Chapter 496

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen's well-defined face was calm, and his dark eyes looked at Jing Haoran: "no one is active or passive between Tongtong and me. It's natural that we're together. "

Jing Haoran narrowed his eyes and gave a dry smile, "is that right? What happened to the Market Research Report of Xicheng garment industry that you asked me to get some time ago? "

"I think you're too busy, so I'll get some homework for you." Bo Yanchen is sincere and sincere.

Jing Haoran almost choked, "Oh! Thank you! You care more about my study than our professor

"I'm afraid you'll fail." Bo Yanchen light way, the slightest don't give brother face.

"Come on!" Jing Haoran said angrily, "you asked me to do that Market Research Report. You just want to drive the company to Xicheng and pursue your sister-in-law by the way. Kill two birds with one stone, right? "

Min Tongtong sighed. This guy really dares to say that he is not afraid of Bo Yanchen's anger?

Just thinking, a warm and powerful hand suddenly fell on her shoulder, and then her petite body fell into a warm embrace, "Tongtong has come, I have no plan to go to the West City for the time being."

Don't know how to prevent the confession let min Tongtong some stunned, can't help leaning to see, just to Bo Yanchen that pair of dark eyes, gentle light. He reached out and stroked her long hair and said with a smile, "I will be where you are in the future!"

"Ah Chen..." Mintongtong some moved, gently called him, and then the little bird reluctantly into the man's arms, mouth overflow sweet happy smile.

They show their love like no one else, which makes Jing Haoran's teeth sour.

"Can you keep a low profile? Before I had eaten this meal, I began to sprinkle dog food. Have you ever considered my feeling of being a lonely family? " Jing Haoran could not bear to protest.

Bo Yanchen sneered coldly: "lonely family? If you say that, won't your conscience hurt? Don't you have a date every day? "

"Wow! How dare you say that! Who spoiled my date tonight? " Jing Haoran jumped up and looked at Bo Yanchen's smiling face. He suddenly understood something: "you asked me to postpone my appointment today, but I didn't come to see you xiuen AI, did you?"

Bo Yanchen looked at him with a whole flaw, smiling without saying anything.

Jing Haoran Originally also thought that in tonight's appointment, can have the substantive progress with the beautiful woman, this entire by Bo Yanchen stirred yellow.

At the moment, even if there are 10000 grass mud horses, they can't calm his anger.

"Brother Jing, don't get me wrong. We don't mean that. " Mintongtong some can't bear to comfort way, "we haven't met for a long time, just take this opportunity to get together." Then he took the cup in front of him and said, "brother Jing, let me take tea instead of wine. Thank you for taking care of me all the time."

Little girl's intimate can be human, let Jing Haoran injured little heart finally got a little comfort.

"You are very kind, sister-in-law. Don't call me brother Jing in the future. Call me Haoran. " Jing Haoran picked up his glass and said, "here's to you. Welcome back!"

"Thank you Min Tongtong put the juice on her mouth and sipped, "don't call me sister-in-law, I'm so many years younger than you. How uncomfortable it is to cry! Now that we are alumni, then You call me younger martial sister, I call you elder martial brother. How's it going? "

"Good! Good Jing Haoran nodded again and again: "it's better to call younger martial sister. You don't know how gossipy people in our school are! If they hear me call you sister-in-law, I don't know what rumors will spread. "

"After that, please take more care of me, elder martial brother!" Min Tongtong said with a smile. She didn't want to be the queen of the topic as soon as she entered school.

Bo Yanchen coldly glanced at Jing Haoran: "out of school, called sister-in-law."

Jing Haoran

Min Tongtong

After a dinner, Jing Haoran drank too much, and most of what he drank was muggy wine.

Originally, two openly show love, scattered dog food, can not be depressed?

It looks like retribution! Who let himself often do this before.

Jing Haoran drank and couldn't drive. Bo Yanchen sent him home first, and then sent min Tongtong back to school.

Knowing that the little girl's dormitory is a mixture of men and women, Bo Yanchen immediately turns black and says nothing to let her live in.

Bo Yanchen turned the car around and drove back, "come back to live with me tonight!"

"Ah? How can I do that? " Min Tong Tong does not agree, "accommodation fees are paid, do not live much pity?"

Bo Yanchen cold face, "no good pity.". Just leave the bed empty. "

Let his little woman live in such a mixed environment, he can not rest assured!

"But My luggage is still in the dormitory! If I don't go back, my roommates will be worried. " Looking at the man's tense face, min Tongtong did not dare to refuse directly, and said in a deliberative tone, "or I'll stay for a few days. If there's any problem, I'll move. How about that? "

"No way!" Bo Yanchen's tone is very firm, "wait for a problem to be too late! You are by my side, at least safe. "Min Tongtong's heart a warm, she was moved by the last sentence.

"All right. I'll call my roommate first and say I won't be back tonight. I'll carry the luggage tomorrow. "

Bo Yanchen's tense expression finally eased down and touched her little face, "well, that's good!"

The car was on its way back to the apartment.

Min Tongtong suddenly thought of a question, "ah Chen, the apartment is a little far away from the school. It takes at least one hour to take the bus and subway. It's too time-consuming. Otherwise, I'd better live in school. "

"I'll pick you up." Bo Yanchen said.

"Ah? How can I do that? That's too much for you! And you have a job Min Tongtong resolutely opposed it.

"I don't mind trouble! My working hours are free. You don't have to worry about it. " Bo Yanchen said.


Min Tong Tong still wants to say what, be interrupted by Bo Yanchen however, "don't but. It's natural to pick up your girlfriend. "

This sentence completely blocked min Tongtong's mouth.

Returning to the apartment, min Tongtong is filled with emotion.

She didn't bring pajamas. She had to take Bo Yanchen's pajamas to wear.

After taking a bath and changing into pajamas, min Tongtong almost laughs when she looks at herself in the mirror.

The pajamas are too big. When she puts them on, it looks like a child wearing adult clothes. It looks very funny.

Lying on the bed, nestled in the quilt, smelling the smell of men's pajamas, like Bo Yanchen holding her to sleep. This kind of feeling is very delicate, very warm It makes people blush and heart beat.

Oops! No more thinking! Min Tongtong covers her face in the quilt.

She found herself becoming more and more It's a color!

She needs to reflect! , the fastest update of the webnovel!