Chapter 296

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong does not know, Bo Yanchen said no opinion, in the end refers to agree with her opinion, or deliberately say angry words.

"Ah Chen..." Li Xintong rushed to catch up, "is our family a democratic family?"

Bo Yanchen turns around and looks at her in a puzzled way, "why do you ask this?"

"Because if it is a democratic family, then every member of the family can express his own views and opinions on a certain matter. Or on a thorny issue, express their views, and then come to a solution by consensus of the whole family. " Li Xintong briefly explained what a democratic family is.

After her explanation, Bo Yanchen finally I don't understand her meaning any more. "Well, then what?"

"I just made my point. But you said, "no problem."

"I said no problem. What's the problem?" Bo Yanchen looks at her funny.

"Of course there are problems." Li Xintong serious expression, "you admit that our family is a democratic family. The essence of a democratic family is that family members express their opinions, but you only say "no opinions", which is equivalent to no opinions. What you are doing is not in line with the behavior of members of a democratic family. "

Bo Yanchen's ears are full of thunder. The little woman has been mumbling so much that she just wants to make her own stand!

He also took out the hat of "democratic family" and put it on his head. He was drunk.

"I choose to abstain, OK?" Bo Yanchen compromised.

"No, I have to express my opinion!" The little wife is very serious.

Bo Yanchen This little woman, after all, just wants him to say: I agree with you.

But he didn't! This matter, he did not object, has given her face.

"The members of the democratic family include all the members of the family. Now it's just me and you, and there's a lot less Bo Yanchen said, "since we have to express our own opinions, how can we be without Yi Tong? Why don't we go back and discuss with each other before we make a decision! "

Li Xintong Is this man on purpose? How can Yi Tong know this?

"This That's not right! " Li Xintong said, "Yitong is still a child!"

has the final say that children are family members. As parents, they should not think that they are the heads of a family. What they do is to say everything. This overbearing approach can easily make family atmosphere tense and oppressive. For the healthy growth of children, it is very important to create a harmonious and democratic family atmosphere. " Bo Yanchen's theory is obviously more worthy of scrutiny.

Li Xintong was said a Leng a Leng, but also feel very depressed.

He finally dug a "democratic family" pit and wanted Bo Yanchen to jump in. Unexpectedly, he not only did not jump, but also somehow pushed her down.

Bo Yanchen looked at her in his spare time, "I see. Let's put this issue aside for the time being, and there will be no need for a democratic vote. "

Li Xintong She wants to ask weakly: without voting, can she make her own decision?

"Not going home?" Bo Yanchen knocked on Li Xintong's forehead.

"Oh." Li Xintong answered dully, went to take the bag on the sofa.

"Why so decadent?" Bo Yanchen said with a smile, "I thought you were looking forward to going home!"

Li Xintong doesn't understand: "what to expect?"

Bo Yanchen winked at her: "because the reward I promised you should have been sent home now!"

"Really?" Li Xintong in front of a bright, suddenly came the spirit, "is what reward?"

Bo Yanchen shaved her nose: "I won't tell you. Just go home. "

Li Xintong curled her lips to express her dissatisfaction.

Sitting in the car, Li Xintong suddenly thought of something like: "yes. Have you met Lin Xueer's lawyer today? What happened? "

"Not so much. I asked him to leave without saying a few words. "

"Ah? How could that be? What did he say? "

"Nothing." Bo Yanchen certainly won't repeat Lin Xueer's messy words to his little wife, "she wants to ask for my understanding, but she won't tell me what is behind the scenes. So, there's no talk. "

"Oh. That's it Li Xintong nodded, "we all know that Bo Jingxuan is behind the scenes, but there is no evidence. Is it interesting for Lin Xueer to protect him like this? "

Bo Yanchen almost choked: "when did your brain hole become so big?"

"It's not me!" Li Xintong smiles, "this is Ni Ziying's conclusion."

Bo Yanchen He said he was speechless about women's idle opinions.

"Then why do you think Lin Xueer still refuses to confess up to now?" Asked Li Xintong.

"The reason doesn't matter. If she doesn't say it, it won't do her any good. When she has suffered, she will naturally say Bo Yanchen's eyes were shining with the light of falcon.

Li Xintong didn't see his expression, but for Bo Yanchen's words, she still believed very much, "well, as long as she is willing to say it, she can alleviate her crime, why not? She doesn't think about herself, but she has to think about her children. Her son is so young that he is really pitiful without a mother. "Bo Yanchen frowned: "how do you know about her family?"

"Ni Ziying said it "They are neighbors upstairs and downstairs," Li said. Lin Xueer divorced with a five-year-old boy, if she wants to go to prison, the child can only be thrown to Lin Xueer's mother. The old man's belt is different from the mother's belt, and the students in the school will point out to the children when they know it, which is very bad for the growth of the children.... "

Bo Yanchen didn't want to listen any more and interrupted her: "the law is fair. Everyone should be responsible for his own behavior. It's not necessarily a good thing for children to grow up around Lin Xueer's mother. It's better for her to transform it and then come out to educate her children. "

Li Xintong opened her mouth, but she was speechless. It seems that Bo Yanchen's words are too unfeeling and reasonable. But I don't feel comfortable.

"Well, don't think too much. Lin Xueer's crime will not be sentenced for many years, and the child is not without people. When you feel compassion for others, they may be stabbing you in silence. " Bo Yanchen's words mean something.

Thought: if Li Xintong knew that Lin Xueer let the lawyer bring him, he would probably vomit blood.

"Ah Chen, don't scare me, OK?" Li Xintong was sweating when she heard this.

"I'm just making an analogy. Don't be nervous." Bo Yanchen comforted, "I mean, you can be kind, but sometimes you are too kind, and it will only hurt you. Do you understand? "

Li Xintong nodded his head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!