Chapter 303

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
The family doctor came soon and treated the two little ancestors.

This time, coco didn't matter. Instead, Mo Shuangshuang twisted his waist and the doctor suggested staying in bed for two days.

"No! If you ask for leave, you will get a full attendance award! " Mo Shuangshuang looks sad, as if to see the red RMB one by one away from her, painfully do not want.

Coco was almost angry with her expression and laughed: "you woman, have you lost your money? It's a miser to think about the total attendance award when you're hurt like this

"I'm a miser. What's the matter?" Mo Shuangshuang angrily said to him, "I don't have your life. What I'm short of now is money. Do you know how much money I'll lose if I work one day less

"Then you can't ask for money and life!" Coco hated to stare at her, "waist injury is not for fun! It's a big deal. I'll supply you with your full attendance award. "

Mo Shuangshuang is ungrateful: "who wants your money? I'm going to work! "

Coco was angry: "you Why are you so ungrateful

"Well! Who wants you to be kind? "


"Well, you two little ancestors, can you stop for a while, my brain will be blown up by you!" Mrs. Qi couldn't listen any more. She tried her best to get them together. Is it easy?

Looking forward to two people get along day and night, can be a long time, who knows, less than a day, quarrel like this, is also drunk.

As soon as Mrs. Qi called out, both of them were silent. Although the war of words has stopped, the war of eyes is still going on.

Mrs. Qi had no choice but to stand in the middle of two people, one by one.

"Ah Yan, you are a big man. When you talk to the girl's family, can't you speak better? With your attitude, you should not find a daughter-in-law! White has a beautiful man's face

Mo Shuangshuang couldn't help laughing when she heard that Mrs. Qi was killing her grandson. Coco glared at her.

Mrs. Qi looked back at Mo Shuangshuang with a serious expression. "Shuangshuang girl, if you don't take good care of yourself, you will fall ill. Listen to grandma's words, lie at home these days, don't go anywhere, and don't think about asking for leave to deduct money. Money is something outside the body, and health is the most important thing. If you break down, no matter how much money you earn, it will be sent to the hospital. Grandma has lived at this age and has the most say on this topic. You are also a doctor. How can you not listen to the doctor when you become a patient? "

Mo Shuangshuang was speechless and kept her head down.

Seeing that her words worked, Mrs. Qi decided to take advantage of the victory: "besides, when ah Yan advised you just now, although his way of speaking was improper, his starting point was for your health. As a grandson, my mouth is hard and my heart is soft. I have no personality to say! How can you say he's a fake good Samaritan? "

"I..." Mo Shuangshuang looks up at coco guilt, in fact, she is also unintentional, may be used to bickering with coco, so blurted out. Now think about it, some should not.

"Yes I'm sorry Mo Shuangshuang sincerely apologized, "I shouldn't have said that to you just now."

Coco picked eyebrows, this girl would apologize. The old lady has a lot of skills!

"No It's OK. I'm used to it. If you don't hate me all day, I still feel sick! " Coco replied with a smile.

Mo Shuangshuang

Mrs. Qi looked at her smiling grandson pitifully. Well, it's her fault. It turns out that her grandson is a masochist.

"Well, make it up and it'll be OK." Mrs. Qi said, "I'm going to an old friend's wedding with your parents tomorrow. You two should take good care of yourself at home, but don't quarrel any more. Do you hear me?"

"Oh..." Two obediently should a, in the heart but all commit to mutter. No fighting? This seems to be a bit difficult

It's night. Mo Shuangshuang, who always has a good sleep quality, can't sleep.

I don't know it's Aunt Xue's bowl of beef noodles. It's too heavy to digest. Or is it because I can't sleep in another bed?

Didn't you sleep soundly on the tatami in coco single apartment yesterday? Then it should not be because of changing beds.

Well, it must be the bowl of beef noodles.

With a wound on his waist, he couldn't get out of bed at will, so he had to lie there and shut his eyes. The scene in the study just now flashed back in my mind.

Coco and her lips together, seems to want to continue to kiss her. If it hadn't been for the sudden rupture of the chair, would his tongue have come in?

What's a tongue kiss like? She had never experienced it.

Well It seems very enchanting to read the description in romantic novels. Men's hot tongues roll up women's soft and greasy tongues

Don't open your eyes, my God! What was she thinking?

How can fantasy and coco

No! That's not right! She must be in a funny way!Mo Shuangshuang urged his head hard twice, pulled the quilt, covered his head, and didn't dare to think about it again.

At the same time, in the next room, coco was lying on the bed with headphones in his ears and a lullaby in it.

Can put fast an hour, not only did not fall asleep, but more and more sober, constantly emerging in the brain of Mo Shuangshuang that healthy ruddy lips.

If it hadn't been for the hapless chair, he would have kissed her?

No, to be exact, he should have tasted her mouth.

How would she react if he caught her tongue?

Struggling to refuse, or embracing, or turning passivity into initiative?

The more coco thought about it, the heavier he breathed. Especially when he thought that when they fell together just now, the girl pressed on him, and the two soft balls in front of his chest were close to his chest. That kind of feeling, just thinking about it, made him want to move somewhere under his body.

Coco opens his eyes and stares at the tent under him. He even wants to die.

In the middle of the night, I miss women and think of myself as a lust.

What to do? Oh! What else can we do? Do it yourself and get enough food.

Is it difficult to run to the next room and find a real person to solve it?

"No double! You are the culprit Coco sped up the frequency of her hand as she scolded.

For a long time, after a puff, coco collapsed on the bed, and the whole world finally calmed down.

Early in the morning, in the restaurant.

When Aunt Xue came out with breakfast, she saw two national treasures with black eyes. She opened her mouth in surprise: "Oh, young master, Miss Mo, what's the matter with you two? Didn't sleep well at night? "

Coco: "well, I was worried that Emily would replace me in the cast to make up tomorrow, so I didn't sleep well."

Mo Shuangshuang: "I had a nightmare last night, so I didn't sleep well."

"What nightmare?" Aunt Xue asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!