Chapter 345

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Abin, why are you here?" The arrival of abin surprised Li Xintong. Shouldn't he be driving for Bo Yanchen?

"Madam, Bo Shao asked me to pick you up and young master Yitong to work."

"What about the others?" Asked Li Xintong.

"Bo Shao went to the airport early in the morning." Abin said.

"To the airport?" Li Xintong stares big eyes: "where does he fly?"

"Well He didn't say Abin said, "but it should be a temporary decision to go. I didn't hear from him last night."

Li Xintong's heart is cool.

He didn't even say hello in advance when he went far away. Is this still angry with her? Or didn't you think she was a real wife?

"Mom, let's go. We'll be late for work." Xiaoyitong's voice interrupted her thoughts.

Seeing that Li Xintong was a little out of her mind, Xiao Yitong continued: "Mom, don't worry. Dad's not a kid. He can't lose it. "

Li Xintong Where is she worried about this?

Out of the door of the villa, just about to get on the bus, Li Xintong suddenly caught a glimpse of the garbage can on the side of the road with the box sent by Bo xiurui. It should have been thrown out by Bo Yanchen last night.

Maybe it's still early, and the cleaning of the community hasn't had time to clean up.

Li Xintong rushed to move the box.

Xiaoyitong saw it and said, "Mom, you What's this for? " When did mom start picking up garbage?

"This is your birthday present." Li Xintong answers as she moves.

Xiaoyitong Since it's a birthday present, how can it be by the garbage can?

Abin see Li Xintong move hard, help to move the box into the villa.

"Open it up and have a look!" Li Xintong said.

Xiaoyitong To be honest, he didn't dare to open it. The box beside the garbage can must contain something special It's hard to say, isn't it?

Seeing that he didn't respond, Li Xintong opened the package and opened the lid. Inside was an advanced scooter.

"Whoa, whoa! Scooter! Great Xiaoyitong has been coveting this type of scooter for a long time, but Bo Yanchen says that he is still young and will buy it for him when he grows up. When he saw his little friends holding a car by themselves, he was both envious and helpless.

"Who sent it?" Xiaoyi asked excitedly. He felt that the person who gave this gift was just a worm in his stomach.

"Yes Your grandfather. " Li Xintong said.

Xiaoyi immediately threw away the scooter and ran away like a hot potato.

Li Xintong Just now, she clearly felt that xiaoyitong loved this gift very much. How did you scare away when you heard that it was from your grandfather?

After Li Xintong, xiaoyitong has already got into the car. Li Xintong also sat in.

"Yi Tong, what's the matter? Don't you like this gift? "

The little guy looked up at Li Xintong and shook his head.

"Since I like it. Why did you run away? " Li Xintong asked, there were tears in the little guy's eyes.

Li Xintong was startled: "don't cry! Baby. Tell mom, what's the matter with you? "

Xiaoyitong bowed his head and was silent for a long time before he said: "Dad Don't let me take His gift. "

Li Xintong Leng for a moment, she understands, small billion with the mouth of him, refers to Bo xiurui.

"Well How do you deal with your grandfather's gift in previous years? "

Xiaoyi sighed: "the gift has been disposed of by my father before it comes to me. Once I was very curious and wanted to open it secretly. As a result, I was scolded by my father and ignored me for several days. "

Li Xintong She finally understood why xiaoyitong had such a big reaction when she heard that the gift was from Bo xiurui.

She felt that Bo Yanchen's practice was actually a kind of harm to her children.

"Does your grandfather often give you things?" Asked Li Xintong.

"Well. Every Spring Festival, and my birthday, will send. However, my father didn't let me accept it, and I didn't want to make my father angry, so I never dare to accept anything from that person. Dad won't let When that man saw me, he wouldn't let me call him grandfather. Once, the man came to the kindergarten secretly to see me, and my father told me to transfer the next day When xiaoyitong mentions these past events, he seems to be in a very low mood.

Li Xintong sighed at the bottom of her heart. Why? Why should the next generation or even the third generation bear the grudges of the previous generation?

Bo Yanchen hates his father. Why should he force his son to hate him?

I'm sorry for myself?

"Mom, I'll tell you only one person about this. You have to keep it a secret. Besides, don't mention my grandfather in front of my father, or my father will be angry. " Xiaoyitong kindly reminds us.

Xiaoyitong's clever and sensible let Li Xintong feel distressed, "how do you know that person is your grandfather? Did your father tell you that? ""No, Dad never told me about my grandfather. I heard Dad and uncle Ji talking Xiaoyitong said, "it seems that Grandpa didn't want grandma and dad before, so My father is very angry and refuses to forgive my grandfather. "

What the child said is very simple, but he has given a general picture of what happened in those years.

It turns out that Xiaoyi knows all about it. How can he understand such a complex adult world when he is young?

Yi Tong's mother also left him, not him. I don't know if Bo Yanchen taught his children to hate his mother.

However, she could not directly ask Yi Tong about these words. But look at Yi Tong so sunny, should not learn to hate it?

It can be seen that Yi Tong didn't accept Bo xiurui's gift because of fear rather than hatred. To put it bluntly, I'm afraid Bo Yanchen will be angry.

"Mom, that gift must be disposed of before dad comes back." Xiaoyitong suddenly said, "otherwise dad would be angry."

Li Xintong Is the image of Bo Yanchen in children's mind often angry? This image is not good!

"Ah That scooter is really beautiful. " Xiaoyi sighed.

Li Xintong fondly touched his head, "if you like, mom will buy you one."

"Really!" Xiaoyi stood up from his position and almost hit the top of the car.

Li Xintong put him on the seat: "of course, it's true. When did mom cheat you?"

"Ouye! Long live mom Xiaoyi embraces Li Xintong's neck and kisses her face several times.

Just now, the little guy with a sad face immediately became lively. Looking at the child's innocent smile, Li Xintong's mouth showed a happy smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!