Chapter 426

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Coco nodded approvingly: "well, you're right. You have to keep it from me. Grandma, she's an old woman who wants me to marry Shuangshuang. If she knows about it, she'll be mad! "

Li Xintong looked at the worried coco in the mirror, "don't worry too much. I always feel that Shuangshuang's father is not unreasonable. There is still room for maneuver. "

Coco nodded. "Well, I hope that's what you want!"


when Li Xintong appeared in the banquet hall in a dazzling red evening dress, she attracted countless eyes.

If it's not white and beautiful, how can a woman dare to try it easily?

Only a beautiful woman with outstanding temperament like Li Xintong can show her bright beauty incisively and vividly.

Even the models who are famous for their figure and appearance are afraid of being compared by her. At the moment of her appearance, she deliberately uses her graceful body to block the sight of the man who is talking with her.

Naturally, Li Xintong didn't notice this. She swept around the field and didn't see the person she was looking for or other colleagues in the design department. Instead, she saw Rui Wentao standing by the door.

"Madame, are you here?" Rui Wentao also saw Li Xintong and came respectfully to say hello.

"Hello, Ritchie!" Li Xintong smiles and nods, "hasn't the chairman come yet?"

"The chairman has just finished the meeting. Now he should be on his way." Rui Wentao replied, "otherwise, you go in first."

Li Xintong looked at the floor, a faint smile: "there are too many people here, some stuffy, I went out to wait for the chairman."

Rui Wentao knew that she didn't like such occasions. "Why don't I go with you?"

"No more." Knowing that he was not at ease, Li Xintong explained, "I'll go out alone to get some air, and I won't go far."

Out of the banquet hall, she walked along the corridor and went out through the side door. As she passed the stairwell, she heard an ambiguous sound coming from it.

Looking through the window, I saw a man pressing a hot woman on the wall to kiss.

The woman's body is close to the man's chest, and the clothes on the chest have been crumpled by the man, revealing most of the attractive scenery.

The man clasped the back of the woman's head with one hand, and the other hand went into the bottom of the woman's skirt.

The light was a little dim, and her eyesight was not good enough to see their faces clearly.

Li Xintong's whole body temperature rises suddenly.

I'm going to How hungry are people today? In such a place where people come and go No one else.

She's afraid that she's going to see the needle again. She immediately turns around and leaves, but her mobile phone rings at this moment. It's Bo Yanchen.

The sudden sound of music reverberated in the corridor, and it did not surprise a pair of passionate men and women in the stairwell.

"Who is it?" As the voice of a low unhappy man came out, the door of the stairwell opened.

Li Xintong also simply did not run, anyway, she did not mean to eavesdrop. Blame some people for letting themselves go.

However, when she saw the man coming out of it, she was surprised that the bus almost fell down, "Jing Less scenery

"Sister in law, why are you here?" Jing Haoran was blushing and embarrassed.

"I I want to go out and get some air. I'm just passing by. " Li Xintong swears that he did not lie, "that Why are you alone, Diana? "

She was not sure if the woman who had just been pressed on the wall was Diana, so she had to say so to avoid embarrassment.

"Nana, she..." Just as Jing Haoran wanted to answer, the door of the stairwell creaked and opened again.

From the inside out a head, palm big face is full of red halo, "Hi! Miss Li, we meet again It's not Diana. Who else would it be?

Compared with Jing Haoran, Diana seems more calm.

There was no embarrassment or shyness on his face. He said hello to Li Xintong generously. It seems that there was no intimacy with Jing Haoran just now.

"You Hello On the contrary, Li Xintong seems embarrassed.

"Wow! How beautiful you are today Diana exclaimed, "like a bride. Will bo Shao propose to you again in a moment? "

Li Xintong Is this girl thinking too much?

"We are all married. How is it possible to propose? When are you going to have the wedding? "

"We?" Diana's eyes darkened. "It's still early! Let's go through my grandfather first. And he's in a bad mood recently. I'm going to change to an underground love affair, so as not to stimulate his old people... "

Li Xintong She was surprised by the girl's honesty.

Diana talked on and on, but she didn't realize the man's face was getting worse.

Just then, Li Xintong's phone rang again."That Ah Chen is calling again. I have to take it. Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. I'll see you later! " Li Xintong didn't want to get involved in the dispute between the couple, so she quickly found an excuse to slip away.

Looking at Li Xintong's back in a hurry, Diana could not help sighing: "ah Bo Shao is really strong. After his wife left for a while, the phone calls came one after another. It's really tight Ah

Before her voice fell, Diana was dragged into the stairwell by a powerful force.

"Haoran, what are you doing?" Diana shakes off Jing Haoran and rubs her arm, complaining discontentedly, "it hurts! "No, No."

After a stormy kiss, Diana almost didn't breathe. "What's the matter with you? Did you take the wrong medicine? "

She admitted that she had just teased him in the stairwell, but what's the situation now?

"I'm nervous? yes! I am driven mad by you Jing Haoran pinched her chin. "You want to have an underground relationship with me. Have you asked my opinion?"

Diana finally understood and said, "so, are you angry about this? What shall I do? "

Jing Haoran listened, more angry: "in your opinion, this is a small matter?"

"It's no small matter, of course!" Diana said, "in my opinion, it's nothing at all."

“……” Jing Haoran was too angry to speak.

Suddenly, Diana put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on his cold lips. "Honey! Don't be angry, OK? My grandfather is in a bad mood recently because of the coco grandmother. If we two love each other in front of him, it will definitely stimulate him. What if he gets angry and breaks us up? "

Jing Haoran turned his lips. According to what Peter Li had done before, he was the one who would do such a thing.

"But we're obviously girlfriends and girlfriends. Why are we sneaking around?" This is the most unacceptable thing for Jing Haoran. , the fastest update of the webnovel!