Chapter 365

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong was completely defeated by this self righteous man, "Bo Yanchen, don't be so narcissistic, OK? At that time, I had no choice but to marry you. Do I have any other choice? I've been besieged. I dare not offend you again! "

Li Xintong said very really, but listen to in Bo Yanchen's ear but particularly harsh, "afraid to offend me? Oh! If you don't promise to marry me, I will take revenge on you? It turns out that in your eyes, I am such a miserable scum man. "

I'll go! What understanding ability does this man have?

"No, you misunderstood!" Li Xintong busily explained, "how can you be a scum man? You are a good man who helped me when I was most helpless. I thank you for being too late! It's just You just said that I fell in love with you at first sight. This is really not! I don't want to lie to you. You think, ah, I was in such a bad mood at that time, how could I be in the mood to think about those romantic things? Right? "

After her explanation, Bo Yanchen's face looked a little better.

Love is a wonderful thing. Must be in the right time, meet the right person, can wipe out the spark of love.

Five years ago, she fell in love with him at first sight. Five years later, when they met again, she didn't remember him at all.

People are still him and her, but time and circumstances are different. If she must be asked to fall in love with him at first sight again, it seems to be a bit hard.

"Did you fall in love with me after you married me and spent some time with me?" Since you can't fall in love at first sight, it's OK to fall in love over time.

Li Xintong was stunned, did not expect that Bo Yanchen would ask so directly.

She has studied this problem for a long time, but has never come to a conclusion.

For love, she is a very rational person, does not believe in the so-called love at first sight. Even if it's a matter of time, it's impossible to fall in love with someone in just a few months.

Take Bo Jingxuan for example. It took her a whole year to observe and test before she decided to associate with him. And we have been in contact for three years, and we have never been deviant.

If we say that the combination of her and Bo Yanchen is forced by the pressure of survival, but she can't understand the matter of having a relationship with him. If the first time, is forced by his strong and superb provocative skills, but after countless times, she also felt happy, even willing to take the initiative.

In principle, she should not be such a free woman!

Is it really because Unconsciously already fell in love with Bo Yanchen?

At the time of marriage, she had warned herself more than once that they were contractual marriage and could not indulge their feelings. But now, even she can't tell whether her feelings for Bo Yanchen are love or not.

Is this the so-called Murphy's law?

"Well I really don't know! " Li Xintong can only answer like this.

Bo Yanchen hot eyes inch by inch cool down, "then wait until you think about it.". It's late. Go to bed. "

Li Xintong felt the displeasure in his tone, "that Don't you sleep? "

"I have something else to do!" Bo Yanchen continued his cold voice.

"Oh." Li Xintong should a, alone toward the room. Before she reached the door of her room, she heard a thud behind her. Turning around, Bo Yanchen has disappeared, and the door of the study is closed.

Li Xintong He Seems to be angry, very angry!

After returning to the room, Li Xintong was lying on the bed, sleepless.

Did she fall in love with Bo Yanchen?

If you don't love him, then he's on a business trip for two days, she should be very happy and carefree! However, these two days, she is in irritability, restlessness, missing, depressed, guess spent, three consecutive nights of insomnia, people seem to be thin.

If it wasn't for her passport, she would almost fly to m country to find him.

At the moment when he came back, she was so happy that she wanted to rush into his arms and feel the broad mind and the faint smell of tobacco on him.

If you don't love him, why are you jealous and angry when you see other women salivating over him. Even for his mysterious first love, which has long been the past, are you envious?

When I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard someone's footsteps coming down the stairs. It was very clear in the silent night.

What's he doing downstairs? Is it hungry to go to the kitchen to find food?

But he can't cook anything except instant noodles.

At this time, Qi Ma and Xiao Cui are both sleeping. Forget it, it's better for her to help him make supper.

As soon as Li Xintong opened the door, he heard the sound of the car engine in the garage. He ran to the window and saw Bo Yanchen's car driving away from the gate.

Li Xintong stood there, with water vapor in his eyes. It turns out that he's not hungry, he's gone!


Mo Shuangshuang woke up with a splitting headache. She reached for her mobile phone on the bedside table and fished it out. It was only two o'clock in the morning when I went. Her sleep quality has been very good. She usually sleeps until dawn. Why did she suddenly wake up now?It's still early. Mo Shuangshuang yawns a lot and wants to go to sleep. Suddenly, her hand touched a heat source. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and saw a person lying next to her. She was so scared that she screamed.

When she saw that the man was coco, she was relieved and kicked him: "Hey, why are you in my bed?"

Coco was sleeping soundly when he was awakened by the sudden movement: "what's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Why are you in my bed?" I asked Don't have a good airway.

"Oh. Last night, you were drunk and crazy. You took me to make trouble in the middle of the night. I was so upset by you that I didn't know when to fall asleep. "

Coco's words are too easy to be misunderstood. Don't be surprised: "I'm holding you? Really? What did I do to you? Tell me about it. "

"Last night, you were drunk unconscious in the restaurant. After helping you to go back to your room, you suddenly woke up and asked for a drink. If I didn't let you go, you just held me. They not only beat me, scolded me, but also bit me. " Coco pointed to a clear line of teeth on his arm. "You see, this is your masterpiece. Don't you think you've lost your impression? "

Mo Shuangshuang Is she really that terrible when she's drunk? But Why can't she remember anything?

The problem is, there should be no false teeth marks. my god! What did she do?

"Yes I'm sorry. Yesterday I drank a fragment Mo Shuangshuang looked at him apologetically, "I don't know what I did. If anything offends you, I apologize to you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!