Chapter 388

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"She's over ninety years old, isn't she?" Peter Lee asked, "is your body still strong?"

"Well, I just had my ninetieth birthday and I'm in good health. Thank you for your concern! "

For the old man who once resolutely opposed to being with his beloved woman, he can still face it calmly and express his greetings and concern. Coco thinks that Peter Li's character is really good.

Peter Lee's eyebrows.

Why did the young man who was still fierce suddenly make a 180 degree turn in his attitude?

Just now, he thought coco came to trouble him because of his grandmother's fainting.

"She must be very disappointed with me, isn't she? I feel like I've failed. " Peter Li laughs at himself. "She's probably very glad that she opposed me and Wanzhi at the beginning."

Coco couldn't laugh, "no! She regrets it

"Regret?" Peter Lee can't understand, "what do you mean?"

"Because All the letters you wrote to my grandmother were intercepted by my grandmother. " Coco word by word.

"What!" Peter Lee couldn't believe his ears. "She How could she do that? "

No wonder he wrote so many letters that they all went to hell. He always thought that Qi Wanzhi had changed her mind and didn't reply to them on purpose!

It was the old lady who did it!

So he wronged Qi Wanzhi? Ah! Just now, he said so many things that hurt her. What a shame!!

Thinking of this, he would like to smack himself a few big mouths.

He almost did it, but when he hit his face with the palm of his hand, he suddenly stopped, raised his eyes and looked at coco like something: "what's the matter with the wedding invitation that Wanzhi received? I swear I didn't send it! "

"You don't have to swear. I believe you. " Coco looked at him sympathetically, "because my mother-in-law did it, too. She had your handwriting forged... "

"What! She How could she do that! " Peter Lee couldn't calm down any more. He turned around angrily and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Coco, stop him.

"I'll go to her and ask her why? Why use such despicable means to break up Wanzhi and me Peter Lee's voice was shaking violently. His eyes were red, as if fire was coming out of it the next second.

"You ask her what she can change?" Coco said, "she told us that it was all her fault, that she broke you up by disgraceful means, but she did it just to keep her only daughter by her side. Poor parents! Although I don't agree with her practice, I still understand her original intention. Over the years, she kept this secret and suffered from the torment of her conscience. She said, "I'll apologize to you both in person!"

"Oh! I'd better not apologize! I can't stand it Peter Li sneered, "she's just suffering from her conscience, but what about me and Wanzhi? It is the double suffering of body and mind. If I hadn't devoted myself to my career, I would not have lived long ago. Even if alive, it's a walking corpse! Can she feel this feeling? She wants to keep her daughter by her side. Don't you know that I want Wanzhi to stay by my side more? She doesn't want Wanzhi to go to m country with me. She can discuss it with me. I'll stay! In order to Wanzhi, give up studying abroad, give up my ideal, even give up the whole world, what is it? How could she How can you do that? It's not enough to break us up. We misunderstood each other and even resented each other for half a century. "

Peter Lee choked and couldn't go on. He leaned feebly against the door and covered his face with his hands. He was dying in agony and despair.

His Wan Zhi has been waiting for a year in China, but he has no news. Must he be very worried? How desperate she should be when she received that so-called wedding invitation! Must have even the heart to die?

How did she pull herself together later? Have you lived in resentment for 50 years?

Looking at Peter Li's tearful and sad appearance, Coco's heart is not easy, "Mr. Peter, this matter is really my mother-in-law's improper, I apologize for her. Please see that she is already a 90 year old, and is willing to clarify the truth of that year. For your sake, forgive her? "

Peter Lee suddenly looked up and wiped a tear: "excuse me? Oh! Do you think it's possible? For the sake of her ninety years old, I won't go to her. Lest I bully the old man! However, you go back and tell her that I won't accept her apology! Besides, it's none of your business, and you don't have to apologize! "

Coco:“……” He's not going to persuade Peter Lee any more. Just think about it. If it happened to him, he might be even more angry. He might rush to question the culprit regardless of the obstruction. By contrast, Peter Lee's reaction has been very gentlemanly.

"And there's one more thing I want to ask you!" Coco said."Say it

"My grandmother was just out of danger and she was very weak. The doctor said she could not be stimulated any more. We plan to tell her about it later. So, please also... "

"I know that. I know it if you don't say it." Peter Li said, "in a word, I won't appear in front of her these days. You should be relieved, right?"

"Well, thank you!" Coco is very pleased with Peter Lee's profound understanding. Also began to understand why grandma would love him so much.

"But I have a request, too!" Peter said suddenly.

Coco clattered, just praised him, how did he immediately ask for it? "Well? What is it? "

"I want to see your grandfather! That's Wanzhi's Husband When Peter Lee said this, his tone was full of jealousy.

Even coco could smell the strong vinegar, and his mouth twitched violently, "do you want to see my grandfather? This I'm afraid not? "

Peter Li looked at his face and said, "what? I have promised you not to go to Wanzhi. Why don't you even agree to this request? I promise I won't argue with your grandfather. I'm just asking him a few questions. What are you afraid of? "

"I'm not afraid!" Coco can't laugh or cry. After brewing for a long time, he said, "I'm afraid of you!"

"What do you mean? What am I afraid of? Is your grandfather that good? " Peter Lee was at a loss. This young man was very smart just now. Why is he so hesitant now? And say something out of tune. Is he afraid? He has never been afraid of anyone except Qi Wanzhi when he was in love?

Of course, the fear of Qi Wanzhi is an expression of love.

"My grandfather is not very good. He is just an ordinary man. It's a pity that he He's dead. Are you sure you want to see him? " Coco word by word.

Peter Li was stunned for a long time before he recovered, "what do you say? Is Wanzhi's husband gone , the fastest update of the webnovel!