Chapter 582

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
"Ha ha! I knew you'd react like that. " Bo xiurui smiles, "you must be thinking, you Bo xiurui has so good resources, how can you be willing to let your son work so hard? Yes! I am not willing to! Looking at ah Chen's work of getting up in the morning and getting up in the dark and playing with his life; looking at his efforts being denied again and again and being rejected again and again, I feel very bad. I think of my past, those sad days of starting a business. I don't have the heart to let my son go through the same process. So I offered to say hello to the boss of the other party for him, but he refused. I wanted to give him money to start his own company. He not only refused, but also had a big fight with me. ha-ha! My son's temper is so stubborn. It's very much like when I was young. "

Bo xiurui did not give an example, in fact, Bo Yanchen's stubborn performance is far more than these. For example, on the day red opened, Bo xiurui placed an order of five million yuan in the name of his friend's new small company. In a few days, Bo Yanchen returned with interest.

There are so many examples like this, sometimes it really makes Bo xiurui angry. But on second thought, isn't his son's stubborn temper inherited from him?

Bo xiurui's eyes are full of loving eyes, which Bo Jingxuan hasn't seen in Bo xiurui's eyes for many years. In the impression, Bo xiurui had such a look only when he treated his eldest son.

Bo xiurui is not slow to tell, the people present are silent, all holding the breath to listen.

What they see in their eyes is not the usual dignified chairman, but a kind father who talks about his son's growth experience.

"It's hard work for those who want to. With his unremitting efforts, red was finally established in less than two years, and in less than five years, it has developed into a leader in the industry. I don't think red's success is a myth. But from the continuous exploration and innovation, from the super strategic innovation ability, enterprise management ability, team execution ability. It can be said that the success of red is inevitable! As the leader of red, Bo Yanchen plays an important role in it. I have to admit that when I was his age, I was far from his achievement. I'm proud to have such a son! The blue is better than the blue. The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave! It's time for me to step back! "

Bo xiurui said, "maybe some people will say that I am growing other people's ambition and destroying my prestige. In fact, we should be good at summing up the advanced management experience of other companies, and admit and analyze our own shortcomings. And can't just sit back and watch the sky, arrogant. Just now someone pointed out that Bo and red are competitors. That's right! That's the truth. But is the truth worth reflecting on? Why can red, which has just been established for five years, compete with Bo, who has a history of more than 40 years? "

Bo xiurui pauses for a moment, and his eyes sweep from each face one by one. Everyone lowers his head coincidentally.

"Of course, Bo's development has been slow or even stagnant in recent years. As the chairman of the board, I should take full responsibility for it!"

One of the senior directors couldn't listen any more, "Chairman, you are serious. It's not your responsibility. All of us here are responsible! "

"Yes! The company's performance is the responsibility of all of us. " Others responded.

Bo xiurui was very pleased to hear that. Although Bo's benefits are not as good as before, but at least in terms of responsibility, we did not buck each other. This proves that Bo is still saved and there is hope in the future!

"Everyone be quiet!" Bo xiurui clapped his hands, "now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Let's get back to business! Just now, I gave you a brief introduction to the nominees and explained your doubts one by one. Here, I promise you. If Bo Yanchen succeeds Bo's chairman, he will continue to be red's chairman. The two companies are independent, and neither of them will become a subsidiary of the other. That's all I have to say. Host, can we vote? "

Before the host had time to speak, someone said, "in this case, it's better to vote again."

"Since a new candidate has been added, it seems more reasonable to re compare the three candidates," and then choose someone you trust as the chairman, which is more fair to other candidates. " A senior director said.

"Yes! Vote again. "

"I'm in favor of a new vote!"

"I agree, too!"

There are more and more voices of approval.

"Since the majority are in favor of it, vote again." Bo xiurui said, "does anyone have any objection?"

No one spoke.

Qinhuai and Bo Jingxuan would not object to it.

Bo xiurui took 40% of the shares, all used to support Bo Yanchen, they directly rest vegetables.

If we vote again, at least there is a chance. Even if the chances of a reversal are not great.

After waiting for more than a minute, no one raised any objection. The host cleared his throat and said, "vote now."Bo xiurui wrote the votes early, folded them, laid them flat on the table, and then quietly watched the other people's whispering discussions.

Finally, the vote is over. Under the supervision of the ticket supervisor, the staff quickly counted out the final results.

The host announced the number of votes: 20% for Bo Jingxuan, 20% for Qinhuai and 50% for Bo Yanchen.

As expected, only 10% of Qin Huai's supporters defected, which makes people feel sad.

When the host announced that Bo's new chairman was Bo Yanchen, Bo xiurui took the lead in clapping, and the others applauded.

The thunderous clapping stimulated Qin Huai, as if to penetrate his eardrum, choking with pain.

I didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would come out on the way.

He can't figure it out. Bo xiurui will help his son, who is not expected to see in the ordinary days, at this juncture.

Thinking of the company that he has worked so hard for so many years and falling into Bo Yanchen's hands so easily, he feels that his heart is like a knife, and he even has the heart to kill people.

At the beginning of the accident did not want Bo Yanchen's life, after that, there is no good chance to start! So much so that raising a tiger will bring endless troubles.

Just as Qin Huai Yin was thinking about how to stop Bo Yanchen from taking over the Bo family, he heard someone say out loud: "the result of this vote doesn't count!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!