Chapter 501

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong was silent all the way.

Jing Haoran went to see her, and saw that the little girl was depressed.

"Xiao Tongtong, what's the matter? Is the face still painful? I'll take you to the infirmary for the school doctor to see? "

Min Tongtong shook his head, "I'm ok, I don't need to see a doctor."

"That is still angry about what happened just now." Jing Haoran said, "don't be the same as Susan. She's sick. She's neurotic all day. She's crazy because of love. She's a pervert! "

"Well, I won't take it to heart." Min Tongtong said, "anyway, I didn't suffer any loss. I slapped her, too. "

"Well, I see. Well done! To deal with this kind of people, we have to pay a tooth for a tooth! Otherwise, I thought you were bullying me! " Jing Haoran supported, "today I have warned her, I believe she will not easily trouble you again."

"Thank you, brother Jing!" Min Tongtong said, "by the way, today's matter, you don't tell a Chen, I'm afraid he will worry."

Jing Haoran nodded, "well, I know. I won't say it. "

"Brother Jing, I have classes in the afternoon. I want to go back to my dormitory and have a rest. If you have something to do, go ahead

"Wait a minute. I'll get something from the car for you."

When Jing Haoran ran back, he had a bag in his hand. "This is what ah Chen asked me to buy. It's all your favorite snacks."

Min Tongtong took the bag and was stunned. Chocolate, plum, yogurt, lemon candy, seaweed, beef jerky Even the brands are the ones she usually identifies, "he How does he know I love these? "

She remembers that during her time in M country, she had no extra money to buy snacks.

Jing Haoran shrugged, "who knows? Maybe he was a worm in your stomach in his previous life. "

Min Tongtong It's a cold joke. It's not funny at all.

"Well, I'm done. I'm ready to hand over." Jing Haoran said, "I have something else to do this afternoon. Goodbye!"

After bidding farewell to Jing Haoran, min Tongtong walks towards the dormitory with a big bag of snacks in a complicated mood.

According to reason, Bo Yanchen specially sent his brother to see her and brought snacks. So spoil her, she should feel happy and sweet.

But why isn't she happy at all?

My mind is full of the sentence Jing Haoran blurted out just now: if it wasn't for the sake of you being a little strict friend, he would have turned over with you!

It seems that Bo Yanchen not only moved the true feelings to Xiao Yan, but also had deep feelings.

Even if Xiao Yan died, he still kept his affection for her, otherwise he couldn't even tolerate the rude behavior of her best friend.

"Min Tongtong! You wait! " Just thinking about it, I heard someone call her.

Looking back, it's Susan again.

After the conflict just now, min Tongtong is on guard against her and says, "what do you want to do again?"

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not here to trouble you!" Susan's attitude is much better than just now. She even has a fake smile on her face. "I'm here to apologize to you. I didn't know you were ah Chen's girlfriend in advance, so Sorry just now, I offended you a lot! "

Although min Tongtong doesn't like Susan, she doesn't want to continue to be hostile to Susan since the other party takes the initiative to show her affection. She says with a faint smile, "since it's a misunderstanding, it's OK to talk about it."

"In fact, the reason why I did that to you just now is not for myself, but for my good sister Xiaoyan!" Susan's voice is not salty.

Min Tong Tong Leng for a while, don't understand a way: "what meaning? What does this matter to Xiao Yan? "

"Of course it is." Susan sneered, "I don't know how much you know about Xiaoyan. But the person that Chen loves is always small strict! That's what we all know. Xiao Yan is a Chen's first love, which is often the most unforgettable. Otherwise, how can a Chen be alone for so many years after Xiao Yan's death? Even if you are a Chen's girlfriend. But how long have you known him? How deep can you be? How can you take the place of Xiao Yan in a Chen's mind? "

Min Tongtong was stunned, biting his lip and said, "don't talk nonsense! Xiao Yan didn't fall in love with a Chen at all. "

"Never falling in love doesn't mean not falling in love. The two of them were not together because of the difference between them. On the one hand, it's because of a Chen's father, on the other hand, it's his inferiority complex. He felt that he was not worthy of Xiaoyan. Because Xiaoyan is a daughter, and a Chen is a poor student, it is impossible to give Xiaoyan the life she wants. He didn't want Xiao Yan to suffer with him, so he refused to take that step. " Susan looked at Min Tongtong contemptuously, "you are different. Look at you, the conditions at home should not be so good, right? Chen and you together, no pressure. Moreover, now he is in the rising period of his career, and he has more money than before. He has more than enough to support a woman like you. All I can say is, you're in time! If Xiao Yan is still alive, do you think you will have a chance? "

Susan's words hurt min Tongtong's nerves. She raised her chin and said angrily, "I'm a public student, and I've applied for a full scholarship. I don't need a Chen to support me!""No need for him?" Susan's mouth was filled with a mocking smile. "Hehe, who bought the snack in your hand? When you date, are you all AA

Min Tongtong opened her mouth and did not speak. These seem to be the account that Bo Yanchen pays.

"Come on! I've seen a lot of girls like you. Because I'm young and beautiful, I look for free meal tickets everywhere. " Susan sneered, "so if you want to be rich, I'm sorry to tell you that you've got the wrong person. A Chen has a super rich father, but he and his father are not good at cards since he was a child, so naturally he won't want his father's money. He is now starting a business and needs someone who can help him in his career. Originally, Xiao Yan is the best candidate, but it's a pity that he has no relationship with ah Chen. "

Min Tongtong looked at her speechlessly: "how do you know I can't help him?"

"You? Let's pull it! " Susan's look of disdain in her eyes was even stronger. "You're a little girl. You're just a freshman. You still need to be supported. How can you help ah Chen? But I can. I'm going to graduate soon, and I've met a lot of celebrities in recent years. If a Chen and I are together, I will provide these resources to him free of charge. In this way, he can at least fight for a few years less! So, what a Chen needs is a woman like me, and you? Not only can't help him, but it will drag him down! "

Min Tong Tong's eyes seem to have waves, but soon calm down, "you said so much, just want to persuade me to leave ah Chen, right?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!