Chapter 417

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong is biting his lips to prevent the ambiguous sound from spilling out between his lips and teeth.

"Well? Not yet? OK, I'll continue to demonstrate. " With that, Bo Yanchen lowered his head and took a bite on the other soft one.

"Well! they hurt! Please Take it easy Li Xintong finally couldn't bear it and asked for mercy.

But Bo Yanchen didn't plan to let him go easily. His lips and tongue gradually invaded downward. "Have you learned?"

"Well! Learn I learned it Wave after wave of pleasure to Li Xintong torture almost crazy.

Bo Yanchen stopped and said, "good. Now that I've learned it, I'll give you a demonstration."

Li Xintong

This The scale is too big. Isn't that a challenge to her shame?

Bo Yanchen hooked sexy thin lips, "good! Come and kiss me

Li Xintong looked at him and bit his lip slowly: "this is Is it a threat? "

He just laughs: "to threaten you, is it more direct to knock you down?"

Li Xintong's corner of the mouth smoked, the back leans against the sofa also has no way back, "but you are now let me beat you!"

Bo Yanchen picked up her eyebrows, with a bad smile in her eyes: "you mean, it's very difficult for you, so it's easier to accept it than to let me directly beat you down?"

Li Xintong frowned: "that's not what I mean! It doesn't matter if I beat you or you beat me! I'm going to work soon. I'm sure I'll be late when you're done

Bo Yanchen raised his hand and looked at his watch. "Half an hour is enough."

Then he lay flat on the sofa, and put her in a straddle position on him, "go ahead, like I did just now."

Li Xintong looked down at the man's looming chest muscles and swallowed, "if I don't do well, don't have any opinions!"

"Well. Come on. I promise not to squeak Bo Yanchen waited patiently for a minute, and the woman untied his buttons.

Li Xintong's palm is full of sweat. What's worse, Bo Yanchen stares at her all the way, making her feel about to spontaneous combustion.

"You You close your eyes. Otherwise I can't go on. "

He looked at her playfully, "it's OK. It's the first time. Just get used to it. Come on

Before Li Xintong's eyes, ten thousand grass mud horses galloped by. Nima, is there a cheer for such a thing?

Fortunately, Bo Yanchen is not too inhuman. With these words, he closed his eyes cooperatively.

Not being watched, Li Xintong's courage is much bigger. She leans down and kisses the man's lips.

Her lips were cold and mechanically rubbed.

Bo Yanchen closed her eyes and lay there quietly, feeling her active kiss, without further action.

Li Xintong learns the way Bo Yanchen used to kiss her. After licking on his lip, the tip of his tongue goes in.

She seldom takes the initiative, especially in such a situation and atmosphere, her mind is blank.

After the tip of the tongue entered his mouth, he didn't know what to do. There was a stir in it.

Just a few seconds later, a big hand appeared on the back of her head, and the kiss became passive.

Bo Yanchen kisses eagerly. She closes her eyes and allows herself to drown in the heavy breathing of the man.

At the end of the kiss, she realized that her clothes had been stripped almost.

"Let's go to bed. It's too narrow and uncomfortable." Bo Yanchen pinched her chin, with a smile in her eyes, raised her head and gave her a kiss on her lips.

Seeing that she didn't object, Bo Yanchen's hand clasped her waist, got up, held her and walked towards the bedroom.

In the morning, the servants went shopping. There is no one in the villa, so you don't have to suppress your feelings.

Two people have no scruples, put very open, mood is also very high.

The big bed is more comfortable than the sofa. I don't know how many times. Two people roll to roll, a few rounds down, Li Xintong whole body was wet with sweat.

She was lying on the bed, her hair was scattered, her head was in the pillow, and she had no strength at all.

Bo Yanchen came out after taking a bath and saw that she was still lying there. He called her twice, but there was no response.

He frowned and went over, with his fingers to open the hair hanging on her small face, found that the little wife fell asleep.

Bo Yanchen had no choice but to smile, bowed his head to kiss her side face, covered the thin quilt for her, and turned to leave the room.

When Bo Yanchen came to the company, his working hours had naturally passed for more than an hour.

The boss was late for work, and the employees couldn't believe their eyes.

What makes them even more unbelievable is that Li Xintong, an excellent employee who has been on full attendance since she joined the company, didn't come to work.

Is After the big boss announced the wedding news, is he ready to let his wife be a full-time wife?

"Why? What's the matter with Xintong today? Don't you come to work yet? " Ni Ziying has been looking at her watch for the nth time."Hello, Ziying, why do you call manager Li by his name again? It seems that you said yesterday that you will call her the chairman's wife in the future. " Colleague a joked.

Ni Ziying cut, "I teased her yesterday. Really every day in the office, the chairman's wife is long and the chairman's wife is short. I guess she'll go crazy! So, I think it's better to get along as well as before. Don't deliberately change anything, or it will be awkward to get along with each other! "

"Yes Colleague B agreed, "yesterday we just played a little joke, she was in a hurry. After a while, she'll come. You should be more natural. Don't make fun of her any more

"Ah Colleague C said, "I'm afraid we don't have a chance to joke in the future!"

"What do you mean?" Asked Ni Ziying.

"Isn't that obvious?" Colleague C replied, "look, what time is it? The chairman of the board has been at work for a long time, but manager Li hasn't come yet. What does it mean? It means that the chairman will not let his daughter-in-law go to work in the future. To be a full-time wife at home! "

"Ah? Is it true or not? " Ni Ziying does not believe, "if the chairman wants his daughter-in-law to be a full-time wife, why not at first?"

"Then ask the chairman?" Colleague C shrugged, "maybe manager Li has been a full-time wife at home before. Later, for the sake of her husband's company, especially this press conference, she volunteered to work in the company, hiding her true identity. Now that the press conference is over, people will naturally have to go back to being a full-time wife. "

"It's the same as the truth!" Ni Ziying curled her lips, disdaining the statement of colleague C, "I always don't think Xintong is someone who will be a full-time wife."

"No? What's wrong with being a full-time wife? " Colleague C asked, "I don't have to do anything. I dress beautifully every day. It's better than our design department. I'm as tired as a dog every day. "

"That's the difference between us and her." Ni Ziying said, "we just take design as a job to support our family. Every day we want to finish the work quickly. Xintong regards design as a hobby and pursuit. Every time she designs a satisfactory work, she will feel extremely happy physically and mentally. Even if she is tired, she will also feel happy. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!