Chapter 498

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
In the dark, min Tongtong feels a heat source sticking to her and embracing her from behind.

"Go away! The bed is so big, don't get so close to it! " Min Tongtong said, while reaching out to push him, but frightened to touch the man red fruit's body, suddenly screamed out, "ah!! How did you get undressed? "

Bo Yanchen chuckled: "have you ever seen people sleeping in bathrobes?"

"Well! You did it on purpose! Why don't you change your pajamas? " Min Tongtong breathed.

"I only have two sets of pajamas. One set is for you to wear, the other one was washed this morning and hasn't dried yet. " Bo Yanchen's answer was crisp and clear.

However, min Tongtong just don't believe, "cheat! How can you have only two pajamas? " She is much poorer than him, and there are more than two.

"Oh. I usually sleep naked. So, you don't need so many pajamas. If you want me to wear it, you have to give it back to me. I can't wear it wet, can I? " Bo Yanchen's logic is impeccable.

However, min Tongtong is not a silly girl.

Give it back. Isn't she going to sleep naked?

"Well Stay away from me

Bo Yanchen as did not hear, long arm a stretch, again she fished into the arms, "fast sleep, tomorrow also have classes!"

Bo Yanchen said well, but his hands were very dishonest. He touched her here and pinched her there. Finally, he went into her pajamas and lost his guard immediately.

Min Tong Tong takes a cold breath and turns around in embarrassment, staring at the bad man, "how can I sleep like this?"

In the dark, Bo Yanchen accurately found her lip, gently kisses her, hands over her body, face to face with her.

Min Tongtong's white skin was slightly trembled by the hot temperature on Bo Yanchen's body, and her heart beat faster and faster. Her small hand tightly grasped her pajamas in front of her chest for fear of being attacked again.

Bo Yanchen suddenly caught the girl's hand in front of her chest, put the other hand on her back, moved down slowly, crossed her hips and stayed on her white thigh.

His big hands are very hot, as if they can penetrate into the bottom of her skin through the thin Pajama fabric.

Bo Yanchen's thin lip is pasted on Min Tongtong's ear bone, and the heat breathed out hovers around her auricle.

The ear is min Tongtong's sensitive part. She is just an ordinary woman. In the face of the provocation of the man she likes, her passion is stimulated little by little.

Her body is hotter and hotter, in the heart is tangled, in case thin Yan Chen really want to do what time, oneself should make what reaction.

His lips along the ear bone came to her cheek, kiss for a moment, and then fight to the lips, no deep kiss, just pecked a few times, finally in the forehead after a kiss, released her, "sleep."

After that, there was really no more intimate action, but her hand was still holding her hand.

In the dark, min Tongtong's eyes widened.

Just now, she clearly felt his emotion.

High school popularization of sexual knowledge, she knew that men are no better than women, once the desire to rise, it is difficult to fade.

However, how can bo Yanchen stop? Is he Superman?

"Bo Yanchen..." Min Tongtong tried and called him gently.

"Don't tease me, or we'll both stay up tonight." Bo Yanchen warned in a hoarse voice.

As she said this, she grabbed her little hand and brought it to some part of his body. She was so scared that the girl almost cried out, "you You... "

"Be quiet, don't move! I'll be fine in a minute! "

Min Tongtong is stiff and dare not move.

I don't know how long after that, the man's heavy breathing gradually calmed down, and the temperature on his hand didn't seem so hot.

Min Tongtong judge, he should have been "good"!

She lies in Bo Yanchen's arms cleverly, her small hand is always entangled with his big hand.

He respected her and loved her, so he would rather endure her desire than take her easily.

She felt lucky and happy. Fortunately, she met such a good man. Happily, this man is the one he loves.

Min Tongtong wants to say something to Bo Yanchen, but feels that nothing at the moment is enough to express her inner feelings.

At this time, silence is better than sound!

A good night's sleep.

The next morning, when min Tongtong woke up, Bo Yanchen got up early.

Out of the room, Bo Yanchen has been eating breakfast.

"Up? Why don't you get some more sleep? " Bo Yanchen smiles at her.

Min Tong Tong looked at him shyly, "I'm full of sleep. There are still classes in the morning! "

"Have breakfast. I'll take you to school later."

Min Tongtong answered and sat down for breakfast: "where's brother Jing? Are you still sleeping? "

"He just left. He gets up early today. He bought breakfast. " Bo Yanchen light way.

"Ah?" Min Tongtong was embarrassed, "well Doesn't he know you were sleeping in my room last night? ""Well, I know." Bo Yanchen's tone appears very calm, "when I get up, he just bought early to come back."

“……” Min Tongtong's heart is half cold, "he What did he say? "

"I didn't say anything. I just praised my progress."

Poof! Min Tongtong almost choked her throat with a mouthful of milk.

"I knew he must have misunderstood!" Min Tongtong stuffy way, "ah, later I have to avoid him."

"Fool!" Bo Yanchen stretched out her hand and scraped her little nose, "what are you hiding from? He called you sister-in-law. In his eyes, you are already my woman. "

Min Tongtong vomits blood. The implication: even if nothing happened between us, it all happened in Jing Haoran's eyes.

After breakfast, Bo Yanchen personally drives min Tongtong to the school gate. Before leaving, he gives her a sentimental French kiss.

Until she got off the bus, she still felt dizzy.

On the first day of class, min Tongtong learned that the universities in M country are totally different from those in China.

There is almost no "classmate" concept, all courses are basically implemented flexible credit elective system. The mobility of students in the classroom is very strong, some students after listening to a few weeks of class, if they feel that the teacher's talk is boring, they will leave and never see anyone.

However, the learning atmosphere here is good. Professors rarely follow the book, interact with students frequently, and sometimes even argue with students in class.

In the first class, min Tongtong is not used to this kind of class mode, but she has strong adaptability. After a morning's class, she can basically adapt.

After lunch, min Tongtong plans to go around the school to get familiar with the environment.

The National University of n city is full of art. There are not only many Gothic Renaissance buildings, but also many sculptures, including the works of Henry Moore, Clement middlemoor and Alexander Calder.

Min Tongtong is enjoying a sculpture carefully, when she suddenly hears a rush of footsteps behind her. Maybe it's because of wearing thin high heels that the sound of daddada's footsteps is particularly abrupt. , the fastest update of the webnovel!