Chapter 441

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen's big hand rubbed lightly on her little wife's head, and her eyes almost overflowed, which made her two teeth sour.

Bo Yanchen turned his head, immediately put away his smiling face and switched to work mode, "Wen Tao, come out with me!"

"Yes Rui Wentao stood up and went out after Bo Yanchen.

"Wow, how sweet!" As soon as the door of the ward was closed, Bo Jingning sighed, "sister Xintong, I've never seen such an uncle speak so gently, and It's that he laughs

Poof! Li Xintong almost vomited blood, this girl is too exaggerated. Bo Yanchen is not face paralysis face, how can not smile?

"I think it's OK. Although he's a little serious at work, he still likes to laugh in his life. " Li Xintong said very tactfully, she can't say, in fact, Bo Yanchen is not only always playful to her, but also love to play hooligans to her.

"No way!" Bo Jingning immediately denied, "anyway, he never laughed at me. I think if so, it's only for you. "

"Is it?" Li Xintong pursed her lips with a smile on her face.

"Of course Bo Jingning said, "when he left just now, he gave you a touch. Tut Tut, I envy the dead! I want to fall in love! "

Li Xintong

Li Xintong can't help but laugh at the little girl's yearning appearance. "Today, because of my business, you didn't attend the celebration banquet and missed the chance to meet a lot of handsome guys. I'm sorry!"

"Oh! Why do you apologize! How can I blame you for that? " Bo Jingning said, "in fact, I said to meet a handsome guy. That's a joke. Don't take it seriously."

Li Xintong said with a smile: "I really take it seriously, and I told your uncle to help me find it!"

"What?" Bo Jingning was completely confused, "sister Xintong You You're moving too fast, aren't you? Uncle, he It's time he laughed at me! "

"No!" Li Xintong said, "after I told him, he not only didn't laugh at you, but also immediately put forward a suitable candidate. I wanted to introduce you in the evening, but unfortunately I was injured, and he didn't have that idea! "

"True or false!" Bo Jingning a face of unbelievable, "uncle how suddenly so enthusiastic?" In her opinion, Bo Yanchen usually is a high cold, independent appearance, how can be enthusiastic to help people introduce the object?

This is not in line with his human design at all!

"Why are you lying to me?" Li Xintong said, "I think that candidate is very reliable. He is still my direct leader! "

Bo Jingning was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded, "what you said is not A director surnamed Mao? "

Li Xintong was surprised: "you Do you know him? "

"I don't know. I haven't even seen it." Bo Jingning said, "I'm very curious. How could you introduce this person to me by chance?"

"By coincidence?" Li Xintong more strange, "who also introduced him for you?"

"An acquaintance, anyway!" Bo Jingning suddenly thought of Rui Wentao's advice, "I'm strange. If that Director Mao is really so good, why hasn't he got a girlfriend yet? "

"What's so strange about that?" Li Xintong laughed, "you are also very good! Haven't you got a boyfriend yet? "

Bo Jingning opened his mouth and was speechless.

In fact, Li Xintong doesn't know why Bo Yanchen suddenly recommended Mao Yu, until he explained his reasons, Li Xintong felt really reasonable, "your uncle said, you and Mao director character complementary, should be very match."

Bo Jingning pulled the corner of his lip, "well, since you all recommend him, he must have something extraordinary. And I can't refuse my uncle's kindness. "

"Well, good! I'll let ah Chen arrange it then! " Li Xintong is very happy to be the matchmaker.

"Well, don't worry about me!" Bo Jingning said, "how is your injury?"

"It's OK. It's just bruises." Li Xintong said, "originally did not need to be hospitalized, but your uncle did not agree."

"Uncle, that's worrying about you!" Bo Jingning said, "I think you'd better listen to him. In summer, the wound is easy to get inflamed, so it is necessary to stay for one night. I'm a doctor. I believe I'm right! "

Li Xintong:" I'm a doctor doctor? Yes! Forensic medicine is also a kind of doctor! But this, listening in the middle of the night, how can I feel scared.

Bo Jingning did not care at all, continue to take the trouble to explain Li Xintong, the need to pay attention to the matter after the scratch.

"Susanna, who hit you, has been taken by the police." "Once her behavior is identified, she may face imprisonment," Bo said

Li Xintong looked at her and didn't express her opinion. She didn't want to say anything about Susanna.

"How cunning the woman is! She thought she could get away with destroying surveillance? How naive! She has a good plan. I have a ladder. I just played a little trick, and she showed herself. Ha ha ha! That's the net of heaven, but it's not leaking! " Bo Jingning is very excited and proud when he talks about this."Thank you and Rhett for all this!" Li Xintong said.

"You're welcome! I'm the people's police. It's my duty! " Bo Jingning is smiling.

She smiles beautifully, from the bottom of her heart.

Li Xintong instantly felt that the naive and lovely little girl had grown up. Has grown into a people's police, shouldering the mission and responsibility of protecting people's lives and property.

"By the way, why did that Susanna bump into you? What does she have against you? " Bo Jingning asked suddenly. Rui Wentao refused to tell her about this.

"This..." Li Xintong didn't know how to answer, "in fact I'm not sure. There is no such person in my memory. "

"Ah?" This answer surprised Bo Jingning, "don't you know her? Is there something wrong with her mind when she still treats you like that? "

"No Li Xintong explained, "because I lost my memory five years ago. I can't remember anything that year. I know her at that time. I seem to have told you that before. "

Bo Jingning thought about it and suddenly realized, "Oh, yes, I remember. You seem to have said it to me. In fact, in the case of you, you can completely restore memory through hypnosis. Why don't you try? "

"Hypnosis?" Li Xintong looked at her suspiciously, "can you really restore your memory?"

"Well, theoretically." "I'm not an expert in this field, but I know a person who is an expert in this field," Bo said. In his hands, he succeeded in countless cases of amnesia. Some even lost their memories for decades. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!