Chapter 491

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"What's the matter?" Bo Yanchen looked at her in surprise. She was very happy just now. How could she be depressed now.

Min Tongtong flat mouth, "I came to m country to study, you want to go to Xicheng to open a company.". So Don't we... " Again?

The girl's face was in tears, like the sky was falling.

Finally won the public places to study abroad, originally also fantasy and his beloved man to have development, but now it's wrong to separate.

Is this their destiny? Is it predestined?

When the little girl was sad, she just heard a stab, and she raised her head subconsciously.

The plan was torn in two by Bo Yanchen.

"What are you doing?" Min Tongtong shocked looking at the fragmented business plan, "this is the result of your hard work for several months, how to tear it up?"

Bo Yanchen faintly smiles: "the plan can't keep up with the change. This business plan has not been finalized yet. It can be changed anytime, anywhere. "

Min Tongtong

This time she basically can be sure that the change of Bo Yanchen's finger is her.

Min Tongtong looks at him with some guilt. If his entrepreneurial dream is shelved because of herself, she would never like to see it. "Then your company What shall we do? "

"What to do?" Bo Yanchen laughingly looked at her, "continue to implement the first plan! In the end, I will win both M country and China. As for the order, it's not the point. "

Min Tongtong Sometimes, she really admired Bo Yanchen's calmness and self-confidence. No matter how unpredictable the external situation is, he can keep calm, as if everything is under his control.

Hearing that he wants to stay in M country and stay with him, min Tongtong's mood is still jubilant, but she is still worried, "are you really going to open a company in M country? Just now, didn't you say that there was something wrong with the investors in M country? "

"Don't worry about investors' problems, I will solve them." Bo Yanchen is still full of confidence, "what I'm worried about is Can you find a designer with good quality and low price like you

Min Tong Tong Leng for a while, then puff chi to laugh out a voice: "are you inviting me to join your team?"

But Bo Yanchen shook his head: "that's not true. You are a student now. You should focus on your studies. You can't delay your study because of me. "

"It doesn't matter!" Min Tongtong immediately said, "when I was in high school, my studies were busier. I didn't work while I was studying, and I didn't delay my study! The schoolwork of the university is not so heavy. When I don't have classes, I can come to your shop to work. It's better to regard it as social practice. "

"There's no shortage of people in my shop right now." Bo Yanchen refused. On the one hand, he didn't want her to work too hard. On the other hand, he thought that the work of clothing shopping guide was too much for her. "Your main task at this stage is to study hard. The schoolwork burden of n city National University is the heaviest in M country's universities, you can understand it immediately. If you fail in a subject, you will be ordered to drop out of school. It's not for fun. "

Of course, min Tongtong knew. She flattened her mouth and whispered, "but I really want to help you

"Not yet." Bo Yanchen said, "when I set up my own clothing brand, I will hire you as my chief designer."

Min Tongtong's eyes suddenly shine, chief designer, it sounds so attractive! "Really? What you say is what you say

Bo Yanchen nodded: "well. It's a deal. "

Got Bo Yanchen's promise, min Tongtong smiles like a flower, happy like a child.

"Not angry?" Bo Yanchen suddenly approached her.

Min Tongtong subconsciously stepped back, "who said I was angry? I just want to hear your explanation. That I have something else to do. Let's go first! "

Finish saying, want to escape again, this time thin Yan Chen has already been on guard, pull her to embrace into the bosom, "run what?"? I'm done explaining. Is it your turn to explain? "

Bo Yanchen was very close to her, as if she could kiss her as soon as she lowered her head. Min Tongtong began, "I What can I explain? "

Bo Yanchen doesn't speak either. He opens the drawer directly, takes out two pieces of cloth from inside and shakes in front of Min Tongtong's eyes. "What's the matter? Please explain

Min Tong Tong recognized these two pieces of cloth at a glance. It was the two sleeves that she pulled from his clothes on the day she first met Bo Yanchen.

No wonder she couldn't find her suitcase after returning home. It turned out that she had left it in her room.

"I found it under my pillow while I was cleaning your room." Bo Yanchen said, "it turns out that you sleep on this pillow every day. Are you looking at things and thinking about people? "

Boom! Min Tongtong's face is red. She couldn't find the right reason to explain the problem.

"Give it back to me!" She reaches out her hand in shame and indignation to rob, but is easily evaded by Bo Yanchen.

"If you answer my question, I'll give it back to you!" Bo Yanchen deliberately raised things to the top of his head.Mintongtong just lazy to grab, angrily a crooked head, "forget it, I don't want it. It's torn from your clothes. It should belong to you. "

See this wench soft hard don't eat, Bo Yanchen simply with hand pull over her face, dark deep Mou son is looking at her directly, "Min Tongtong, admit to like me very difficult?"

Min Tongtong's heartbeat missed half a beat, even breathing seems to be confused, "I I Who says I like you? " Why should she admit it? She's a woman! Women should be reserved, she knows!

In the face of the girl's denial, Bo Yanchen can't laugh or cry, but she doesn't admit it, which makes him helpless.

"If you don't like me, why keep these two sleeves? Why did you give me the painstakingly designed drawings regardless of payment? Why did you come to me on my first day in M country? Why did you ask me why I didn't contact you after seeing me

Bo Yanchen one breath asked a lot of why, min Tongtong straight looking at him, speechless, eyes in dense water vapor.

Bo Yanchen sighed, warm and with thin cocoon fingers slowly stroked her cheek, "I know you are still angry with me. I really blame me for everything. I admit that I think too much and hesitated too much about you. Because there are two major problems between us, one is geography, the other is age. The problem of geography may be solved. But in terms of age You're only 18 years old. It's the age of dreams and fantasies. And I'm seven years older than you. If we are really together, will there be a generation gap? At that time, I was afraid that love would affect your college entrance examination. But now it seems that the problem has been solved. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!