Chapter 310

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Disgusting sour smell quickly spread in the car, even sitting in the front row of abin are about to vomit.

But Bo Yanchen didn't care at all. He said calmly, "abin, stop the car."

The car stopped with a crack. Bo Yanchen quickly took off his dirty shirt, opened the window and threw it out.

After vomiting, Li Xintong slept more comfortably. She didn't vomit on her body, but there was still some vomit on her mouth.

"Bin, get the towel."

"Oh Holding his breath, abin resisted the impulse to cover his nose with his hands. He got out of the car and took a clean towel from the trunk. He wet it with mineral water and handed it to Bo Yanchen.

Abin really admired Bo Yanchen. He was vomited all over, but he didn't even frown.

After Bo Yanchen for so long, I know that my boss is addicted to cleanliness. God knows how he put up with it this time.

"Bo Shao, you What should I do? Why don't I go to the supermarket in front and buy you a dress to put on first? " Abin looking at his boss bare arm, really can't bear.

Bo Yanchen shook his head: "No. It's hot. It's not in the way. I'll be home in a minute While he said, he carefully wiped Li Xintong clean, while he casually wiped, and ordered abin to go back on the road.

When Li Xintong sleeps in a daze, she feels like she is soaking in the hot spring, with her hands swimming all over her body, rubbing her skin gently and rhythmically. When staying in a sensitive place, she can't help sighing comfortably.

After bathing in the hot spring, she felt that she was fished out, dried and put in a soft place similar to a bed. Then she felt that someone was kissing her face and lips.

She wanted to open her eyes very much, but she found that her eyelids were stuck by super glue, and she couldn't open them at all.

Gradually, around quiet down, Li Xintong turned over, soon fell asleep.

Bo Yanchen looked at the little wife lying on the bed, sighed and went to the bathroom.

After washing for several times and using a lot of shower gel, the sour smell was finally covered.

Walking out of the bathroom, it's almost 12 o'clock in the morning. Bo Yanchen takes the mobile phone on the head cabinet and dials a call.

The man on the other end of the phone didn't seem to be sleeping, so he quickly picked it up.

"Still up?" Bo Yanchen asked clearly.

"Well." Mao Yu didn't seem surprised at his call. "How's Li Xintong?"

"She's beside me, sleeping." Bo Yanchen said, "do you care about her?"

"She's my subordinate. When the Department gets drunk at dinner, it should show concern. " Mao Yu's explanation is far fetched, "she doesn't drink very well. I got drunk after a few drinks. "

"It's my fault. As a husband, I should tell my wife not to drink."

Bo Yanchen reproaches tone, Mao Yu listens to but suffer of tight, "when did you get married? Why don't you let me know? Let's be friends. At least we'll treat me to a wedding

"It's not long since I got the license." Bo Yanchen said, "when the wedding is officially held, you will be invited to attend. But in the meantime, please keep it a secret. "

"Confidential?" Mao Yu does not understand, "since is the legal husband and wife, why not open?"

"It's a decision made by our husband and wife. There's no need to explain it to others." Bo Yanchen cold voice, "with our friendship, I believe you will not talk about everywhere."

Mao Yu's face is stiff. It's obvious that Bo Yanchen's outsider is him.

"Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut." He still has this morality. Even if Bo Yanchen doesn't remind, he won't be like a gossipy woman with other people's privacy everywhere.

"Thank you." Bo Yanchen said, "but you don't need to keep it secret for long. It should be very soon, I will officially announce the wedding news


in the early morning, Li Xintong wakes up in the wake of a mobile phone alarm.

Headache, she remembered last night dinner, she only drank two glasses of red wine, then drunk unconscious.

Later, how did she come back?

The nightdress is neat, clean and even fragrant. Can't it be that you wash and change clothes when you are drunk?

Bo Yanchen is not in the room. He has the habit of running in the morning. He should have got up.

Li Xintong gets up, goes into the bathroom to wash, and goes downstairs after wearing. Bo Yanchen happens to come back from morning exercise with Xiao Yi. One big and the other small seem to be fished out of the water.

"Good morning, Yitong!" Li Xintong waved to Xiao Yi with a smile.

"Good morning, mom!" Small memory with see Li Xintong, gallop over, a head into her arms, a body of sweat are rubbed to her body.

Li Xintong I have to change my clothes again.

"Why don't you just hold your son and not me?" Bo Yanchen said.

Li Xintong She wanted to say, young master, how old is your son? How old are you? How do you mean to be jealous with your son?Bo Yanchen saw that she didn't act, so he just did it by himself. He put his little wife in his arms and picked up Xiao Yitong and carried her on his shoulder.

Xiaoyitong hasn't enjoyed it for a long time. It's the feeling of sitting on dad's shoulder. It's like flying.

"Wow! How high! Dad, that's very kind of you Xiaoyi with excited in Bo Yanchen's face Baji kiss a, action range is too big, almost fell down.

Scared Li Xintong screams, "be careful!"

"Nothing." Xiaoyi with a naughty tongue, "Mom, your courage is too small. Let me give you a kiss from the brave Finish saying, embrace Li Xintong's neck, also gave a kiss on her face.

"Mom, you also give dad a kiss, give him strength." In the same Dynasty, Xiao Yi squeezed Bo Yanchen's eyes.

Li Xintong She wanted to say, your father's strength is enough, do you still need to give it?

However, she couldn't bear to refuse her son's request.

Stand on tiptoe, lips slowly toward his well-defined Jun face together, just about to meet, Bo Yanchen suddenly turned his head, two people's lips together, issued a clear sound of Bo.

Li Xintong wants to escape in surprise, but Bo Yanchen holds the back of her head.

A kiss lasted more than ten seconds, ending in the voice of protest.

"Good! Dad, you fouled! I want my mother to kiss you, not you! "

Li Xintong blushed and twisted his arm: "my son is right. You fouled! What a nuisance

For his wife and children's complaints, Bo Yanchen turned a deaf ear, "well, it's late, let's hurry upstairs to take a bath and change clothes." , the fastest update of the webnovel!