Chapter 325

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Jingning looks sad: "these days, the whole family is in a panic, especially my mother. As soon as the doorbell rings, the whole family becomes nervous, for fear that the police will come to the door."

Li Xintong She wanted to say that Wu Meizi was so afraid of the police, but she didn't know her daughter was the police. Oh! It's a great irony.

Now I know I'm afraid. When I forced her to take the blame, I was very brave!

Bo Jingning raised his hand and looked at his watch: "wow. It's getting late. I have to go to work. I'll talk to you another day. Goodbye, sister Xintong

After waving goodbye to her, Li Xintong took a taxi home.

Like when she came out, she quietly opened the door and came back from the same road, but in the middle of climbing, she was stopped by the people below.

"My God! madam! What are you doing? Danger, come down Qi Ma's scream broke the silence of the afternoon.

Three black lines fell from Li Xintong's forehead. Er It was discovered.

A panic, a slip at the foot, almost fell down, fortunately hands in time to climb the fence outside the air conditioner.

The whole person was hanging in the air, and he didn't dare to jump down. He was very embarrassed and said, "help Help me down

Qi's mother was so scared that she didn't know what to do Ma'am, please hold on a little longer. Don't let go! I I'll get some help. "

With that, he yelled at the top of his voice: "Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui Come on! Save people... "

Xiao Cui rushed over like a gust of wind, "what's the matter, what's the matter? Qi Ma, what's the matter with you? "

"Not me, not me!" Qi Ma pointed upstairs, "it's madam..."

Xiao Cui looked in the direction of Qi Ma's fingers and turned pale with fright: "Mom! Madam What are you doing? Everything is easy to discuss. Don't let it get to you... "

Li Xintong's ears suddenly thundered. Does the girl think that she is stimulated by the Susanna incident and can't think of jumping off a building?

Please, if she really wants to commit suicide, she'll have to choose a higher building. Who would jump from the second floor?

Li Xintong's hands are hanging there, bearing the psychological fear that she may fall down anytime and anywhere. She is also made to laugh and cry by Xiao Cui's words.

It's so angry, funny and scared.

"Shut up! What are you yelling about? " Qi Ma a voice roars in the past, she calls this wench to come over, is to let her help, is not to let her ghost shout of, "madam is not to want to commit suicide.". Ma'am, this is Exercise

"Exercise?" Little Cui looks confused.

Although this is the most reasonable reason that Qi Ma thinks she can come up with in a short time, how can she feel very wonderful in Xiao Cui's ears?

"Oh! Don't ask so many questions. " Qi Ma impatiently pushed Xiao Cui out, "I'm here to watch, you move a ladder quickly."

She has to watch over here. In case Li Xintong can't hold on and fall down, she'll have this meat cushion.

Originally, she could get the ladder by herself, but she was worried that little Cui's fragile body was not reliable as a meat mat. Anyway, she is five big three thick, solid, if Li Xintong falls on her body, the safety factor is higher.

Cui quickly moved to the ladder, and Qi Ma two people work together to hang above Li Xintong saved down.

When they finally got back to the ground, they all seemed to be fished out of the water.

Little Cui looked at Li Xintong in shock: "madam, I beg you. Next time you exercise, can you choose a higher safety factor project. For example, swimming, running, rope skipping and so on. If you can't, you can do yoga! "

Isn't it good to be a quiet beauty?

Li Xintong's mouth corner smoked to smoke, this wench still really has no brain, people say what all believe.

But she can't be honest about the real reason why she climbed.

Qi's mother naturally knew it, so she interrupted: "Xiao Cui, do you understand the rules? Madam is the master, you are the girl. Whatever the lady does is her freedom. How can a girl teach a master what to do or not to do? Want to rebel? "

As soon as Qi Ma said this, Xiao Cui was so scared that she immediately bowed her head: "Xiao Cui doesn't dare. Sorry, madam. I didn't mean to educate you. I just It's just

"You're just worried about me, aren't you?" Li Xintong see her anxious don't know what to say, immediately took her topic, help her out.

Xiaocui nodded his head as touching as garlic: "well, well, I'm worried about you."

"I'm sorry I worried you." Li Xintong sincere tone, "not next time. Thank you for today. "

"It's up to you, ma'am. It's our duty to protect you. " Qi Ma said.

"That's it. If you get hurt, sir, you can't spare us. " Cui added.

Referring to Bo Yanchen, Li Xintong said: "Oh. By the way, don't tell Sir about it. He is busy with his work recently. Don't let him worry about small things. "

They nodded together: "mm-hmm, we understand."---

after returning to the company, Bo Yanchen continued to hold the meeting which had just been half opened.

By the time I got back to the office, it was already half past four in the afternoon.

Rui Wentao knocked on the door and came in: "Bo Shao, I have contacted Miss Susanna's agent Alan. He said he is free. Now he is in the reception room. Do you have time to see him?"

"Is there any other schedule for today?" Bo Yanchen asked.

"There's also a video conference at 6:30 in the evening." Rui Wentao replied.

"Well, let him in."


After Rui Wentao went out, a moment later, Allen came in.

"Mr. Bo, what can I do for you?" To see Bo Yanchen, Ellen's heart is also quite uneasy.

He wondered if Susanna had done something to offend Bo Yanchen without telling him.

Otherwise, how can bo Yanchen take the initiative to meet him?

But Rui Wentao told him that he was not allowed to tell Susanna about the appointment, and he couldn't ask Susanna.

Allen had no idea what medicine Bo Yanchen was selling in his gourd.

"How did Susanna arrange her trip to the west city this time?" Bo Yanchen asked.

Allen was surprised how Bo Yanchen cared about this. Could it be that Interested in his family, Susanna?

"Oh, yes. The company has not arranged specific stage design work for Susanna recently. During this period of time, she was just asked to do some interviews and variety shows. I want to be well-known in China first. In her spare time, she has been carefully preparing for your company's fashion show at the end of this month. " Ellen emphasized this point to win Bo Yanchen's favor.

"And then? What else are we going to do? " Bo Yanchen then asked.

"And then?" Ellen's heart a joy, Bo Yanchen really began to love Susanna, "from next month, she will return to his job.". We will officially receive some cases of large-scale fashion shows and large-scale parties. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!