Chapter 412

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Mo Shuangshuang's brain is dizzy and his body is crisp and numb. The original voice of resistance has unconsciously become an ambiguous voice.

Her reaction, let Coco's courage more up, simply push her coat all up, aiming at the attractive scenery bow kiss down.

"Well Mo Shuangshuang's body couldn't help bowing, and he said incoherently, "don't Don't do like that! We Can't Let go of me

"Don't you say I dislike your figure? Isn't that a disgust? Well

Coco took a vicious bite at the soft ball. Mo Shuangshuang screamed immediately.

"No, no, no!" Mo Shuangshuang begged for mercy, "let me go, OK?"

"No! I'm not satisfied yet Coco wants to scare her. He slides his hand into the bottom of her skirt. His fingertips hook the edge of her small inner part and pull it down.

"Ah! What are you doing? Stop it Mo Shuangshuang shouts in fright.

"I don't think so!" Coco evil spirit ground smile, "just now you are angry, don't want me to do this to you?"

"I I didn't! You let me go Mo Shuangshuang cried quickly. She swore that she didn't mean it.

Coco squints his eyes and looks at the little woman under him. The moonlight shines on her white and red skin through the window, full of attractive light.

At this time, she was naked, because of tension, her chest was up and down, and her whole body was full of the smell of crime.

Coco's Adam's apple rolled for a while, trying to suppress the wild animal that was about to run out of control in his heart. "We are already girlfriends and girlfriends. It's natural to do anything."

With a slap, he deliberately opened his belt buckle.

Mo Shuangshuang heard the voice and looked down. He was so scared that his tongue was almost tied, "no No, it's too fast No! You fasten the belt quickly

"What kind of progress do you think is not fast?" Coco asked patiently.

Mo Shuangshuang swallowed: "I think Let's take it step by step This is more reliable. From Start hand in hand

"Hand in hand?" Coco laughed. "We've been kissing so many times. Don't you think it's too childish to hold hands?"

"Well Then you can only kiss. " This is the biggest concession that Mo Shuangshuang can make. "We can't do anything else at this stage."

Coco laughed. Actually, he wanted to develop with Mo Shuangshuang. Just now, he just scared her, "well, I promise you. Only kissing at this stage. "

"Mm-hmm!" Mo Shuangshuang nodded as if he were pounding garlic. He looked very cute.

Coco couldn't help but bow his head and kiss her lips. He got up from her: "well, I won't make trouble with you, otherwise..."

The voice did not fall, just listen to a tear.

They were stunned and looked down. The original buckle of coco caught Mo shuangshuangshuang's skirt. And because coco got up too fast, the skirt was torn and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

"What to do? What shall we do? " Mo Shuangshuang's voice is crying. How can she go back?

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid Coco comforted, "I have a blanket in my car. You can wrap it up later."

Mo Shuangshuang Coming home in a blanket, it's It seems too wonderful.

How to explain when you meet your parents?

Just when she didn't know what to do, a beam of strong light came suddenly, which made them unable to open their eyes.

Coco put up a shed and squinted to see a truck parked in front of him with a modified high beam.

Coco honked the horn to signal that the car should be changed to low beam. But the other driver turned a deaf ear, instead opened the door down and ran towards them quickly.

Coco immediately alert, from the storage box to take out a self-defense baton, "Shuangshuang, buckle the clothes."

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Shuangshuang screamed, "my God! That It's like my dad! "

"Ah?" Coco's stick slipped. "How did your dad get out?"

"I don't know!" Mo Shuangshuang panicked and buckled his clothes. "It's estimated that my father didn't come back after seeing me for so long. He worried about me and came out to look for it! It's over! I'm dead! "

"It's not that serious, is it?" Coco doesn't understand, "doesn't your father let you fall in love?"

"No! Ah! You don't understand... "

Speaking, Mo Fu has come to Coco's car. Take a flashlight and look inside.

Coco was afraid to shake Mo Shuangshuang's eyes, and immediately rolled down the window. Mo Fu saw the scene in the car, and his face turned black.

"Dad! Why are you here? " Don't double your head.

"If I don't come, are you going to spend the night here?" Mo Fu's cold voice, all eyes fall on Coco's still open belt buckle.

"No, Dad, it's not what you think." Mo Shuangshuang tried to explain, "we just...""Shut up! I have eyes, I can see! " Mo Fu's face is very blue.

They are in ragged clothes and in the wilderness. If it's not what he thought, it's really a ghost!

Don't double flat mouth, particularly aggrieved appearance. See coco a burst of heartache, "uncle, you really misunderstood! We just... "

"Uncle? ha-ha! Don't be so intimate. Do I know you? " Mo Fu's sharp eyes stare at coco and immediately shut him up.

Mo's father ignored coco and turned to Mo Shuangshuang and said, "get out of the car immediately and go back with me!"

"Dad, his name is Weng Yan. He's my boyfriend." Mo Shuangshuang thinks it is necessary to introduce coco to his father first, and then make further explanation.

"What? "Boyfriends?" Mo Fu's eyes were cool again. "Have you made a boyfriend with my consent?"

Mo Shuangshuang

"Oh! That's great! You are good at it now! You can't tell me if you have a boyfriend secretly! " Mo Fu severely rebuked, "do you still have my father in your eyes?"

"Dad, it's not like that! I just agreed to associate with him. It's too late to tell you! "

I don't know that such an explanation is even more unacceptable to Mo Fu.

"What did you say? As soon as you started dating, you Can you do such a thing? " Mo Fu Qi's voice was shaking, "you You don't know how to love yourself

Father has been very doting on her, never said such a serious thing, Mo Shuangshuang could not help but red eyes, "Dad! You How can you say that to me? "

Coco looked at her sad look, heartbroken, "that Uncle, we really didn't do anything. Just now, my belt buckle caught Shuangshuang's skirt... "

"You don't have to explain!" Mo Fu didn't believe coco at all.

A big man, with a coquettish face than a woman, dressed in nondescript clothes and driving a coquettish sports car, was not a serious person at first sight, "no matter what you just did. In a word, I won't agree with you , the fastest update of the webnovel!