Chapter 373

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Originally, Bo Yanchen thought that after treating his little wife like that last night, the next day, even if she would not show her face to him, the cold war was inevitable.

To her surprise, she not only spoke to him, but also got up early to make breakfast for him, and even reviewed herself.

This really makes Bo Yanchen a little flattered. Ming Ming was a little wild cat with fried hair last night. How did he change into a docile and considerate little sheep today?

Is this a big change?

"Are you really not angry?" Bo Yanchen asked again.

"What's so angry about?" Li Xintong stopped chewing and pulled the corners of her lips. "Women are often angry and easy to get old and ugly. I don't want to feel bad about myself. "

Her reply deliberately avoided yesterday's unpleasant scene, so as not to make everyone in a bad mood.

Bo Yanchen naturally understands that the little wife's ice snow is smart, and women are going to turn the page. As a man, he should not tangle on this issue.

"My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world!" He won't miss any chance to praise his wife's appearance.

I was praised repeatedly in the early morning. This man's mouth is too sweet today! Li Xintong's face a red, "hurry to eat, to be late for work."

"Wait a minute." Bo Yanchen suddenly stood up and walked around the table to her side.

Li Xintong looked up at him: "what's the matter?"

Bo Yanchen doesn't answer either. He clasps her head and kisses her lips.

Li Xintong

Just as she was stiff and didn't know how to respond to his kiss, Bo Yanchen let her go.

"You have dumpling skin on the corner of your mouth. Don't waste it." Bo Yanchen chewed and winked at her vaguely.

Li Xintong's face is red. If there's something on the corner of your mouth, just tell her. Why do you come all the way to help me eat?

Bo Yanchen looked at her silly and shy appearance, his heart moved, and he couldn't help but bow his head and kiss her again.

This is a real kiss, he kisses very gently, with her lips rolling sucking.

Li Xintong raises her head and bears his kiss. She can't help but put her hand around his neck and slightly opens her lips to welcome him.

The little wife's initiative surprised him. Just as he wanted to deepen the kiss, Qi Ma just came out of the kitchen with soy sauce. Seeing this scene, his face turned red and he was in an awkward dilemma.

Li Xintong heard the voice and immediately pushed him away.

Bo Yanchen has a black face. It's not the right time for the light bulb to come.

Aware of the master's displeasure, Qi Ma's heart clattered. She wanted to say that she didn't mean to peek, she just came out to make soy sauce, oh, no, to send soy sauce!

Bo Yanchen light cough two, "soy sauce brought?"

"Well, here it is." Qi Ma came over and trembled and poured the soy sauce into the small dish. Because she was nervous, she almost spilled some.

See Li Xintong embarrassed cancer almost committed, can't help but look up and stare at Bo Yanchen.

As if nothing had happened, the man put out his tongue and licked his lips, picked his eyebrows, and made a very satisfied expression.

This hint is too obvious, Li Xintong just back down the blush and climbed up the cheek, she will face turned, no longer look at him.

A breakfast is very ambiguous.

Around 7:45, abin came to pick them up on time.

The press conference will officially start tomorrow, and today is the final rehearsal. Bo Yanchen with Li Xintong, went directly to the venue.

On the way, Li Xintong still couldn't help being curious, "that Did you invite Peter Lee back when you went to country m? "

"Well, he should be at the meeting by now." Bo Yanchen said.

Li Xintong's surprise is beyond words: "Wow! you are awesome! You can handle such a difficult person! "

"It's all small things. It's nothing." Bo Yanchen said lightly.

"What about Diana and Haoran?" Li Xintong can't help gossiping.

"Peter has no objection on the surface, but he is still in the test period of observation."

"Really? That's good! " Li Xintong breathed a sigh of relief for the couple, "eh? Didn't you say that Peter Lee had been adamant against them being together? Why did you agree so soon? I'm very curious. What method did Haoran use to deal with such a difficult parent? "

Bo Yanchen sneered: "it's me." He won't give this credit to others easily, otherwise his daughter-in-law will think how powerful other men are!

"Ah? So it's you! " Li Xintong is more surprised, "can you tell me the story?"

Looking at his little wife's thirst for knowledge and admiration, Bo Yanchen suddenly burst into self-confidence and coughed. He told Li Xintong about his experience in M country these days.

Li Xintong listened silently and said nothing. Until Bo Yanchen finished, he was still silent."Tong Tong, Tong Tong!" Bo Yanchen pushed her twice, "what's the matter? I'm done

He thought that even if she did not praise his negotiation and communication skills, she would always express her feelings.

But she didn't say anything and didn't look very well.

Bo Yanchen was a little worried and put his hand on her forehead: "what's the matter? Is it uncomfortable? "

Li Xintong pulled down his hand, dignified expression with a bit of anger: "didn't I tell you? Don't drink so much! Why don't you just listen? "

Bo Yanchen Leng for a while, originally she is angry this, "Tong Tong, you don't worry, I'm ok, not drunk at all."

"Do you think that if you don't get drunk, there will be no damage to your body?" Li Xintong asked impolitely, "your stomach is not good, you can drink two Jin of Baijiu, do you want to die?" In the past, you had gastric bleeding because of drinking. What's the matter? Well, scar, forget the pain? "

Bo Yanchen was stunned. This It was five years ago. How could she I remind of it?

At that time, his career had just started, he was busy with work, and he often had no fixed time to eat. As time passed, he suffered from stomach disease. In addition, in order to receive more orders, it is inevitable to drink too much when entertaining customers. In a drunken, leading to gastric bleeding, almost out of life.

I remember that time, Li Xintong cried like a tearful person beside his hospital bed, and insisted that he promise never to drink more in the future.

He swore, he promised, and over the years, he did. Usually, they don't drink at all. They can push social activities. When they meet customers who can't push them off, they only drink a few drinks with them.

However, it happened that Bo Yanchen was a man who valued friendship more than anything else. Jing Haoran is a good friend of his own, and he runs about for his own business. How can he sit back and ignore him?

That day, he did drink a little more, but he was not drunk. , the fastest update of the webnovel!