Chapter 454

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Mr. Bo said again!" Li Xintong some displeasure ground curls a mouth, "I say small Cui, can you change some new words?"

Cui pulled his lips awkwardly. "Before leaving, Mr. Bo repeatedly told me to take care of you..."

"Pull it down!" Hearing this, Li Xintong's ears are growing. "I'm in a bad mood now! Are you taking care of me? "

"In a bad mood? Why is that? "

"I've been in the house all day, and I'm going to be bored! Can you be in a good mood? Li Xintong wrongly said, "it is said that the mood of pregnant women will directly affect the health of the fetus! If there is something wrong with the baby in my stomach, are you responsible? "

Little Cui was scared. Where is she in charge? "Madam, that Well, I'll go out with you. However, you have to promise me that it can't take more than 20 minutes. You are pregnant. You can't be tired! "

"Come on! I got it! You are so wordy Li Xintong looked at her impatiently and walked towards the inner room.

Xiao Cui: "I'm not sure." Pregnant women are hard to serve!

"Oh, ma'am, slow down!" Xiao Cui grabs a sunscreen suit and follows Li Xintong step by step. "It's sunny outside, so it's better to wear it!"

"Ma'am, are you going out?" Dalin, who was watching TV in the outer room, saw Li Xintong come out and stood up.

"Well." Li Xintong nodded.

Dalin immediately stares at Xiaocui. Xiao Cui opened her mouth wrongly, but didn't make any excuses.

"I'm too bored to go out for a walk. Don't make a fuss Li Xintong helps Xiao Cui out.

Dalin did not dare to stop: "OK, I'll go with you!"


Xiaocui and Dalin, one side, protect Li Xintong.

Xiao Cui helps Li Xintong with his umbrella, while Dalin looks left and right warily and forbids others to come near.

Along the way, the master and servant attracted many people's surprised eyes.

Li Xintong felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help saying: "please, you two, just come out for a walk. Don't exaggerate, OK? Can you keep a low profile? "

"I think it's very low-key!" Xiao Cui said, "I've met some rich ladies who go out with four or five bodyguards."

"That's how they show off. I don't like it!" Li Xintong said, "I come out on holiday, not to show off my wealth! Dalin, why don't you go back. " Let a big old man follow her, she always feel uncomfortable everywhere.

"That won't do!" Dalin refused, "Bo Shao told me again and again before he left that he would never leave and protect his wife! I can't leave without leave! "

"Yes, yes!" Little Cui interjected, "big brother Lin, you must not go! I don't know kung fu. If something happens, I can't even protect myself! How to protect Madame? "

Li Xintong is speechless: "what to protect? There are not many people here. There will be no danger. "

"I can't tell. It's hard to predict! Last time I watched TV news, an old lady was walking on the road in broad daylight and was killed by an ashtray flying down the stairs. There's another news that says... "

"Come on! Stop it Li Xintong stopped Xiaocui's nagging in time, "can you be optimistic? A young girl has negative things in her mind all day. According to you, it's not safe anywhere. It's absolutely safe if you don't go out at home? Thieves and robbers will come, the gas will leak, and the oven will explode! "

Little Cui said, "that's what the news says!"

"Don't look at this kind of news in the future!" Li Xintong gave her a white look and said to Dalin, "Dalin, if you want to follow, just follow. So that I won't have a headache from this girl's chirping! "

"Yes Dalin answered and gave Xiao Cui a sympathetic glance.

Xiao Cui wiped a cold sweat on his forehead. It's not easy to be a little follower!

The fishing competition by the lake is in full swing.

In Dalin and Cui repeatedly dissuade, Li Xintong had to stand 10 meters away to watch the game.

Although the distance is far, Li Xintong still enjoys watching it. When she saw someone fishing for a big fish, she applauded.

Half an hour later, Cui anxiously looked at his watch and looked at Dalin.

"Ma'am, we've been out for a long time. It's time to go back. " This time it's Dalin's turn.

Li Xintong is in the mood. Leng buting is interrupted and frowns disappointingly. Look at the time, has exceeded the previous agreement of 20 minutes, but sighed, "OK. Let's go

After a few steps, I suddenly heard someone calling her: "sister Xintong! Sister Xintong

Li Xintong subconsciously turned back and couldn't help staring: "Jingning! Why are you here? "

Bo Jingning, dressed in casual clothes and a sun hat, is coming to take a vacation. Beside her are two middle-aged men, a man and a woman. The man is a foreigner. They are holding hands and look very close.

Bo Jingning put her arm on the woman's shoulder. "Sister Xintong, introduce me. This is my university tutor, Mr. Song. This is his husband, Dr. Smith. They came to the west city to give a lecture tour and relax. Today, I specially ask for leave to accompany them here. ""Mr. Song, Dr. Smith, this is my Good sister, Li Xintong. " Because Li Xintong is too young, afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstanding, Bo Jingning did not introduce her as a little aunt.

"Hello Li Xintong said hello politely.

"Hello, Hello!" Mr. Song shook hands with Li Xintong cordially and looked at her bright eyes, "Wow! Jingning, your friend is so beautiful! "

"You would praise other women for their beauty. It's out of your kindness!" Smith, standing on the side, said suddenly.

Mr. Song hit him and said, "what's the accident? I always tell the truth

Smith had a good laugh: "yes! You are the most honest

Although they both speak foreign languages and speak very fast, Li Xintong still understands them. He laughed in his heart. The couple, who are both senior intellectuals at an age, actually flirt with each other in public. It's also very open.

Bo Jingning laughed awkwardly: "ha ha! That The two of them often show of affection! Sister Xintong, you don't mind! "

Li Xintong smiles and says she doesn't mind.

"By the way, sister Xintong, why are you here?" Asked Bo Jingning.

"Oh, I'm on vacation, too."

"Your husband won't accompany you?"

"He went on a business trip."

Bo Jingning, oh, suddenly remembered something: "by the way, sister Xintong, I forgot to introduce you. This is Dr. Smith, the hypnotist I told you about last time. He happens to be free today. Do you have any questions to ask him? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!