Chapter 371

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Go downstairs, quietly, it seems that Qi Ma and Xiao Cui have not got up.

Li Xintong goes into the kitchen and plans to cook a breakfast for Bo Yanchen. Since her marriage, she has been eating ready-made food every day and feels like a parasite.

What can we do? When you open the refrigerator, you can find all the ingredients in it.

She didn't cook for a long time, but she didn't do it by hand. Soon, a symphony of pots and pans was sung in the kitchen.

At six o'clock, Qi Ma got up on time and walked into the kitchen. She was so surprised that she almost dropped her chin: "ouch, husband Why do you get up so early, madam? "

Li Xintong turned to smile at her: "Qi Ma, good morning!"

"Madame Good morning Good morning Qi Ma looked at Li Xintong, who was rolling the dumpling skin, and almost choked, "are you making breakfast?"

"Well. Today I got up early and had nothing to do, so I wanted to make breakfast Li Xintong decided to please Bo Yanchen as much as possible during this period. As the saying goes, if you want to catch a man's heart, you must first catch his stomach.

"Ma'am, that's impossible!" Qi Ma grabbed Li Xintong's rolling pin, "how can you do this kind of rough work? If I'm seen by my husband, I'll be fired! "

Li Xintong smiles at Qi Ma: "don't worry, he won't fire you. You say, "I cooked it for him."

Qi Ma immediately turned her worries into happiness: "madam, you are so virtuous! Nowadays, there are several rich wives who are willing to cook for their husbands

"Ma Qi, you are exaggerating." Li Xintong smiles.

"Yes? That's the truth Qi Ma said while helping Li Xintong, "of course, you are virtuous on the one hand, and more importantly, you have a good relationship with your husband. Now, how many young people like you respect each other? "

Li Xintong laughed awkwardly: "Oh? Is that right? "

Do they have a good relationship? Didn't you fight the other day? She doesn't believe that Xiao Cui didn't tell Qi Ma secretly.

Qi Ma nodded: "it's true! Today's young couples are all after 8090. They are usually spoiled by their parents, and most of them are self-centered. Married, a quarrel, no one is willing to let who, divorce is like a joke. Even people of our generation, let alone divorced, don't dare to quarrel loudly, just for fear of neighbors' jokes. It is said that getting along with husband and wife is a science. However, in my opinion, it is not difficult to learn this subject well. "

Li Xintong stopped her work and looked at her with great interest. "Qi Ma, share your experience quickly, and let me learn from the post-90s."

Qi Ma was happy, "madam, you are joking. I have no experience! It can only be regarded as an experience at most. "

"Then tell me about your experience." Li Xintong said.

Qi Ma's eyes suddenly darkened, "my wife has been dead for more than three years..."

"Sorry, I don't know." Li Xintong apologized.

But Qi Ma shook her head: "it's OK. I've already recovered. He died of illness. It took him two years. When he left, everyone in his family was psychologically prepared. " After a pause, she continued, "he and I are from the same village. We have known each other since we were young. People in the countryside get married early. They get married at the age of 20. When I first got married, I was too young to avoid quarreling. But we never quarreled and lost our temper for more than two days. It's been like this for 30 years! "

"Wow! Thirty years! How did you do it! " Li Xintong sighed.

If she insists on it for five or ten years, she still believes it. But thirty years! How is that possible? Don't they all say there's a seven-year itch?

"Because we have a magic weapon!" Qi Ma smiles mysteriously.

"What magic weapon?" Li Xintong is more curious.

Qi Ma slowly said: "we have a verbal agreement before marriage, that is: after a quarrel, there must be no cold war. If one side takes the initiative to speak, the other side can't hold it. "

"Oh, that's it!" Li Xintong nodded, "that What if neither of them wants to speak first? "

"It won't!" Qi Ma said, "because we agreed that if one party spoke first this time, then next time, it must be the other party who spoke first."

Li Xintong laughed: "it sounds very fair!"

"Yes Qi Ma also laughed, "after marriage, we always strictly abide by this agreement. Although we are not as young as we are now, we often talk about love and love. He didn't even say that he likes me. However, we respect each other and support each other. We have been together through ups and downs for 30 years and have been very happy. "

Qi Ma's face can not hide the attachment, bitter with sweet memories.

Li Xintong was lost in thought.

During the cold war, Bo Yanchen opened her mouth first, but she refused to forgive him and deliberately said something that hurt his heart.

She suddenly felt that she should not, and even some Do it!

"Ma'am, ma'am..." Qi Ma looked at her for a long time and couldn't help calling her twice.

Li Xintong came back and said, "thank you, Ma Qi! Listening to you is better than reading for ten years! "Qi Ma was flattered: "madam, you are serious. Oh, you see, I'm patronizing you. It's almost time. Let's hurry up. In a moment, my husband should get up. "

Li Xintong nodded and lowered her head to get busy.

Bo Yanchen wakes up and looks at the time. It's seven o'clock.

At this point, he should have come back for exercise. I overslept today.

I must have come back too late last night. I drank wine and indulged twice. My physical strength was overdrawn seriously.

He suddenly laughed at himself, it seems that he is not Superman, just a mortal.

Since the accident five years ago, he has lost all his passions except work. Even work for several days without sleep, still full of energy.

This is a kind of morbid state and a manifestation of overdraft of life. The family doctor even warned him that if this continues, he may die young.

Since Li Xintong came back, he slowly returned to normal life.

In Jing Haoran's words: since Tong Tong came back, you began to live like a person.

Although the words are vulgar, they are not.

If there is no Tong Tong in his life, then he will live as a walking corpse, and there is no difference between death.

"Tong Tong!" Bo Yanchen got up and rushed downstairs without washing.

Before I got to the restaurant, I smelled a familiar and long lost fragrance, which It's not

With an unbelievable expression on his face, he quickened his pace and walked towards the restaurant.

Li Xintong is coming out of the kitchen with a plate of steaming dumplings. He sees Bo Yanchen standing there, and his feet suddenly say, "you Are you awake? Are you hungry? Come and have breakfast. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!