Chapter 395

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Just walked down the steps, Bo Yanchen's car drove over, Li Xintong quickly opened the door and sat in.

Bo Yanchen sat there, holding xiaoyitong who had fallen asleep and smiling at her.

"It's been a long time, isn't it?" Asked Li Xintong.

"No. My son was tired and fell asleep as soon as he got on the bus. " Bo Yanchen said.

"It's said that he ate less and exercised a lot in the training. It's hard for him." Li Xintong touched his son's head painfully.

"A boy, it's good for him to suffer a little bit properly!" Bo Yanchen light way.

Li Xintong nodded and agreed.

With soft music playing in the car and dim street lights on the street, Li Xintong can't help yawning.

Bo Yanchen saw immediately, "how? Tired? "

"Well. A little bit. " Xu is busy all day, a little tired, she intends to close her eyes to rest.

Bo Yanchen suddenly held her hand, "tonight's rehearsal is very successful, wife, it's hard for you."

"You are the hardest!" Li Xintong said.

She is only responsible for a piece of work, and Bo Yanchen is responsible for all aspects of the whole conference.

Internally, it is necessary to lead all departments, and externally, it is necessary to communicate and coordinate.

Take Peter Lee for example. He needs to invite him in person.

"I should work hard." Bo Yanchen said, "I'm the boss of the company!"

"I'm still an employee of the company!" Li Xintong said.

Bo Yanchen laughed, "everyone is very hard! After the press conference, I will reward you for what you have done. What do you want? "

Li Xintong blinked: "ah? Can rewards be chosen by themselves? "

Bo Yanchen smiles at her: "I allow you to choose by yourself! Anything I can do. "

Li Xintong's little brain turned around, suddenly had an idea, "I want to travel abroad."

Bo Yanchen asked: "well, that's a good idea! I'll go with you where I want to go. "

"Country m!" Li Xintong said only two words.

Although she heard Bo Yanchen on the phone last time that she wanted to take her to m country to find Dr. Qin after the press conference, her plan could not keep up with the change. She thinks that double insurance is more reliable.

"Country m?" Bo Yanchen frowned and looked at Li Xintong suspiciously.

Why did she suddenly want to travel to m country? What do you think of?

"Have you ever been to country m?" Bo Yanchen asked.

Li Xintong clapped, ha! ask while knowing the answer!

"No, no!" Li Xintong lied, "I don't have a passport, how can I go abroad?"

"You don't have a passport?" Bo Yanchen asked this sentence to remember that the passport was handled before she lost her memory, and it was in the name of Min Tongtong. So she hasn't been abroad since she lost her memory?

"Yes Li Xintong said, "but I went to apply for my passport last week. I can get it in a few days

"Why do you suddenly want to get a passport?" Bo Yanchen's Mou Guang became more surprised.

"Oh, this one! In fact, I always have plans to travel abroad, but I used to be busy studying, and then I'm in jail. So the plan has been shelved. Now that life is getting on the right track, I think it's time to put the plan of traveling abroad on the agenda. " Li Xintong feels that she can make up stories more and more.

Bo Yanchen listened, feeling bad, holding Li Xintong's hand tightly: "I promise you, after the press conference, I will take you to m country. In addition, if you like to travel, the three of us will often go there in the future. "

"Well. Good Li Xintong opened a sweet smile like a child.

"By the way, have you figured out what to do about that? Today, coco and Peter Lee are very excited. I'm worried about... " Li Xintong said.

"Don't worry, they are both in good shape tonight." Bo Yanchen said, "if you don't worry, I'll call ah Yan later."


after coming out of the rehearsal, coco didn't go home and went directly to the hospital.

In the ward, Qi Wanzhi has woken up and Coco's mother accompanies her.

Qi Wanzhi's face was not good, her eyes were red and swollen, obviously she had just cried.

"How are you feeling, grandma? Are you still dizzy? " Coco asked cautiously.

Qi Wanzhi didn't even look at him as if she didn't hear him.

Coco wants to continue to ask, but his mother stops him and signals him to go out first.

Coco obediently left the ward, and his mother quickly followed him out. They stood in the corridor talking.

"Mom, what's going on?" Asked coco.

The mother sighed, "your grandmother already knows all about it!"

Coco's heart sank. Although he knew it would not be long, he still hoped that the later his grandmother knew, the better."How did grandma know? She told her, didn't she Coco was a little angry, "didn't you tell her not to tell Grandma?"

"It wasn't your mother-in-law who said it." The mother said, "your grandmother woke up and asked herself."

"Ah? How could that be? " Coco's unbelievable expression.

"What's so strange about that?" The mother said, "mother and daughter are connected. Although your mother-in-law didn't say it, her expression has betrayed herself. Your grandmother is so smart. She can connect the events of that year and find out the flaws immediately. Then three coaxes two deceit, in your mother-in-law belly's words all gave to cover

"What's grandma's reaction to that?" Coco can already guess that grandma must have been furious at that time.

"Why don't you ask? Of course, I'm very angry! " The mother said, "I got angry with your mother and drove her away. And then I cried, and no one cared. "

Coco sighed. He could understand grandma's behavior. If it had been him, he would have been more angry. The most intimate person, because of self-interest, ruined her life-long happiness. Can she be free from anger, pain and despair?

But after all, she is 90 years old. Coco is still worried about her health

"I almost cried, but I didn't feel bad. The doctor checked her and sent her to the next ward to have a rest."

Coco breathed a sigh of relief: "grandma, did she say she wanted to see Peter Lee?"

Mother shook her head: "No."

Coco picking eyebrows, this It seems strange.

"I talked to Peter Lee just now. He Let me let you know. " Coco didn't know how to organize the wording, "he I'm going to take grandma away! "

"To go? What do you mean The mother's face was blank, "where to take it?"

"Take me to m country to settle down." Coco said, "he's going to have another conversation with Grandma!"

"Dream!" Coco's mother was angry. "Is this old man crazy? He How can such unreasonable demands be made? If your grandmother goes to m country to settle down, what will our family do? Your father was the first to disagree! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!