Chapter 489

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong looks at the golden bank card in her hand, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Bo Yanchen is right. The level of design cost is a direct reflection of the designer's level. After all, no one will work in vain.

If someone gives him design fee, she will accept it without hesitation.

However, the person who paid him was Bo Yanchen, and she felt strange everywhere.

In her heart, I don't want Bo Yanchen to be so clear about everything!

"I just want to help you. I'm not going to sell blueprints." Min Tongtong said weakly.

"The fact that I pay you what you deserve does not affect the fact that you help me." Bo Yanchen spoke slowly, "the so-called brother knows how to settle accounts.". I don't want to be that deadbeat! After all, getting something for nothing is a shameful act! "

Min Tongtong She found that in eloquence, he really less than one tenth of Bo Yanchen.

"All right, take it." Bo Yanchen said, "don't make it difficult for me to do it!"

Min Tongtong raised her head and was facing Bo Yanchen's dark and clear eyes like a whirlpool. She felt another throb.

The afternoon sun came in from the window, shining on Bo Yanchen's body, plating a beautiful layer of gold around him.

He is still so good-looking, but he hasn't seen him for several months. He seems to have lost a lot of weight and his face is a little haggard.

Mintongtong suddenly thought of something. "By the way, Alice just said you were not feeling well. Go to see a doctor. What's going on? "

"It's just gastroenteritis. It's nothing serious." Bo Yanchen wrote lightly.

"Gastroenteritis can't be taken seriously!" Min Tong Tong is not at ease, "why don't you go back to rest? Did the doctor give you permission to go to work? "

The girl's concerned eyes and tone let Bo Yanchen feel the warm current rushing to her heart.

The corners of his lips rose slowly, and her eyes became more gentle and deep. "Do you care about me so much?"

"I..." Min Tongtong was stopped by his words. I don't know why he suddenly asked, "I Care about your friends. What's the problem? "

Finish saying hang down Mou son, dare not see his eyes again.

Long time did not get the other party's response, the air filled with the smell of embarrassment.

Don't Bo Yanchen think they are friends?

Ah! It seems that she is amorous again.

"That If you don't feel well, have a good rest. I I have something else to do, so I'll go first! "

Voice just fell, Bo Yanchen suddenly step forward, stop her way, "words haven't finished, what to go?"

Mintongtong just want to talk, suddenly feel a big hand clasped her waist, and then, she fell into a generous embrace.

Her red ears were close to Bo Yanchen's hard chest, and she could clearly hear his sonorous and powerful heart beat, plop, plop, which made her eardrum tremble.

Min Tongtong is a little muddled. She has no idea why Bo Yanchen suddenly hugs her.

However, his arms were too warm, and she preferred to stay quietly in his arms rather than explore the reasons.

However, Bo Yanchen didn't let her achieve her wish for a long time. After holding her for a moment, the man pulled her out of his arms, but he still hugged her. The hot palm covered her waist. It was a very intimate gesture, "why do you come to m country? Why not say it in advance? "

Min Tong was stunned.

Bo Yanchen's intimate action and tone of speech gave her an illusion that the relationship between them was very close. At least beyond the kind of ordinary friends!

Min Tongtong's heartbeat accelerates, she can even feel Bo Yanchen gush thin on her face burning breathing.

Her cheeks are hot and her mood is complicated. I don't know whether she should be happy or complain or even angry!

It's not mintongtong's affectation, but before, Bo Yanchen never showed any interest in her. Every time is cold, even a redundant words are not willing to say.

Even on the day she returned home, he didn't show up at the airport. After returning home, there was no news at all.

Hum! Now why question her?

"Mr. Bo! You can let it go! " Min Tongtong suddenly broke away from Bo Yanchen's embrace and tried to say in a plain tone, "it seems that it's none of your business for me to come to m country, right? Why should I inform you in advance? It doesn't matter to us! "

Bo Yanchen picked his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips rose gradually with a faint smile.

Min Tongtong is a little annoyed. She feels more and more that Bo Yanchen's intention to drag herself into her arms is bad, even for deliberately playing with her.

"How can we not care? You just said that you and I are friends. Since you are a friend, shouldn't you let me know before you come? " Bo Yanchen said, stretching out her hand to smooth the bangs on the girl's forehead.

After hearing this, min Tongtong suddenly became angry, brushed his hand away and sneered, "friend? Oh! Yes! I regard you as my friend, but what about you? Do you think I am? I'm afraid not! If it's a friend, why don't you go to the airport? If you are a friend, how can you not contact for several months? Bo Yanchen! Are you always like this to your friends? If so! Then I have nothing to say! "Bo Yanchen's temple suddenly jumped two times, looking at the little woman's almost accusing appearance, his heart is not taste.

"Tong Tong..." "I'm sorry," he said in a low voice

Min Tongtong was surprised that he would apologize to himself. She still thinks, to Bo Yanchen so cold proud man, is a lifetime all can't bow to the person.

"I don't need your apology. In fact, there's nothing wrong with you. I just want an explanation from you

Silence for a moment, Bo Yanchen nodded: "good! I can give you a satisfactory explanation. But you have to tell me first, what are you doing in M country? "

Min Tongtong rolled her eyes at the bottom of her heart. This man is really strong.

"I've got a place in the Stephen group. I'm a freshman in the Department of fashion design at n city National University." When min Tongtong said this, her pride could not be expressed, "is this reason enough?"

Finish saying to return intentionally toward thin Yan Chen Yang Yang chin.

Cut! Do you think I came to m country to find you? Don't feel too good about yourself, OK?

Bo Yanchen helplessly helped to help forehead, this wench, PA SE's appearance is too obvious.

But that's good news for him. University at least four years, this means that in a short period of time, she will not go!

"It seems that you graduated from this university, too!" Min Tongtong winked at him, "elder martial brother! Please take care of it

Bo Yanchen

"All right! I'm finished. Is it your turn to talk? " Min Tongtong simply went to the sofa and sat down, waiting for his explanation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!