Chapter 480

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Hearing this, the smile on Jing Haoran's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a dignified expression, "who told you all this? Is that Susan? "

"No! I don't know Susan! " Min Tongtong said, "don't ask, anyway, I just know!"

"What do you know? Did you see it with your own eyes? Or hearsay? " Jing Haoran said solemnly, "Oh! I didn't expect that a smart girl like you would listen to rumors! You and a Chen get along day and night, he is good or bad, can't you feel it? "

Min Tongtong biting her lips, timidly did not dare to look up and Jing Haoran.

"I know the girl who committed suicide. People are dead. I didn't want to talk about it, but I can't watch ah Chen help people carry the black pot! " Jing Haoran said indignantly, "that was several years ago. At that time, a Chen was still in college, and there was a girl named Xiao Yan in her class. She was lively and cheerful, and was recognized as the school flower. Xiao Yan likes a Chen very much and always approaches him intentionally or unconsciously. But a Chen turns a blind eye to Xiao Yan's kindness. It's not that he didn't like Xiaoyan, but that he devoted himself to his studies and didn't want to fall in love so early. Xiao Yan chased him for more than a year and finally gave up. Soon, she accepted the pursuit of a rich second generation who was several years older than him, and soon fell in love. One day a few months later, she suddenly came to ah Chen crying and said that the rich second generation dumped her and immigrated without saying a word. At this time, she was found to be pregnant. Chen accompany her to the hospital abortion, but the doctor said her constitution can not abortion, there will be life-threatening. Under the double attack, Xiao Yan's heart was cold and chose to commit suicide.

This matter is very popular in school, saying that Xiaoyan's child is actually a Chen's, otherwise, why would she accompany her to have an abortion? The most speechless is, a Chen didn't explain, silently carried all curse

"My God! Why? How can he be so stupid Min Tongtong was shocked, but at the same time, she was not satisfied with Bo Yanchen.

Jing Haoran sighed: "he is not stupid! It's guilt! "

"Guilt?" Min Tong doesn't understand.

"Well. It's guilt Jing Haoran explained, "he felt that it was his selfishness that pushed Xiaoyan to the abyss of doom. If he had accepted Xiaoyan at that time, maybe Xiaoyan would not have met the scum man, and a series of subsequent events would not have happened, let alone Die

Min Tongtong is silent.

Yes, maybe Bo Yanchen and Xiao Yan were together at that time, so Xiao Yan's tragedy would not have happened. Maybe they are an enviable couple now?

However! It's hard to know what's going on in the world. Nature makes people!

"I guess Bo Yanchen belongs to AI Xiaoyan. Otherwise, he doesn't need to be so guilty. It's better to bear the blame. In fact, he is torturing himself Min Tongtong said this with tears in her eyes.

Yes! She was moved by the sad story.

"Maybe." Jing Haoran still sighed, "I didn't dare to ask. But it doesn't matter whether he loves Xiaoyan or not. No one is here! In a word, Xiao Yan is the eternal pain in a Chen's heart. "

"I didn't expect that he was such an emotional person!" Min Tongtong said with emotion.

"Yes! Ah Chen is a person who is cold outside and warm inside. After a long time of contact, you will find out. " So don't doubt him any more. Don't listen to rumors! It's an insult to his personality

"Well, I see." Min Tongtong suddenly felt relieved, suddenly enlightened.

"Are you going to leave tomorrow?" Jing Haoran asked.

"Go, of course! I bought all the tickets! " Min Tongtong is not false thinking cableway, "and I promise grandma, return home to accompany her for the new year. You can't break your promise! "

Jing Haoran All night talking with him, is it a waste of breath?

make complaints about him in his heart: ah Chen! Don't blame me! My brother has done his best. Is this sister paper too personality, or, is your lack of charm ah!

Ah! Do good things to the end, send Buddha to the West! Let me help you again. Success depends on the will of heaven!

So, he took advantage of Min Tongtong not pay attention, secretly sent a text message, tell Bo Yanchen, little girl to leave tomorrow morning.

But Bo Yanchen did not reply.

The next morning, Jing Haoran walked out of the room and saw a little girl sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

"You Why do you get up so early? "

"Catch the plane!" Min Tongtong said while eating, "brother Jing, this is my breakfast. Make dumplings. Come and have a taste."

Jing Haoran was stunned: "what time did you get up?" Dumplings have to be rolled and filled. They can't get down for more than an hour.

Min Tongtong doesn't seem to want to explain more, "I've packed vegetables with meat stuffing and pure meat stuffing. What kind of food do you like?"

"I'm not picky about food. I like everything!" Jing Haoran sat down, picked up a dumpling and put it into his mouth, "Wow! And soup! I haven't tasted such good dumplings for many years. Xiao Tongtong, your skill is amazing. Out of the hall, under the kitchen, but also design clothes! Oh, shit! In the future, if anyone marries you, it doesn't mean he has picked up a treasure to go home! "Min Tongtong laughed: "well, don't praise me! I'm going to fly to the sky

"You're going to take a plane later, but you're going to fly into the sky." Jing Haoran smiles at her.

Min Tong Ha ha ground dry laugh two, this joke is very cold, not funny at all.

After breakfast, Jing Haoran insists on sending min Tongtong to the airport.

"Xiao Tongtong, you must say goodbye for a long distance!" Jing Haoran kindly took her to the airport security office, extended her long arm and hugged her like a farewell to her family. "Have a good trip, remember to miss me!"

"I hate it! Why is it so elegant? " Min Tong Tong smiles, but tears flash in her eyes. "After returning home, I'll call you!"

Jing Haoran raised his eyebrow: "it's a deal. I'll wait for your call!"

Min Tongtong looked at her watch, looked into the distance for a moment, and looked back in disappointment.

She took out a CD from her bag. "By the way, take this CD to Bo Yanchen for me."

"What's in it?" Jing Haoran grinned, "can I have a look first? Is it your sexy portrait

"Screw you!" Min Tong angrily hit her, "you can't see, this is specially for him!"

Jing Haoran pouted discontentedly, "what about me? Won't you give me a present? "

"Yes Min Tongtong took out a beautiful gift box from her bag, "this is for you! Go back and take it apart! "

"Wow! Mine is bigger than ah Chen's! Hey, hey, I'll be angry with him for a while Jing Haoran smiles like a child.

Min Tongtong shook his head helplessly, "I really have to go, goodbye!"

Jing Haoran looked at his watch. "It's still early. You Don't you wait for ah Chen? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!