Chapter 306

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong Leng Leng, ha ha dry smile twice, "Director Mao, I'm telling the truth. Last time I painted one painting a day, you said I was high-yield. Now, you painted two paintings a night. Isn't it super high-yield? "

Mao Yu mouth smile gradually expanded: "did not expect you in addition to design, but also joking."

Li Xintong mouth corner smoked to smoke, she felt that Mao Yu's smile looked specially twisted.

Fortunately, the elevator soon reached the floor where Li Xintong was, and she went out like a runaway.

Oh, shit! Recently, Mao Yu is a little bit wrong. How can he change the image of a cold boss and suddenly take the warm male route? It made her uncomfortable.

I feel chilly in the hot weather.

"Good morning, dear manager Li!" Just walked into the office, Ni Ziying didn't know where to jump out, which scared her a lot.

"What are you doing! I'm scared to death Li Xintong's little heart almost jumped out: "what's the name of manager Li? "Have fun with me?"

Ni Ziying always calls her by her first name and never calls her manager Li, which makes her very uncomfortable.

Ni Ziying solemnly said: "although we are good sisters, we should have some manners."

"Cut, don't play tricks!" Li Xintong chucked her with a smile, "hurry to work!"

"Yes, manager Li!" Ni Ziying squeezed her eyes playfully.

Li Xintong doesn't care about him. She goes straight to her office. She doesn't know why. She always feels that Ni Ziying is a little strange today. It seems that It's too much.

Entering the office, Li Xintong, as usual, put down her bag and wanted to make a pot of rose tea for herself.

Suddenly I saw a large stack of materials on my desk. When I opened it, it was all design materials. There are pictures, text materials, and even several CDs.

Li Xintong's eyes suddenly brightened, these things for her, it is too useful.

During this time, she was busy drawing design drawings, and had no time to collect materials at all.

All the materials she had collected had been used up. She was trying to find time to collect new material, but she had no time.

This Who collected these materials?

She walked out of the office quickly, and the colleagues in the design department were almost there, ready to start work.

Seeing Li Xintong come out, she lowers her head and pretends to work. Only Ni Ziying looks at her with a smile.

"Ziying, come here." Li Xintong waved to her.

Ni Ziying ran up to her and said, "manager Li, what can I do for you?"

Li Xintong Are you addicted to having fun?

Li Xintong pulled her to him and lowered her voice: "you collected the information on my desk?"

Ni Ziying nodded: "well. I have a share. "

Li Xintong picks eyebrows: "who else?"

Ni Ziying smiles mysteriously and nunuzui in the direction of the office area: "here, they want to make up for their mistakes. You Do you understand? "

Li Xintong was stunned for a long time before he finally responded, "do you mean Because of what happened last time, they... "

"Yes Ni Ziying turned to look at those embarrassed people, "they are sorry to apologize to you. I gave the idea. What about? Forgive them? "

This made Li Xintong really surprised. According to principle, the company's tongue is full of right and wrong, and once it's over, it's over. Few people will apologize seriously or even make up for their mistakes.

"Actually You don't have to. Let's have a meeting with our colleagues. It's good to have something to say. " To tell you the truth, she doesn't want to worry about it at all. Who's behind it?

Li Xintong's magnanimity made the rest of the people even more ashamed. The male colleague who first proposed an apology stood up and said, "manager Li, we know that no matter how pleasant the apology is, it's not as sincere as the actual action. Ziying said, "what you care most about is the press conference at the end of the month. We have collected some materials and hope to help you."

"Thank you very much. I I really don't know what to say. " Li Xintong thought: "well, in order to show my thanks, I'll be the host tonight and invite you to dinner."

As soon as Ni Ziying heard that she had something to eat, she immediately clapped her hands with exaggeration: "Wow, really? Great, I haven't had dinner together for a long time

"Manager Li, how can I treat you? We should invite you



"Let's invite you!"

"Let's invite you!"

Everyone responded.

"Don't argue with me after I ask you. Otherwise, the proposal for a dinner party will have to be abandoned. " Li Xintong half joked half threatened.

You look at me, I look at you, and then my eyes fell on Ni Ziying, indicating that she would speak on behalf of you.

"That..." Ni Ziying cleared her throat: "since manager Li is so polite, we will It's better to obey orders than to be respectful. "Poof! All people are in the heart of this unreliable woman.

Li Xintong: "OK, that's a deal. Let's have dinner after work tonight. I'm going to book a restaurant

After ordering the restaurant, Li Xintong went to Mao Yu's office.

After carefully reading his two design drawings, Li Xintong first fully affirmed them, and then tactfully put forward her own professional opinions.

Mao Yu is very modest to accept her advice, the two also on their respective design concepts for in-depth discussion.

In the process of discussion, Mao Yu increasingly felt that Li Xintong was a rare design genius with high professional quality. It was a pleasure to work with such a person.

They chatted happily, but they forgot the time. Li Xintong looked up and saw the clock on the wall, and immediately widened her eyes: "Wow, I've been chatting for so long! I should get back to work. "

Although Mao Yu still has some ideas, she also understands that staying in the office with her subordinates for too long is easy to be criticized: "OK, we'll talk about it next time."

"Good!" Li Xintong smiles at him and turns to leave.

But it was such a habitual smile that blinded Mao Yu's eyes

Li Xintong turned his head: "Director Mao, what else can I do for you?"

"That..." I don't know why, when I saw her beautiful clear eyes, Mao Yu, who was always quite confident, suddenly became a little timid. After a while, he said, "are you free in the evening? I want to invite you to dinner

This was the first time he took the initiative to invite a girl to dinner. He was a little nervous and seemed to be afraid that she would refuse. He added, "in order to thank you for your valuable advice."

Li Xintong laughed: "Director Mao, you don't have to be so polite. The days after that are still long. If you do this every time, won't you be eaten and bankrupt by me? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!