Chapter 316

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Abin, drive!" At Bo Yanchen's command, the car started and drove away quickly.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Asked Li Xintong.

"What's the matter with me?" Bo Yanchen pretends.

"Open the window!" Li Xintong simply point to wear, "also intentionally cough, is to let Mao Yu see. Right? Don't think I can't see it. "

"Wife, you've become smart." Bo Yanchen holds forehead: "I do so, also be afraid that he does not believe."

"Cut!" Li Xintong is dismissive of his explanation.

"I can't help it. Who makes my wife so attractive. " Bo Yanchen twisted the tip of her little nose.

Mao Yu, Lu Fei If he doesn't care if he's strict, there will be a few enemies coming out of him.

"Oh In the side to endure a long time with small memories finally can't help, made a vomit posture, "Dad, you are too numb, don't when I don't exist, OK?"

Bo Yanchen glanced at his son with indifference, "you should think you don't exist."

Xiao Yitong: "I'm not sure." He received 10000 damage points.

Li Xintong hit her husband for a while, "you are so stupid! Be careful when talking to children. "

Just saying this, Bo Yanchen suddenly turned his head and looked at the back, "abin, what's the matter with the car behind?"

Abin looked in the rearview mirror: "Bo Shao, I just want to say that this car comes out of the company and follows our car. I don't know what I want to do? What do I need to do? Get rid of it? "

Li Xintong looked along his line of sight and saw a red car following him. The driver seemed to be a woman, wearing sunglasses and a hat, unable to see clearly.

"No. Let her follow us as if we didn't find out. " Bo Yanchen sneers, "I want to see, who is it?"

"Yes Abin continued to drive at a constant speed.

The car behind continues to follow, seems to feel undetected, more unscrupulous, the original distance, gradually shorten a lot.

"Ah Chen, what does this woman want to do?" Li Xintong some worry, "should not be to you?"

In fact, she wanted to say: it's not the peach blossom debt you caused, right?

Bo Yanchen frowned and did not answer. It's women that follow. They don't come for women.

He picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number: "help me check a car, the license plate is..."

Soon, the other party gave a reply, Bo Yanchen finished the phone, face a deep.

"Who is this woman?" Li Xintong realizes that Bo Yanchen must know the stalker.

"You don't know." Bo Yanchen light way.

Li Xintong was depressed. The more Bo Yanchen refused to tell her, the more curious she was, and even began to think about the relationship between that woman and Bo Yanchen.

See little wife silent, Bo Yanchen some can't bear heart: "this matter son you don't care, I will deal with."

What did Li Xintong want to say? He held back. She knows Bo Yanchen's temper. If he doesn't want to say something, it's useless to ask again.

Xiao Yitong looks up at his father and his mother. He is always good at observing words and colors. He does not dare to ask more questions. He leans quietly in Li Xintong's arms.

The atmosphere in the car was deadlocked for a moment.

Fortunately, there was no traffic jam on the road, and we soon arrived at the villa.

Bo Yanchen gets off at the door and asks abin to drive the car in first.

The red car stopped not far from the villa, the door opened, and a woman dressed in fashion came down with graceful steps towards Bo Yanchen, swaying.

Bo Yanchen put his hands in his pocket and looked at her approaching without expression.

When the woman came up to him, she took off her sunglasses and showed a charming smile: "high! Chen, see me how this facial expression? "

"Why are you following me?" Bo Yanchen's cold voice.

"How can I follow you?" Susanna didn't admit, "people just miss you. They just want to come to your house."

"Did I tell you where I live?" Bo Yanchen is not polite to open a way, "if you don't follow me, how can you find here?"

Susanna's face suddenly froze.

Since she was interviewed on TV and said those ambiguous words, Bo Yanchen has refused to answer her phone.

Today, she originally wanted to come to red to find Bo Yanchen. As soon as she arrived, she just saw Bo Yanchen's car going. Originally, she wanted to catch up with her, but unexpectedly she saw a woman sitting in it.

She didn't see Li Xintong's face clearly. She just felt familiar, so she wanted to follow and see what woman dared to seduce her beloved man.

Even if it was torn down, Susanna's thick skin certainly didn't feel embarrassed. She gave Bo Yanchen a bash: "Oh, ah Chen, you are so annoying. We are friends at least. Why don't you invite me in and have a seat? "

Bo Yanchen will block the body at the gate, "do not have to sit, my wife at home, inconvenient. If you have anything to do, just say it here. ""Wife?" Susanna almost fell down in surprise. "You Are you married? "


"When did it happen, you Why don't you tell me? " Susanna has a look of displeasure.

"When the wedding is held, it will be made public." Bo Yanchen's explanation is simple and perfect.

"Who is the bride? Can you introduce me? " Susanna is biting her lips. She wants to know what kind of woman she is. She can make Bo Yanchen so indifferent.

She thought that five years ago, after that woman disappeared, Bo Yanchen would not fall in love with anyone.

Oh! Men, it's all the same. How many of them are affectionate?

"I don't know. She's introverted and doesn't like to meet strangers. " Bo Yanchen said, "she also doesn't like me to have too much communication with other women. If you're OK, I'll go in. "

Susanna was stunned for a moment. What woman is so overbearing that she doesn't allow her husband to talk to other women? No one else.

Is Bo Yanchen so heavy taste, like shrew?

Bo Yanchen didn't give Susanna too much time to be dazed. She turned around and was about to enter the door.

"Ah Chen, wait!" Seeing that Bo Yanchen was about to enter the door, Susanna rushed to him and hugged him from behind.

Bo Yanchen immediately black face, pull open her hand: "what do you do?"

Susanna immediately stuck it like brown candy: "ah Chen, why did you get married so soon. I I've been waiting for you for so many years! Why don't you give me a chance? "

It's not the first time that she told Bo Yanchen that she had shown her love to him many times in the past few years. He even tried to deceive himself by pretending to be drunk.

Unfortunately, Bo Yanchen is like a wooden man, and has no response to her feelings.

It drives Susanna crazy.

Bo Yanchen broke off her hand and said coldly, "don't wait any longer. I told you, don't waste your time on me. My heart will always belong to one woman , the fastest update of the webnovel!