Chapter 559

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen looked at Li Xintong and looked back and forth on her face for several times. Suddenly he understood something. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Tong Tong, you were Did you faint on purpose? "

Li Xintong looked at Bo Yanchen's appearance of tearing down the Western mirror, but he was not angry. "What about intentionally? If I don't have to do something, will you lead you out? "

Bo Yanchen frowned and said with a bitter smile, "Tong Tong, it seems that your statement is not appropriate. What is leading out? Look, it feels like you're a cop and I'm a gangster. "

"Be serious! Don't play with me Li Xintong did not have a good airway, "say! Why did you lose contact? "

Looking at the appearance of the little wife, Bo Yanchen sighed helplessly, "OK, I can tell you. But you have to make sure you calm down after listening. You're pregnant, and you can't be emotional. "

What a familiar dialogue. I remember five years ago, when she was pregnant with her first child, Bo Yanchen also said so when she was angry.

Memories flooded into her mind, and her heart was full of ups and downs.

Bo Yanchen sees her strange, "Tong Tong, what's the matter with you? I haven't said it yet. If you look like this, I won't say it. "

"You dare!" Li Xintong is anxious, "if you don't say it, I'll beat you! Hit you... "

The raindrop like fist hits Bo Yanchen's body, Bo Yanchen does not hide does not speak, lets her hit.

Li Xintong will be a day and a night of fear and fear of emotions all out of the air, from head to foot.

Beating beating, she found that there was something wrong with Bo Yanchen's face. There was a big sweat on her forehead. Her eyebrows were twisted into Sichuan characters. The blue veins of her hands on the edge of the bed were bulging. She looked very painful.

"Ah Chen, you What's up? Is he ill? " Li Xintong raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, "ah! It's so hot! You have a fever!! Why didn't you tell me when you were sick? I'll hit you and not hide! "

Is this man stupid or something? She did a good job just now!

Bo Yanchen looked at her deeply, "I did something wrong. My wife should have beaten me. I accept the punishment

Li Xintong

In the face of such a man, she lost her temper.

"I'll call the doctor!"

Li Xintong is going to ring the call bell, but Bo Yanchen puts her arms in her arms, "no, I'm ok. You just let me hug you. "

Bo Yanchen tightened his arm and felt Li Xintong's heart beat, which was extremely satisfied and joyful.

These days, she is not at the side, Bo Yanchen feels that time passes like a year, at this moment, the person who yearns is in the bosom, very good!

Although Li Xintong's doubts have not been solved, although she is still very angry that there is no news from him, the atmosphere at the moment is too warm and sweet. She really can't bear to push him away.

Day and night of fear, in the moment to see him safe, nothing to care about. I wish I could lie in his arms forever!

She couldn't help stretching out her hands and tightly encircling Bo Yanchen's waist, as if as soon as she let go, he would disappear again.

"Tong Tong, don't worry, I'm here!" Bo Yanchen whispered in her ear.

Li Xintong retreated from his arms and sobbed, "you must promise me that you will never leave me again."

"Well, I promise I won't leave you again. I will always be with you and the children. "

Although the departure she said was five years ago. And what he understood was the loss of contact this time.

But with his lifelong commitment, she felt that she had taken a reassuring pill, and the tears of breaking the dike were tears of joy.

She raised her hand and unconsciously stroked his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his lips, and the stubble that had not been shaved for several days. It seemed that she wanted to describe him deeply in her heart.

Bo Yanchen suddenly caught her little hand, took her into his arms, and bowed his head to kiss her lips.

Li Xintong's body trembles lightly, can't help but respond.

It's a lost kiss.

They were sucking, lips and teeth intertwined, kissing deeply and deeply, as if they were the only two left in the world.

At this beautiful moment, the door of the ward was suddenly opened with a bang.

A little nurse broke in. Seeing this, Leng buting was stunned and forgot the purpose of coming here.

Li Xintong heard the news, shyly to Bo Yanchen arms drill, "Chen, someone came."

"Why don't you knock when you come in?" Bo Yanchen immediately changed an iceberg face, intimacy was interrupted, very uncomfortable.

The little nurse's face froze, "that Mr. Bo, I'm looking for you. So you're here? "

"What can I do for you?"

Little nurse: "the doctor said that you have not fully recovered and need to rest in bed. Otherwise, it is easy to relapse! "

Li Xintong was very worried, "you What's wrong with you? "

"Nothing. It's just a slight illness." Bo Yanchen's understatement.Li Xintong didn't believe it. She asked the nurse directly, "what's wrong with him?"

"This..." The little nurse took a careful look at Bo Yanchen and didn't dare to say.

Li Xintong more aware of the seriousness of the matter, "I am his wife, have the right to know his condition!"

The little nurse was helpless and whispered, "Mr. Bo, he He had a gastric ulcer the night before yesterday, causing gastric bleeding... "

"What Li Xintong's heart seemed to be severely pricked, "such a big thing, you didn't tell me? Bo Yanchen, don't you think I'm your wife? "

"I I don't want you to worry... " Bo Yanchen holds Li Xintong's hand and tries to calm her down.

But Li Xintong's heart is like a river and a sea, unable to calm down, red eyes orbit way, "so you deliberately shut down to make lost contact, right? Do you know that it will only make me more worried! "

Bo Yanchen

That day, he suffered from a stomach ulcer and was unconscious of pain. He was afraid that his little wife would show up when she called, so he just didn't do it twice Shut down.

He wanted to go back to Xicheng when he was a little better.

At that time, I will find a reason for the loss of contact, play a trick, coax her, and the matter will be over.

But I didn't expect to shut down for a day. My little wife was in a hurry and came to Shanghai in the middle of the night to find him.

Li Xintong's eyes are full of worry and affection. Seeing her like this, Bo Yanchen feels deeply remorse, "Tong Tong, I'm sorry..." This is the nth time Bo Yanchen apologized to his wife today.

Li Xintong stared at him for a long time and said, "OK, go back to the ward and lie down."

Bo Yanchen's eyes brightened: "Tong Tong, you Forgive me? "

Li Xintong looked at him in a coquettish and angry way: "this is not the case." , the fastest update of the webnovel!