Chapter 428

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Susanna is absorbed in thinking about things. Leng buting is interrupted by this sudden voice, and her three souls are scared out of her mind.

She turned her head abruptly. When she saw the man standing in front of her, she sighed with a sigh of relief. She didn't have a good way: "it's you! Why do you suddenly appear? Do you want to scare people to death? "

The man snorted coldly: "if you don't do something bad, why should you be afraid?"

When Susanna heard this, she felt even more guilty. "Don't talk nonsense. I didn't do anything!"

"Oh? Didn't do it? " The man looked at her in his spare time, "do you want me to adjust the monitoring to see if you haven't done anything?"

Susanna's face changed and she said in a low voice, "are you crazy? Oh! If I'm caught by the police, you'll have no good fruit to eat! "

"Don't get excited. I didn't say I was going to give the surveillance video to the police. " The man suddenly chuckled, stepped forward and hugged the woman in his arms: "you and I are close allies on the same front. If something happens to you, I will be distressed!"

Ambiguous tone, with the man's unruly hands, swam around Susanna's back, slowly sliding down, and maliciously pinched her very upturned buttocks.

Susanna took a cold breath, pushed him away, and said in disgust, "don't go too far! Don't look at this place! Who are your close allies? Don't mess with me

With this, the smile on the man's face suddenly disappeared, and the cold light came out of his eyes.

"I have something else to do. I'll go first!"

Before she took a few steps, the man grabbed her long hair behind her head.

"Ah! You let go! It hurts

The man turned a deaf ear and rudely dragged her to a secluded corner.

Susanna was pushed to the ground heavily, and her whole body hurt, especially her scalp at the back of her head, as if she had been torn off.

She subconsciously touched a, the hair behind the head was abruptly pulled off a handful.

"You What are you doing! " Susanna looks up at the man.

The man narrowed his eyes and gave a sneer: "what am I doing? ha-ha! I have to ask you, what do you want to do? I have warned you that you can't act rashly without my command. Do you take my words for granted? Well

Susanna's hands were involuntarily intertwined. "Which of the things you told me I didn't try my best to do?"

"I didn't say that! Don't be so special! Give me the light instead of the heavy! " The man's deep eyes looked at her, as if he knew everything about her like the palm of his hand. "Just now you hit Li Xintong with your car. What do you mean? Have I ever given such an order? "

Susanna's heart thumped. It seems that he saw all the things just now. Ha! This cunning fox!

"I didn't want to kill her, I just wanted to scare her. Who makes her so annoying... "

"Shut up The man sternly interrupted her, and there was a thick haze between her pretty eyebrows. "I told you how many times that this woman is useful, but you don't listen! Five years ago, it was because of your selfishness, disobedience and rash action that everything fell short. Now you want to do it again. After all, it's not for Bo Yanchen! Hum! I see! You will die on this man one day

Susanna curled her lips and didn't argue.

The man felt out a box of cigarettes from his body and pulled out one. The lighter snapped and the flame swayed.

When the cigarette was lit, he put it to his mouth and took a hard puff. He squatted down and sprayed all the smoke on Susanna's face, which made her cough. Instinctively, he covered her mouth and nose and leaned back.

Men do not allow her to escape, pinch her chin, forcing her to look at themselves.

"Susan!! I warn you! " The man's cold and stern eyebrows were a bit arrogant, but they didn't show up, "if you dare to act privately again, I'll make you look good! Everything you have today is given by me! I can make you prosperous and I can make you disgraced. If you don't believe it, try it! "

Susanna's body trembled uncontrollably for a moment, then recovered her composure. "Don't scare me! Now is the rule of law society, you can't mess! Besides, I have nothing to do with you! "

"Oh? Is that right? " The man raised his eyebrow and stroked her pale face with a hand. "Susan. With our friendship, I can't bear to be rough with you. At the beginning, when we were good, you were really enthusiastic to me. Those photos and videos are all stored in my computer. When it's OK, I'll take it out and enjoy it. I remember the sweet times we had

Susanna's eyes widened in horror. "What are you talking about? You Took videos and photos? I Why don't I know at all? "

The man laughed, "if I let you know, how can the effect be so natural and lifelike? If people who don't know you see it, they think you are an AV actress! That action, that cry, and teacher Cang have a fightPA, the man's face was a clear and loud slap.

"You! Shameless There was an angry flame in Susanna's eyes. "Delete the video and photos! Do you hear me

It's a slap again, but this time it's Susanna.

"Bitches!" The man no longer had the patience just now, grabbed her hair, hit her on the wall, and then scolded, "don't pretend to be chaste in front of me! You just pretend in front of Bo Yanchen. Do you want to pretend in front of me? I know what you are. I hate sleeping with you! Those photos and videos are what you hold in my hand! Want me to delete it? What a dream! Today's event, fortunately, has not caused any uncontrollable consequences. Otherwise, I'll kill you! "

The man's strength is great. Susanna's cheek is burning and her head is buzzing. She raises her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her lip and says, "you You protect Li Xintong so much. Are you in love with her? "

"You're not in charge of my business!" The man didn't deny it. He suddenly stood up and said impatiently, "in a word, you are not allowed to approach Li Xintong in the future! In addition, you should go back to m country now. Without my order, you should stay there and not come back. Do you hear me

Susanna was unconvinced, but she didn't dare to disobey the man's orders. She flattened her mouth and said, "I can go back, but you must promise not to hurt ah Chen!"

Man pick eyebrow sneer: "Oh! When's your turn to negotiate terms with me? hurt? Hum! If I want him to die, do you think you can protect him? Are you overestimating yourself? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!