Chapter 451

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Coco finally understood and sneered, "that's his fault. No wonder others."

Bo Yanchen picks eyebrow: "he is so unforgivable?"

"Do you think I should forgive those who want to hurt my women? If the injured one is my sister-in-law, I think you may even have the heart to kill. " Coco's emotions are too intense.

Bo Yanchen's face suddenly sank, "don't make such an analogy!"

Li Xintong afraid of two people conflict, can't help saying: "after all, he is Shuangshuang's father."

"I don't care who he is! Anyway, the woman who hurt me is my enemy Coco's tone is very strong.

"But Have you ever thought that if Shuangshuang is so filial, it will be difficult for her to be caught in the middle Li Xintong said.

"Sister in law, you think too much." Coco said, "I'm afraid after this incident, Shuangshuang is totally cold to him."

"Her cold heart is not only about her father's forced marriage, but more importantly, she thinks that her father would rather sacrifice her for money." Li Xintong said, "when we came here just now, we heard the conversation between her parents. In fact, the reason why Shuangshuang's father will force marriage is not all for the demolition compensation. Most of the reasons are that he wants to find a suitable son-in-law.... "

"All right! Don't say any more! " Coco impatiently plans to Li Xintong's words, "sister-in-law, I respect you very much and thank you very much for your concern for Shuangshuang. Shuangshuang has just finished the operation and needs absolute rest. I'm sorry! "

Li Xintong Is this the rhythm of ordering?

Accustomed to Coco's smiley face, Leng Buding was stunned by his serious and cold appearance.

Bo Yanchen see little wife still standing still, embrace her waist, "Tongtong, since Shuangshuang hasn't wake up, let's go first."

Li Xintong looked at Mo Shuangshuang, who was lying on the hospital bed, frowning and pale. She sighed silently in her heart and went out with Bo Yanchen.

Until she got on the bus, Li Xintong's heart was still very heavy.

Bo Yanchen looked at her a pair of sullen appearance, patted her back of the hand, "Tong Tong, you forget what I said to you?"

"What's that?" Li Xintong is a little absent-minded.

Bo Yanchen raised her hand and rubbed open her frown: "you said, will be a happy pregnant mother."

Li Xintong said, "but I'm still a little worried about Shuangshuang. Look at her face when she fell asleep just now. It must have hit her a lot. I'm not talking about injuries, but... "

"I see what you mean." Bo Yanchen interrupts her, "but Ayan is determined to fight Shuangshuang's father to the end this time. As you saw just now, he almost got into a fight with me. "

Li Xintong helplessly shakes his head, "he should be in anger, so he will be speechless. Don't be angry with him. "

Bo Yanchen wry smile for a while: "between brothers, don't care about these.". I understand his feelings. "

"But I really didn't expect that he would care so much about Shuangshuang." Li Xintong sighed.

Bo Yanchen seems to disapprove, "when true love comes, most people will have such a reaction."

"But I think the way he gave Shuangshuang's father the ten million dollar check was a bit over the top. " Li Xintong said, "it feels like spending money on a pair."

"Who said no!" Bo Yanchen said, "but it's no use persuading him now. He can't listen at all. Let him vent first! Time is the best medicine

Bo Yanchen is right. In the next few days, with Mo shuangshuangshuang's rapid improvement, Coco's mood also changed from cloudy to sunny.

In the past few days, coco has pushed off all his work. He has been guarding Mo Shuangshuang, delivering tea and water, feeding food and medicine, and even wiping his body.

Although the couple's relationship is progressing rapidly, Mo Shuangshuang is still not used to being like a man Serve.

"Weng Yan, didn't you hire a nurse? Let her do it for me. " Mo Shuangshuang shyly grabs Coco's hand as she unbuttons her chest.

"How can I wipe it carefully?" Coco pulled her hand. "Good, hurry up. It's late. It's time for you to go to bed."

Mo Shuangshuang's mouth smoked. Of course, the nurse was not as careful as him. Who would like him, even her body will not let go of any small corner?

"Well I'll wipe the front by myself, and you can wipe the back for me. "

Coco took a look at her and finally understood, "I've been cleaning it for you these days. Why are you so shy today?"

"How can I have it?" Don't admit it.

"You're so red, aren't you?" Coco pinched her red cheek, "I'm your man. It's natural for me to help you wipe your body. It's nothing awkward. Anyway, we are going to get married in the future, and there will be more intimate things to do. Now you're shy. What do you do in the future? "

Mo Shuangshuang opened his mouth. Although he said it really, he always felt that everything was wrong, "but...""Come on, don't be Coco lost patience, directly pulled her hand in front of her chest and quickly untied her button.

The moist and warm towel touches her sensitive skin on her chest, which makes her want to groan. Don't bite her lips, so as not to let the ambiguous sound overflow her lips.

Coco's face seems calm, but his heart has already set off waves. He is a normal man, to help his beloved woman wipe the body, inevitably skin contact.

In recent days, every time he did it, he experienced a long battle between heaven and man.

The beautiful body of the little woman was completely presented in front of his eyes. The situation that he could touch but could not eat drove him crazy.

However, his strong self-control overcame his inner desire.

He told himself to be patient and that she was a patient and must not do anything harmful to her health.

The towel rubbed back and forth on the most sensitive spot in front of her chest Mo Shuangshuang finally couldn't help but make an ambiguous sound.

Coco's body suddenly stiff, this sound is like aphrodisiac, all of a sudden to build up his willpower disintegrated more than half, he whispered, "don't shout, be careful to cause trouble."

Mo Shuangshuang wrongly flat mouth, "I didn't mean to, I have endured for a long time, who let you so hard! Normal physiological reaction, can you control it? "

"Of course I can!" Coco pointed to the small tent he had set up between his legs and told her how hard he had been putting up with it these days? Learn from me

Mo Shuangshuang took a look at the place and immediately turned his head shyly! You're playing hooligans again , the fastest update of the webnovel!