Chapter 340

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Coco's face suddenly froze, "I Didn't I just say that? I just can't stand her arrogant face! "

Mo Shuangshuang looks at him suspiciously and always feels that his explanation is far fetched. Just as she was about to ask, the elevator jingled off.

When the top floor arrived, Yi Tong was standing at the door of the elevator, waiting anxiously.

Seeing that a group of people finally came, they rushed over and hugged Li Xintong's thigh, "Mom, why did you go so long?"

Li Xintong picked up her son: "sorry, baby, are you in a hurry?"

"Why? Auntie Shuangshuang, are you here? " Xiao Yitong stares at Mo Shuangshuang, "Wow! You Are you so beautiful just for my birthday party? "

Mo Shuangshuang's mouth drew. This child, think too much.

"Yes! Auntie Shuangshuang likes us the most. For your birthday, of course, she has to wear something special! " Li Xintong said.

Hear someone like himself, small memory with some shy in Li Xintong's arms rubbed rubbed, suddenly think of what like.

"That Auntie Shuangshuang, what are you going to give me? "

Mo Shuangshuang She didn't know today was Yitong's birthday. No one told her at all, OK?

Coco turned to the bodyguard behind him and winked: "ah hang, take out the gift."

Ah hang took out a big gift box like a juggler.

Coco took it and put it in front of xiaoyitong: "here, birthday present. Aunt Shuangshuang and I bought this for you

Mo Shuangshuang looks at coco in surprise, who winks at her.

Li Xintong looked at their little interaction, took the gift box and said, "what are you doing? Say thank you

Xiao Yi's face is encircled: "godfather, when are you so good with aunt Shuangshuang? Didn't you always fight before? "


Mo Shuangshuang

"It's not a fight, it's a fight." Li Xintong helped explain.

"Oh..." Xiao Yi feels that there is no difference between quarrel and bickering.

"Well, let's go in. Don't keep the guests waiting Li Xintong, holding Mo Shuangshuang in one hand and Xiao Yitong in the other, walked towards the banquet hall.

A hang pushes coco to follow behind, Bo Yanchen pulls the handle of wheelchair, "wait, I have a word to ask you."

Coco turns back in surprise, Bo Yanchen is looking at him meaningfully.

"Ah hang, you should avoid it." Coco said to the bodyguard.

"Yes Ah hang opened the safety door and went to the stairwell.

"Go ahead. What's the matter? " Asked coco.

"Didn't you say you couldn't come because you hurt your leg?"

"If my godfather doesn't attend my son's birthday, the child will be sad." Coco's answer seems impeccable.

Bo Yanchen sneered coldly, "you pay so much attention to the image, how are you willing to go out in a wheelchair? He said, "is it because you don't trust someone and are afraid that she will be bullied?"

Bo Yanchen did not name, just toward the direction of Mo Shuangshuang nuzui.

Coco swallowed, "you Where do you think you are? How can I not trust her? She is so fierce, who dares to bully? "

Bo Yanchen chuckled, "you've done so much for her, but you don't admit that you like others. Why bother? There is no need to cover up in front of brothers. If you like it, just say it in a big way. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. In this society, there are fewer and fewer good girls. If you miss it, you will regret it all your life. "

With that, he patted coco on the shoulder and walked straight ahead.

Bo Yanchen is not a man who likes to talk about his brother's feelings. It is rare for him to say so much.

Coco froze there, long aftertaste of his words.

The scale of the birthday party is not big, only invited a few good friends of Xiaoyi Tong kindergarten, and four adults. Jing Haoran accompanied Diana to the United States, while Qu Huaqing had an operation at Taiwan University, so he didn't show up. But the gift had already been sent.

In order to increase the atmosphere, Bo Yanchen also invited singing and dancing, performance, magic and other performing guests to celebrate the birthday party. It's also interspersed with fun games.

At the end of the birthday party is the time to open the presents.

First of all, there are books, toys and musical instruments

Then the gifts from the elders were opened.

Bo Yanchen and coco are actually LEGO toys.

Xiao Yitong: "I'm not sure." Although he likes LEGO toys, he doesn't have to give them to him every time, does he? Can it be something new?

Ah Men are lazy. They are lazy to think.

Looking at xiaoyitong's disappointed expression, Mo Shuangshuang points to the last beautiful gift box that hasn't been opened: "is this gift from Mom? Open it and have a look. Maybe there's a surprise! "

Small memory with a bright eyes, in a hurry to tear open the wrapping paper, open the gift box a look, inside is a set of clothes.Xiaoyitong feels strange. He has too many clothes to wear. Why did Li Xintong send him clothes?

"Wow! What a beautiful dress Mo Shuangshuang took the clothes and made a gesture on Xiao Yi Tong, "well, it's very suitable for you."

But strangely, there is no label on the clothes, so we can't see what brand it is.

Bo Yanchen raised his eyebrows: "Tongtong, this dress You didn't make it yourself, did you? "

Li Xintong smiles and nods: "well, thanks to the old sewing machine you gave me."

Bo Yanchen looked at her suspiciously: "when did you make this dress? Why don't I know at all? "

They work together every day and stay together at night. He knows exactly what she does.

And making a suit of clothes is not a matter of minutes.

"Well While you're asleep... " Li Xintong whispered.

Bo Yanchen No wonder she can't get up these days. She didn't sleep at night?

Bo Yanchen heart a tight, a pull Li Xintong's hand, as expected in her fingers saw a few red spots.

This dress is exquisitely made with embroidery on it. That's why I pricked my fingers.

Bo Yanchen fondly stroked these small wounds: "why do you do it yourself? You can design drawings for the company's master to do! They are more professional than you

"What Shifu did is different from what I did." Li Xintong said, "I think the clothes I made by myself are more meaningful for my son to wear."

Bo Yanchen stopped talking for a while.

She worked so hard to make her son wear the clothes made by her mother.

In her heart, knowing that Xiaoyi was not her own child, she was so kind to him.

How could she be so good? So kind?

Xiao Yitong took the warm clothes from Mo Shuangshuang and went to Li Xintong: "Mom, among all the gifts, I like your one best." Then he took Li Xintong's hand and blew gently toward the punctured place. "If you are injured, I'll blow for you, it won't hurt." , the fastest update of the webnovel!