Chapter 352

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
This voice So familiar, it seems It sounds like coco.

As soon as the idea came to mind, Mo Shuangshuang suddenly opened his eyes, got up from the bed and rushed out of the door, even ignoring the shoes.

Sure enough, I saw coco lying on the ground, holding his feet and curling up in pain.

Mo Shuangshuang ran over and squatted down to check his injury: "you What's the matter with you? "

"When you walk No Watch out for a fall. It's ok Help Help me up... " Coco's face turned white in pain, and he couldn't even finish his words.

"You're in such a pain that you say it's OK." Mo Shuang said while helping him.

"Pain Pain Slow down

Mo Shuangshuang just moved, he cried in pain, scared her not to touch him again.

"Oh, ah Yan, what's the matter with you?" Just when she didn't know what to do, Mrs. Qi came out of nowhere.

Coco was so painful that he didn't even have the strength to answer.

"He fell by accident." Mo Shuangshuang answered for her, "it seems very serious. I have to send it to the hospital immediately."

"Where can I get to the hospital in time?" Mrs. Qi said, "Dr. Lu is here today. Let him have a look first."

Dr. Lu is a family doctor of the Weng family. He has rich clinical experience. After checking for coco, he was initially diagnosed as osteoschisis. That's where the last fracture healed, and it split again.

When Mo Shuangshuang asked what kind of drug treatment he needed, Dr. Lu shook his head and said only one word: support!

Mo Shuangshuang asked how long it would take to recover, while Dr. Lu stretched out two fingers: two months.

Get it! She can't leave this time, and she has to continue to serve the master.

However, don't know why, Mo Shuangshuang heart rises a kind of inexplicable excitement. Even she felt a little surprised and even a little unkind.

Her foot was hurt again, but she was stealing music there. If coco knows, I think it's hard to kill her.

"Who is usually in charge of young master Weng?" Dr. Lu asked suddenly.

"It's me." Don't stand up.

Dr. Lu looked at her: "young master Weng's old injury recurred this time. It's very aggressive. We must take good care of it. When you take care of him, you must be very careful... " Dr. Lu told us what we should pay attention to in our daily life, covering all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

Mo Shuangshuang nodded as he listened. She felt that, as a doctor, Dr. Lu was too professional.

Mrs. Qi looked at her grandson heartily, "how old are you. Why wrestle all the time? Last time I said you were weak, you still don't admit it! Don't say anything, and continue to eat pig's feet tomorrow! "

In front of Coco's eyes, ten thousand grass mud horses gallop by.

Is it a matter of his strength? Who in the world gave this bad idea?

Old lady Qi turned and took Mo Shuangshuang's hand: "Shuangshuang wench. I'm so sorry to bother you to take care of Ayan again. Originally, he was almost all right, but now Ah... "

Mo Shuangshuang shook his head: "it's OK. I should take care of him. No trouble

Coco took a deep look at her and didn't speak.

Aunt Qin went to see Dr. Lu off. Mrs. Qi said she was tired and went back to her room to sleep. Only Mo Shuangshuang and coco were left in the room.

Coco is sitting on the edge of the bed, Mo Shuangshuang is standing nearby, both of them are silent, the atmosphere becomes a little strange for a moment.

"You can't leave again. You must be very disappointed." Coco tangled for a long time, the export was actually this sentence, after that, even he wanted to slap himself in the face.

Unexpectedly, Mo Shuangshuang didn't blow his hair. Instead, he gently shook his head: "there's nothing disappointing. I promise to wait until you get better. I will do what I say. "

"But you didn't cause the injury this time." Coco said, "you don't have the obligation to take care of me anymore." Although he wanted Mo Shuangshuang to stay, he didn't want to use the method suggested by Mrs. Qi. It makes him feel that it's unfair.

"Well, you're right. I'm not doing my duty this time." Mo Shuangshuang said, "I'm willing to stay and take care of you."

"What did you say?" Coco thought that he had heard wrong, with surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

Mo Shuangshuang was stunned by his hot eyes. She realized that what she had just said was not right, and quickly corrected: "I mean, you helped me so much before. I should take care of you. "

Her words were like a basin of cold water, pouring down from the inside to the outside.

"I've always been a philanthropist, and I never need anything in return." Coco cold sound.

Mo Shuangshuang Why is this man so awkward all of a sudden? Wasn't he very cool before?

She does not want to do too much entanglement with him on this issue, "it's late, you should rest." Then he took his legs to bed and laid them flat. "Lie down. Dr. Lu just said, "you need enough sleep."Coco:“……”

"I'm next door. Just call me if you need anything. Good night Mo Shuangshuang waved to him and went out.

At the moment when she disappeared at the door, coco was stunned to see her bare feet. After a while, he slowly raised his lips.


after returning to the villa, Li Xintong took a bath and climbed to bed.

Time is still early, not sleepy, thinking that Bo Yanchen should have arrived at M country at this moment, so he picked up his mobile phone and dialed his phone.

Strangely enough, the phone is always off.

Li Xintong's brows are frowning. Hasn't he got off the plane yet?

Unable to get through Bo Yanchen's phone, she called Mo Shuangshuang again, but no one answered.

Li Xintong threw her mobile phone on the bedside table and slammed it on the bed.

Bo Yanchen is not there, neither is Yi Tong. Qi Ma and Xiao Cui live on the first floor. She lives alone on the second floor. It's so cold and quiet.

She was a little afraid. She got up and checked the door lock several times to make sure the lock was in good condition before she went back to bed.

After tossing and turning for half a night, I finally fell asleep.

"Ah Chen can't marry another woman! I am her wife Li Xintong cried, holding the man's arm and shaking, "Shaoqian, you are lying to me! Right? "

"Tong Tong, I didn't cheat you. It's true." Shaoqian took out a wedding invitation and handed it to Li Xintong. "You see, they even sent out the invitation. They kept it from you."

Li Xintong took the invitation and opened it. The first page was a wedding photo.

The bridegroom's suit is stiff, and the handsome face of common indignation is not bo Yanchen. Who else would it be?

The bride is gracefully dressed, but the face is not her own. This woman looks familiar. She wants to look closer, but she can't see clearly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!