turn over Li Xintong's photos and enjoy them silently.

His women are not only beautiful, but also beautiful. Enlarge the picture, the delicate and picturesque palm face makes people unable to move their eyes. Especially that pair of water cut autumn eyes, let a person only look at one of them drown.

It is said that eyes are the window of the soul. Even after five years, she has transformed from a green girl into a charming young woman, and her appearance has become more beautiful and delicate, but her clear eyes have never changed.

Good and pure heart is still the same, even some small habits have not changed.

After meeting happy things, she will share with him for the first time. It's like winning this PK competition. When she got the news, she immediately sent a message to report the good news.

Reward? Well This one needs to be well prepared to give her a surprise.

Ding Lingling, the urgent ringing of the mobile phone interrupted Bo Yanchen's thoughts. He looked down and frowned immediately. It's Bo xiurui.

He hardly needs to guess the reason for Bo xiurui's call, so he can sum it up in one sentence: definitely not good!

Just as the phone was about to hang up, he pressed the answer button.

"Ah Chen, I'm dad." Bo xiurui's voice was low and powerless.Bo Yanchen Leng Leng, Bo xiurui rarely use his father to call himself. Every time I talk to him, I'm full of anger, and I look like I'm scolding my subordinates. What's the matter today? "What's the matter?"

"Yesterday, I knew about Xintong's kidnapping." Bo xiurui said, "she Is that all right? "

"She's OK. She's just scared." Bo Yanchen light answer.

"Oh. It's OK. It's OK. " Bo xiurui said.

Bo Yanchen knew that he didn't make this call to care about Li Xintong. If he really wanted to show his concern, he would have called yesterday, and it would not be delayed until now.

"What's the matter with you? It's lunch break Bo Yanchen didn't want to make a detour with him.

Bo xiurui said for a moment, "OK, I'll make a long story short. A Chen, at that time Xin Tong is Jing Xuan to answer a crime, completely is her voluntary, no one forces her. Things have gone so long, Xintong also finished prison out, the compensation of the money Bo home also gave. It doesn't seem to make sense to bring up the old story again. "

Bo Yanchen hears confused, "what do you mean?"

Bo xiurui sighed, "ah Chen, I know you love your daughter-in-law. I can understand that I want to rehabilitate her. But you didn't discuss it with me and directly exposed it in the media, which made me not even prepared. When the reporter rushed into my ward, I was in a daze. What's the matter? Can't you sit down and have a good talk? Everyone's surname is Bo, you Why do you have to do things so well? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!