Chapter 401

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Sitting in the first row, Tong Yu was shocked.

She couldn't help but ask the person sitting next to her: "Hello, Director Mao, I remember that there was no such arrangement for the wedding dress display during the rehearsal, right? Is this a temporary decision? How come I haven't heard a word? "

Mao Yu's face is gloomy, and he is not in the mood to answer Tong Yu's question.

When Li Xintong appeared on the catwalk in his wedding dress, he admitted that he was amazed.

Li Xintong usually goes to work with light make-up, even sometimes plain face, but she is still beautiful.

Now after being deliberately dressed, it's amazing.

He thought that Li Xintong's coming to the stage was a special link set by the planning group to let the designers perform their own works, so there was no doubt.

But when the host announced that the bridegroom came on stage, it was Bo Yanchen who went up. Mao Yu was completely shocked.

"Is this the curtain call of the chairman and the designer? No, the press conference is not over yet. Isn't there a children's clothing exhibition at the back? " Tong Yu said for a long time, but Mao Yu still didn't respond. He just reached out and pushed him, "Hey, what are you doing! You are talking

"What's the noise? How do I know? " Mao Yu didn't have a good way, "don't you know if you look down?"

Tong Yu sneered coldly.

What happened to this man today? Did you take the gun medicine? Black face is black face, moody, no wonder no one loves!

In the middle of the stage, Li Xintong watched as Bo Yanchen picked up the red jewelry box on the table and opened it.

Two dazzling wedding rings appear in front of us.

Bo Yanchen takes out the ring. The dazzling extra large diamond on it almost blinds Li Xintong's eyes. She stares at Bo Yanchen pulling her slender hand and putting the ring on her ring finger.

It's not big or small. It's the right size.

I have imagined many times that I would go into the marriage hall with my favorite person, or hold a western wedding in the church, or hold a traditional Chinese wedding in the banquet hall of the hotel.

The scene of swearing in front of witnesses, relatives and friends, and exchanging rings with each other.

But she never dreamed that she would wear a wedding ring for her on the T-stage one day, witnessed by the host and all the audience.

This feeling is really strange and special Sour!

See she is still Leng there, Bo Yanchen reminds a way: "wife, turn you."

"Wife" two words of Li Xintong PA, from the memories back to reality.

"Well? What? " Li Xintong has not fully recovered.

"Put them on for me." Bo Yanchen turned to the man ring lying alone in the box.

Li Xintong finally responded this time, hesitated for a moment, or picked up the male ring.

Although she didn't know what medicine Bo Yanchen designed the play and sold in hululi, she knew that Bo Yanchen had an important purpose in doing so. So, she has to cooperate with him.

When the ring was worn on Bo Yanchen's ring finger, Li Xintong saw a shining light from his eyes.

It was a look of excitement, joy, gratification and love.

"Tong Tong, I love you!" Bo Yanchen suddenly said a, in Li Xintong has not reaction come over, he has bowed his head to kiss her.

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

Although most people thought it was just acting, they were mostly moved by the realism of the performance.

Tong Yu stares big frightened eyes, "I go! What's the matter with the chairman? What a kiss! Or borrow? It must be an excuse, isn't it

If really close words, that Li Xintong later in red is not embarrassed to die?

"Why are you so excited? What's the matter with Zhenqin? " Wang Zhenghuan, sitting beside Mao Yu, sneers.

"What's the matter?" Tong Yu looked at Wang Zhenghuan like an idiot, "vice president Wang, I don't think you know the situation, do you? The chairman kisses an employee in full view of the public, which How bad is the effect, you don't know? "

Wang Zhenghuan continued to sneer: "I think it's you who can't figure out the situation! Do you think Li Xintong is just an ordinary employee? "

Tong Yu was stunned: "you What do you mean

Wang Zhenghuan returned her attention to the mentally retarded eyes, saying that she was too lazy to talk to such a low IQ woman.

Mao Yu looks at a pair of men and women on the stage who kiss foolishly, and the inner heaven and man are fighting. Are you sitting here watching the woman you like being kissed by another man, or are you leaving in anger to express your dissatisfaction?

Just as he was struggling, the lights on the scene suddenly turned on, illuminating the whole conference hall.

Bo Yanchen also released Li Xintong at this time.

The little woman's cheeks were red, her eyes were misty, her lips were red, and she looked very attractive.Bo Yanchen really wants to bully her if it's not because she's on stage and her movements are too big.

"Now let's invite our bridegroom, Bo Yanchen, chairman of red group, to speak! Welcome The host went to Bo Yanchen and handed him the microphone.

Thunderous applause broke out again.

Bo Yanchen took the microphone and said, "welcome to the red autumn fashion show. We must have thought that the ceremony just now was a performance part of the press conference, or that it was just a gimmick of the organizer.

However, what I want to tell you is that it's not a show, it's true! "

There was a sigh under the stage. Some of you don't understand Bo Yanchen's meaning.

Xu had long expected that everyone would have such a reaction. Bo Yanchen took Li Xintong's hand and said, "next, I'd like to introduce the lady around me. She is my wife Li Xintong! At the same time, she is also the designer of this wedding dress. "

It's boiling under the stage.

People who don't know Li Xintong feel that Bo Yanchen is too romantic and creative. He can even think of such an ingenious idea. Following the current popularity of reality TV stars, he has made a reality TV show on T channel.

It not only achieved the purpose of promoting new products, but also showed great love in front of so many people. It's killing two birds with one stone, double harvest of career and love, big winner of life!

Red's employees are completely confused.

Oh, shit! The big boss is too hidden. You kept it from them for so long? What's the secret marriage?

Unmarried male colleagues beat their chests and feet one after another, and finally got a single girl paper. They wanted to catch up with each other. Now ha-ha! I'm afraid I don't even dare to commit adultery.

Unmarried female colleagues are heartbroken, the company's largest diamond Wang Laowu, unexpectedly married, a bolt from the blue! , the fastest update of the webnovel!