Chapter 571

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Bo Yanchen's fingers gently clasped the table, just like knocking on Li Jianguo's heart. Although it was not heavy, it was very painful.

Yes! His company encountered unprecedented financial crisis, the customer did not find the door, the creditor is every three to five patrons.

Originally, he also wondered, how could all the customers he had cooperated with ran out overnight?

He tried to contact several old customers who thought they had a strong relationship with each other. They either sighed with him or said something perfunctory. Some of them even blacked his phone.

He thought that he must have offended some powerful person, and once suspected that it was Bo Jingxuan.

Now it seems that Bo Yanchen seems to know more about his company. Is he the powerful man?

Although Li Jianguo can not be said to be experienced in shopping malls, he is also an individual. In such a suspicious situation, he is not in a hurry to ask Bo Yanchen. Most of it, of course, is because of fear.

If you think about it, if you don't even show your face, you can bankrupt the company he has worked so hard for decades. Its strength and means can be seen.

How could he have been so stupid that he would have been so impulsive? What's more, Bo Yanchen now dares to say these in front of him, is to let him know intentionally. I'm not afraid of his anger, not to mention his revenge.

Since Bo Yanchen came to ask him about Qinhuai, he doubted that there was a shady deal between them, but he didn't know much about the content of the deal.

Li Jianguo thought that it was no way to hide it all the time. He turned his head around and said slowly, "I have an agreement with general manager Qin. I can't disclose it to anyone."

Bo Yanchen knocked the finger of the table to stop suddenly, pick eyebrow way: "so say, you are for money, just willing to keep secret for Qin Huai?"

Li Jianguo couldn't answer that. He thought to himself, isn't this obvious? Do you still need to ask? Not for money, but for what?

However, people like Li Jianguo, who are desperate for money, are the least willing to admit that they love money. He cleared his throat and said solemnly, "since he takes people's money, he has to be moral."

Morality? Do those who abandon their wives and daughters have morality?

Bo Yanchen seems to hear some funny joke, sneer in the heart, but his face is quite calm, "give you two choices. First, tell the truth about the so-called secret between you. You can get twice as much money as Qinhuai gives you. "

Li Jianguo's eyes lit up in an instant. Qinhuai gave him a million! Double?! Isn't it two million? It looks like a good deal!

When Qiu Aihua heard this, his eyes were even more excited, as if the symbol of RMB was printed in his pupils. She touched her husband with her elbow to indicate his position.

Li Jianguo's city hall is obviously much deeper than his wife's. instead of making a statement, he asked, "didn't you just say that there are two choices? What's the second one? "

"Second, you choose to stick to your agreement to the end. However, in that case, I promise that no matter how many times you get money from Qinhuai, it will not be enough to fill the deficit of your company. " Bo Yanchen said slowly.

Li Jianguo is very excited. The implication of this is that if he doesn't say it, his company will go bankrupt.

"Husband..." Qiu Aihua was in a hurry and reached for her husband's sleeve.

If the company goes bankrupt, how can she live as a rich wife? Maybe even the big villa we live in now has to be taken out to pay the debt. It's not funny to sleep on the street.

"You don't have to answer me in a hurry." Bo Yanchen looked at him in his spare time. "I'll give you a day to go back and think about it. Come back to me when you think about it. I have another meeting. Please help yourself

Rui Wentao opened the door, "ladies and gentlemen, please

Li Jianguo, who was still struggling just now, was suddenly ordered to leave, and his heart became even more flustered.

Looking at Bo Yanchen's calm appearance, I don't think he is the only one who can make a breakthrough.

In case, before he has made his position known, Bo Yanchen finds out the secret first. He didn't even have a chance to say it.

At that time, not only could he not get the two million yuan, but he might also enrage Bo Yanchen and directly bankrupt his company. Then his loss will be great!

After several contacts, Li Jianguo felt that Bo Yanchen was colder and more terrible than Qinhuai.

If you offend Qinhuai, you may not be able to eat it all, but if you offend Bo Yanchen, it's a dead end.

After careful consideration, Li Jianguo finally made a decision. Just as he walked out of Red's gate, he turned back.

This time, he didn't take Qiu Aihua with him. He was afraid that women would delay things.

The door of the office was open. Seeing the man sitting behind the desk, Li Jianguo was stunned.

Didn't he say there was a meeting? Why are you still sitting?

"What? So soon? " Bo Yanchen looked at him, his face was calm, and even his eyelids didn't blink. He seemed to have expected that he would come back.

"Well, I think about it!" Li Jianguo swallowed, "choose the first plan!"Bo Yanchen seemed to have guessed that he would make this choice for a long time, and said faintly: "say it!"

"You are married to Xintong. Maybe you know what happened when she helped Bo Jingxuan go to jail?" Li Jianguo asked a rhetorical question first.

Bo Yanchen slightly twisted his eyebrows, "to make a long story short, to say the point! I don't have time to talk home to you! "

"That's the point!" Li Jianguo said, "at that time, the Bo family gave 20 million yuan to seal the case, which brought it down. Some time ago, it was exposed in the media. "

"Didn't you do it?" Bo Yanchen's cold voice.

Li Jianguo sneered coldly, "everyone thinks it's me. In fact, the real one is Qinhuai. He found me, contacted the media and asked me to tell the truth. Promise me a million dollars later. "

Bo Yanchen's eye color suddenly becomes deep.

Oh! It turned out that this news was released to the media by Qinhuai.

How funny! At the beginning, Bo xiurui insisted that he did it.

After working for a long time, he was the most trusted right-hand man around him.

Oh! What a slap in the face.

"Empty talk. Why should I believe you? "

"I have proof!" Li Jianguo took out his mobile phone and played a recording when he and Qinhuai reached an agreement.

"Now, do you believe it?" Li Jianguo said.

Bo Yanchen opened the drawer, took out a written check and put it on the desk. "Forward the recording to me. The two million is yours."

Li Jianguo looked at the check and looked down at his mobile phone. After all, he was captured by the smell of money.

Looking at Li Jianguo, who left after getting the money, Rui Wentao looked contemptuous, "Oh! Take the money at both ends, and he'll be happy! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!