Chapter 536

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Min Tongtong stood up, subconsciously looked left and right for a while, suddenly saw a tall familiar figure standing on the balcony, scared cell phone almost fell to the ground.

"Ah Ah Chen!! When did you come? Why didn't I hear that? " Min Tongtong hangs up her mobile phone in panic and covers the paper on the table with her body.

I hope he came in after he answered the phone. In this way, she can deny that she only painted for a while, and rest of the time.

However, Bo Yanchen saw through her careful thinking at a glance, so that he could look at her in his spare time, "OK! Don't cover up! I've been in for more than ten minutes! "

Min Tongtong He came in so long that she didn't even notice. No one else.

She thought, next time should put an infrared sensor in the door, once someone comes in, it will give out a warning sound. Otherwise, it's not bo Yanchen who comes in, but thieves and robbers. It's estimated that she doesn't even know how to die.

"Ah Chen, I just had an inspiration, so I forgot the time. "

Min Tongtong explained, see Bo Yanchen calm face silent, think the situation is not good, quickly added: "I promise, next time will never be like this! Ah Chen Don't be angry, will you? "

Mintongtong never afraid of Bo Yanchen fierce she scolded her, afraid of him so silent play deep.

Because when Bo Yanchen didn't speak, he looked more terrible than when he was cruel to her.

Bo Yanchen looks at the little girl's attitude of admitting her mistake. Her face softens a little, but her expression is still serious. "Tong Tong, you are so disobedient, what should I do with you? It seems that when I go to work, I have to hire someone to take care of you

"No?" Min Tongtong immediately objected, "I'm just pregnant. I'm not paralyzed. I don't need special care! Ah Chen, you are making a mountain out of a molehill

It's called looking for someone to take care of her. In fact, it's monitoring her. Hum! She's not stupid!

"Well, I'll change my office to home." Bo Yanchen said.

"How is that going to work?" Min Tongtong still objected, "you usually have to receive customers and go out to talk business. What's the matter at home?"

"What do you say? I'd like you to think of a way that can not only reassure me, but also make you accept it. " Bo Yanchen simply left the problem to her.

Reassure him? It is estimated that only when she lies in bed every day and doesn't do anything, will he be completely relieved.

"Well, before the baby is born, can't I stop drawing?" Min Tongtong biting her lips, a pair of wronged about to cry out.

Indeed, it's worse than death for a design genius not to touch the brush for nearly a year.

Bo Yanchen sighed, "OK! I'm not against your drawing. After all, this work only needs sitting, and the safety factor is relatively high. There is no problem in drawing for half an hour to one hour every day. But what about you? It's a day to sit and not even stand up. "

Bo Yanchen said, picked up the stack of paper on the table, "you see, so much! At least all afternoon? "

Min Tong Tong lowered her head and kept silent. She knew she was wrong and didn't dare to quibble.

"I know you like design." Bo Yanchen looked at her deeply and said, "but with your present physical condition, you can't sit for a long time. Ten thousand move fetal gas, there is no one at home, how can you let me rest assured next? "

After all, he was worried about her and the baby.

Min Tongtong feels that what she has done this time is a little too much. Bo Yanchen is so busy with her work during the day. She has to break her heart for her. It's really inappropriate.

"Ah Chen, I'm wrong. I'm sorry to worry you Min Tongtong looked up at him with sincere eyes, "I shouldn't just care about myself and ignore the baby. You You scold me, I am not a qualified mother to be

How can he be willing to scold his family's treasures? Besides, she has a baby in her belly. He doesn't want Baba to be so mean to his mother.

"Come on, don't apologize. I don't really blame you either. As long as you don't sit down and draw in the future, you won't have a sense of time. " Bo Yanchen thought, "in the future, you will draw no more than two hours a day, one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon. Draw every half an hour to move your muscles and bones. Set an hour before each drawing. Is that always possible? "

In front of Min Tongtong's eyes, suddenly a bright, like walking in the desert people suddenly encounter oasis, as if to see the hope of life.

Bo Yanchen even agreed that she could draw pictures for two hours every day. How could there be such a good thing?

At the moment, she felt that Bo Yanchen was the incarnation of God!

"Yes, yes!" The little girl nodded, like pounding garlic, "I promise to do it! If you don't believe it, you can send someone to supervise me! "

As long as she can draw pictures, even if she is monitored, it doesn't matter.

"I believe you!" Bo Yanchen grinned and rubbed the top of her hair. "Who else can you trust if you don't believe your wife?"

"Mm-hmm! Husband, you are the best Min Tongtong excitedly embraces Bo Yanchen's neck, fiercely kisses two on his lip."Don't tease me, little thing!" Bo Yanchen warned him hoarsely.

It's a period of abstinence. If you're lifted up, you can't relieve the fire, but it's fatal!

Before the meat, he could calm down. But since he tasted the taste of a little woman, he felt that his resistance to her was almost zero.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot! Stay away from you The little girl vomited her tongue at him and stepped back consciously.

However, her attractive little pink tongue just came into the man's eyes, which made his abdomen tighten.

Damn it! Bo Yanchen low curse a, this small thing can lift fire in imperceptible, also no one.

He turned his head and pretended to look at the design in his hand, trying to distract his attention.

Turning over, his attention was really attracted by the design in his hand.

"Tongtong, is this your new design today?"

"Well, yes!" Min Tongtong said, "this afternoon, I suddenly had inspiration and improvised two works."

She picked out two from the stack of drawings in Bo Yanchen's hand, "here are the two. What do you think? "

"Well. The style is very novel and unique. " Bo Yanchen looked at the design drawing and twisted his eyebrows. "Why do you specially mark the big two beside and don't add sponges?"

"Oh. These two bras I designed are suitable for pregnant women. Because I found that since I was pregnant, my chest circumference has become a lot bigger, and I can't wear my original bra. " Min Tongtong some embarrassed said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!