Chapter 533

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong was knocked out of her body and her face was covered with cattle.

Whimper, whimper She felt so innocent. Stand on such a belly black boyfriend, in the future he must be cautious. Otherwise, he will have to count the money if he sells it!

"Ah!" Min Tongtong is depressed to think, Leng Buding is hit by Bo Yanchen forcefully several times, feel the pain of a spasm in the lower abdomen, lead her to take a cold breath, "a Chen, you light up It hurts a little

Bo Yanchen thought that she was deliberately looking for an excuse. She raised her lips with a bad smile. "Baby, you should pay attention at this time. Otherwise I will punish you. Well

"No I really Well... " Before min Tongtong's voice falls, Bo Yanchen suddenly lowers her head to seal her lips, swallowing the rest of her words between each other's lips and teeth, and speeding up the frequency of movement under her body.

Min Tongtong feels more and more pain in her lower abdomen. This kind of pain seems to be abnormal. It's like something is falling down, and it's not like the kind of physical pain of my aunt.

"Ah Chen Please Stop it Min Tongtong difficultly dodged his lips, endured severe pain and said intermittently, "I seem to There seems to be something wrong It really hurts! "

Bo Yanchen listens to her voice some not right, this just stops completely.

The little girl's face was pale, biting her lips, and she looked very miserable.

Scared Bo Yanchen to get out quickly, a trace of bright red blood stabbed his eyes.

She is Is the physiological period coming?

Counting the days, it seems that it has been put off for a long time. During this period of time, he was busy with the business of the company, but he didn't notice it.

"Tong Tong, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here." Bo Yanchen side apology, side up, help min Tongtong cover quilt, "menstrual period can't catch cold. It hurts, doesn't it? I'll pour you a brown sugar water. "

Bo Yanchen just wants to get out of bed, but her arm is caught by Min Tongtong.

"Ah Chen I feel like It doesn't seem to be that Hiss The girl suddenly covered her stomach and couldn't speak because of the pain.

Although the little girl has been suffering from physical pain, it's not so serious. Isn't the blood

Bo Yanchen suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, "Tong Tong, you bear it, I'll send you to the hospital!"

Fortunately, there is an obstetrics and gynecology hospital not far from home.

Originally ten minutes' drive, Bo Yanchen drove all the way and arrived at the hospital in five minutes.

After a series of examination and treatment, min Tongtong's pain was finally relieved.

After min Tongtong was sent to the ward, the doctor called Bo Yanchen to the office.

"Doctor, what's the matter with my girlfriend?" Bo Yanchen has not sat down as soon as he enters the office, he asks anxiously.

"Sit down first." The doctor was an old Chinese. She gave Bo Yanchen a cold look and pointed to the seat opposite.

Bo Yanchen see doctor such attitude, in the heart suddenly nervous, "my girlfriend's situation is not very good?"

The doctor looked at Bo Yanchen with a serious expression, "ah! You young people! I don't know the convergence point in this special period What can I say about you? It's a good thing that the couple have a good relationship, but there should be a degree in everything! "

The doctor shook his head with a sigh.

Bo Yanchen's facial expression suddenly a stiff, this matter son is his rightful fault, also have no what good sophistry.

Seeing that his attitude was ok, the doctor held the frame and said, "your girlfriend's condition is really not very good. If it comes a few hours late, I'm afraid the fetus will be lost! "

"Fetus?" Rao is Bo Yanchen, who has always been unprepared to change. At this time, he can't calm down. He just sat down and jumped up like an electric shock. He widened his eyes and said, "doctor! You mean My girlfriend Pregnant? "

"Yes! She's five weeks pregnant The doctor looked at him strangely, "what? Didn't you know that before? "

Bo Yanchen slumped down on the chair.

Oh, my God! She's really pregnant!

He is such a fool that he doesn't know it at all. He has been singing all night these days.

It was so intense in the morning, no wonder it made her bleed.

He is so damned!

Thinking of this, Bo Yanchen wanted to clap himself to death.

However, at the thought that he was going to be a father, he was inexplicably elated.

But soon, he began to worry again.

The little girl is only 18 years old. At that young age, she is still a child. Can she change her role immediately and become a mother?

Besides, she just went to college. She must cherish the public places she has obtained.

Would you be willing to delay a year and a half to have a baby?

Even if she would, he would feel guilty.

Ah, this child It seems to have come at a bad time.

The doctor looked at his face, which changed like a palette. He felt angry and funny. "How can a smart man not even know that your girlfriend is pregnant? She hasn't been on holiday for so long that she hasn't attracted your attention at all? ""Doctor, this is really my negligence." Bo Yanchen said with guilt, "how is she now?"

"The blood has stopped, but because the previous sex is too intense, the fetus is not very stable, there is a slight abortion." The doctor said, "I need to be hospitalized for observation these days. After the condition is stable, I have to go home and have a baby for two months. During this period, there must be no more sex! Otherwise, once the bleeding again, not only the fetus will be unable to keep, pregnant women will also have life-threatening

Bo Yanchen was frightened by the doctor's words and nodded repeatedly.

"Doctor, may I see her now?"

"Well, go ahead." The doctor nodded, "pregnant women are young, and it's their first time to be a mother. They may not adapt to it psychologically and physiologically. You have to comfort her, try to keep her in a good mood, so that the baby can grow up healthily

"I see. Thank you, doctor

When Bo Yanchen enters the ward, min Tongtong is lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

See Bo Yanchen come in, immediately show bright smile, sit up body, pout a mouth way, "ah Chen, you finally come! They told me to lie down and not to move, and they didn't tell me what was wrong. What do you mean? "

Bo Yanchen hurriedly ran past, helped min Tongtong, let her lie down, "don't get up, the doctor let you stay in bed."

"My stomach doesn't hurt anymore. It's time to leave the hospital. " Min Tongtong turns her lips.

"You just hurt like that and bled. It's no joke." Bo Yanchen said, "first stay in hospital for observation for one day. Be obedient

"But The disinfectant in the hospital tastes too strong. I'm a little nauseous. " Little girl coquetry way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!