Chapter 322

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Yes, yes!" Xiao Cui continued to nod, "Mr. told, can't put random people in."

"Do you dare to say that you didn't let this crazy woman in today?" Qi Ma gave Xiao Cui a white look.

"It's not me." Xiao Cui wronged to see to Li Xintong, but can't say is Li Xintong orders to open the door.

Qi Ma is a smart person. She can understand immediately. Li Xintong doesn't speak all the time. She thinks she hasn't recovered from the chaos just now.

"Ma'am, sir is so excellent that it is common for women outside to miss him. But you don't have to care too much. I'm a passer-by, and I can see that my husband is devoted to you. "

"That's it," Cui added! I can see that you are the only one I love, sir. So it's no use for the women outside to jump again. "

Qi Ma and small Cui's words, Li Xintong didn't listen at all, eyes still straight Leng Leng looking at the front, don't reply.

The strange words Susan said just now haunted her mind. How could she know her former name.

And look at her appearance, obviously not recognize the wrong person. So, Susanna not only knows her, she seems to know her very well.

Especially her sentence: originally you returned home, but also changed your name.

But the problem is, in my memory, I have never been abroad!

No Was it the year she lost her memory?

Yes! In the last interview, Susanna said she had been abroad all these years.

It must have been five years ago that she went abroad and met Susanna. After returning home, what happened, so I lost my memory.

If it can be proved that she went abroad five years ago, then she must have been abroad. This can explain why her birth records can't be found in China.

In that case, everything can be explained.

Just now, my confused mind became clear bit by bit.

Now the first thing she has to do is to go to the relevant departments to check her exit records five years ago.

"Madame, Madame, what's the matter with you?" Qi Ma and Xiao Cui see that she has been silent, think she was scared by what happened just now, call her in unison, trying to call her soul back.

"It's OK. I'm going out Li Xintong suddenly stood up and startled them, thinking that she was stimulated.

"Ma'am, you can't go out! The gentleman said he would be back in a minute Two people block in front of her, this time, they certainly dare not let her go easily.

"Why did you call him back?" Li Xintong dissatisfied.

"No We didn't ask him to come back! " Qi Ma explained, "just now I reported to my husband on the phone. He said he would be back soon, and then hung up."

Li Xintong looked at her speechless, "I'm ok, and it's meaningless for him to come back. I'll call him and tell him not to come back. "

Finish saying, take out mobile phone to call Bo Yanchen, but his phone is in busy state all the time.

Li Xintong can't wait, while the two people don't pay attention, raise their feet to run out.

Small Cui hands and feet quickly, ran to block in front of her, "madam, you don't go!"

"Get out of the way! Do you hear me Li Xintong is angry.

Little Cui was worried. He knelt down and hugged Li Xintong's thigh. "Madam, please, you can't go! If you leave, sir, you will certainly open our meeting when you come back. "

Li Xintong's temple suddenly jumped twice, "Sir, I won't fire you for such a small matter. If he asks, you say, "I'm going out myself, it's none of your business."

Little Cui just doesn't listen and holds her thigh tightly.

Qi Ma ran to her and was about to kneel down.

Li Xintong quickly stopped her, "Qi Ma, what are you doing? Little Cui doesn't understand. How can you make a fool of yourself? "

"Ma'am, it's so hot that I can't get a taxi out here. I guess my husband will be back soon. If you want to go out, you don't have to be in a hurry. " Qi Ma's reason is obviously to the point.

Li Xintong sighed, just want to say what, mobile phone suddenly rang up, is Bo Yanchen called.

"Tongtong, I'll be home soon." Bo Yanchen's voice was a little anxious. "I already know about Susanna just now. You've been wronged."

Bo Yanchen said that, her heart felt much better. No matter how rogue the rival is, her husband's heart is always towards her.

"I'm fine. The community security has asked her to leave. " Li Xintong said, "in fact, you don't have to come back specially. It's working time now. It's not good for you to run home so suddenly. What if you are so busy and delay your work? "

"There's nothing that doesn't matter. No matter how important the work is, it's not as important as the wife! " Bo Yanchen responded aggressively, "you wait, I still have five minutes."

Li Xintong's heart is warm. Sometimes, sweet words do not have to exhaust gorgeous rhetoric, a simple sentence, can make people sweet to the heart.----

Bo Yanchen hung up and his eyes were dark.

He was in a meeting just now when he got a call from Qi ma.

Unexpectedly, after she said those words to Susanna yesterday, she not only didn't give up, but directly targeted his innocent little wife.

I don't know if that crazy woman just talked nonsense.

Five years ago, his little wife has forgotten all about it. What should he do if she brings it up again and scares his Tongtong?

He was so anxious and eager to return home that he left the people in the conference room and ran out.

Just now on the phone, listen to the voice, the little wife's state is still normal. But he did not dare to take it lightly.

After all, a woman's mind is sometimes hard to grasp. He must confirm the condition of his little wife in the shortest time. Otherwise, he would not be able to work at all.

"Drive fast and get home in five minutes." Bo Yanchen orders a bin sitting in the cab.

"Yes Abin answered and stepped on the accelerator.

Bo Yanchen picked up her mobile phone and dialed, "Wen Tao, help me to make an appointment with Susanna's agent and arrange an appointment as soon as possible I want to see her agent, not her! "

Abin's driving skills were not built. He arrived at his destination in less than five minutes.

Xiao Cui stood at the door and saw him get out of the car. He ran like a Savior: "Sir, you are back!"

See the reaction of small Cui, thin Yan Chen eyebrow tight Cu, "madam?"

"It's in there. Just now, my wife said that she would go out for everything. We advised her for a long time and finally stabilized her. I'm not sure. I'll wait for you. Qi Ma is there to persuade her. "

Bo Yanchen foresaw the seriousness of the situation, "did Susanna and his wife say something?"

"I didn't hear that. But that woman is fierce Little Cui said with a lingering fear, "when I poured out the water, I just saw her push my wife to the ground." , the fastest update of the webnovel!