Chapter 504

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong looks at Bo Yanchen with her scanning eyes. She seems to be more and more unable to understand this man.

He spoke and did things vigorously, but he hesitated emotionally; he was full of confidence in everything, but he was worried about gains and losses in love; he was born and raised abroad, but he kept feudal ideas in his heart.

Huge contrast, sharp contrast.

What is the reason for his multifaceted character? Which is the real him?

A series of questions haunted min Tongtong.

"How can you have such extreme ideas?" Min Tong Tong some displeasure way, "beautiful woman how not reliable?" She didn't mean to say the last sentence. She wanted to say: I am also a beautiful woman, is it difficult for me to be unreliable? Since it's not reliable, do you still want me to do wool?

"Ridiculous, isn't it?" Bo Yanchen shrugged his shoulders and laughed at himself. "This may be some negative examples that happened to friends around him in recent years. In addition, he was influenced by his mother's education since childhood. "

Speaking of this, Bo Yanchen stopped and didn't seem to want to go on.

However, min Tongtong found some valuable information from his words.

The negative example of a friend is nothing more than the misfortune of a beautiful woman, which makes both people and money empty.

However, Bo Yanchen's mother makes min Tongtong curious.

When I was young, I taught my son to stay away from beautiful women, mostly because he had been trapped by beautiful women.

Min Tongtong suddenly thought of Jing Haoran saying that Bo Yanchen's father is a taboo topic. Could it be that Bo Yanchen's father cheated on his beautiful young son, which led to the breakdown of their marriage? Because of this, let Bo Yanchen's mother hate young and beautiful women?

Well, it must be!

But this topic does not seem to be easy to communicate, it will cause Bo Yanchen's antipathy.

Min Tongtong's little brain turned around and said slowly, "you look so good. When your mother was young, she should be a beauty, too!"

Hey, hey! It's always right to say good things.

"Well, she's very beautiful." Bo Yanchen light way, "but, she thinks, it is precisely because of her beauty, is the root of all the tragedies after."

What's going on? Isn't it Xiao San's fault? How can you take all the blame on yourself? Still inexplicably attributed to the beauty of their own long up?

Mintongtong completely listen to confused, can look at Bo Yanchen dignified expression, she dare not continue to ask.

Just as she was about to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere, Bo Yanchen suddenly opened her mouth: "what do you think of Xiao San?"

Min Tongtong's heart clapped, sure enough, Bo Yanchen's mother's tragedy originated from Xiao San!

"Of course, Xiao San is very shameful!" Min Tongtong is filled with indignation, "people who are junior have abandoned the three moral values, and by virtue of their own personal preferences, they wantonly interfere in other people's emotional life and destroy other people's husband wife and family relations. Such people should be condemned by both public opinion and conscience... "

"In fact, if a woman really meets the third child, she doesn't have to despair. Leave the man who cheated decisively. There is no grass in the world! Why single love a scum man! Let the dogs, men and women, live together and fly to hell The little girl's righteous words and golden sentences continued, but she didn't find Bo Yanchen's face more and more ugly. "Your mother shouldn't knock over a boat of people with one stroke, and attribute all the sins to the beauty of women! There are many beautiful and kind women around me, such as my mother and my grandmother. To put it bluntly, there is no sin in being beautiful. The guilty one is Xiao San's ugly heart! We can't deny all the beautiful women just because Xiao San is a bit of a beauty

After a long speech, Bo Yanchen didn't respond.

Er! Is it because of his carelessness that he started his sad story?

"Ha ha! I've never been in love. I don't know what it's like to be a third son. Maybe you think I don't have a pain in my back when I stand and talk. " Min Tongtong sighed, "in fact, my father cheated during my mother's pregnancy. When my mother gave birth to me, the third child came into the house with a big stomach."

Hear here, there seems to be undercurrent surging in Bo Yanchen's deep eyes, "how never heard of you?"

He always thought that a girl as naive, lively, optimistic and cheerful as her must come from a happy and harmonious family. However, the result is

"You didn't ask, I didn't say. It's not a good memory. It's disturbing to say it Min Tongtong seems very calm, as if describing a common thing, "however, my mother is very optimistic, and my father divorced, raised me up alone. She seldom felt sorry for herself, let alone taught me to hate. I am very grateful to her for letting me, as a child growing up in a single parent family, maintain a good attitude and positive attitude towards life. "

Bo Yanchen hooked his lips and his eyes were soft. "You are very lucky to meet a good mother! And I was even luckier to meet a good girl. Tongtong, you are a beautiful and kind-hearted girl, positive and optimistic, full of vigor. Since I met you, I have completely changed my views. "Unable to prevent the confession, let min Tongtong's face uncontrollably Red: "why is the mouth suddenly so sweet? I'm a little bit flurried with your praise! "

"I'm telling the truth." Bo Yanchen holds her hand, particularly serious expression, "after meeting you, I found that before their own life how boring."

Min Tongtong chuckled, "so you know! It's boring! With all due respect, when I first met you, I didn't feel like a young man at all. People in their twenties live as if they were 40 or 50 years old. They have no hobbies except work every day. I was just thinking, "isn't it boring if someone marries you in the future?"

Bo Yanchen's face is a stiff, "that you still want to be together with me?"

"Well. I am the one who has come to change you Min Tongtong spits his tongue at him mischievously.

"No, you're not here to change me!" Bo Yanchen's dark eyes were full of tenderness, "you are here to redeem me!"

Poof! Min Tongtong thought he was joking, joking: "how can I have such great ability? I just hope that when I am with you, I will not be assimilated by you! I don't want to go into aging ahead of time! I'm only 18 years old, my life has just begun, I want to live my own wonderful life

After a pause, she gave him a sweet smile, "OK, you don't have any pressure. I promise you, even if the most handsome guy in the school comes after me, I won't look at it more, OK? I am very dedicated Oh, identified a person, will not easily change. I will never leave you unless you cheat on me , the fastest update of the webnovel!