Chapter 587

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Seeing that Qinhuai was silent, Bo Yanchen continued, "how? Not yet? Do you want to argue that the people in the video are wearing sunglasses and hats, and they can't judge who is who just by their clothes, body shape and walking posture? "

Qin Huai: "I'm not sure." That's what he's trying to say.

"Uncle Ji, continue to play the video."

Bo Yanchen orders, Ji Shudian opens the next video.

Just now, the man in black walked out of the hotel garden and got on a black car.

After the car drove out of the hotel, Ji Shu started the multiple play mode again.

In the video, the car zigzags around Shanghai.

Qin Huai's face turns pale. The person who took the video obviously has been following him. After he left the hotel that day, he went to the villa where his father Qin Zhenfei lived.

So the secret of my father's still alive has not been revealed, has it?

This terrible idea only flashed for a moment, and was immediately denied by Qinhuai.

If Bo xiurui knew Qin Zhenfei was still alive, how could he be so calm?

No, I must be too nervous.

My father was so secretive that he hardly ever went out of the villa. Besides, the villa is not in his name, so it will not be found easily.

"Uncle Ji, turn off the video." Bo Yanchen suddenly ordered.

"Why? Why not let it go? " All of you are quitting. They want to see who the man in black is?

"The back is gone." Bo Yanchen said, "I just want to show you the license plate of that car. I've asked people to check. The owner of the car is Qinhuai himself. "

"Oh! I knew it was you! " Bo Jingxuan jumped up, "Qinhuai! What else do you have to say? "

Qinhuai breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the video didn't go down, otherwise it would be troublesome.

"I have nothing to say until my lawyer shows up."

At this time, it is undoubtedly the wisest not to speak.

This Qinhuai is really cunning. Bo Yanchen sneered in the bottom of his heart.

"Well, in that case, let's do it step by step. Start the recall process first. " Bo Yanchen said.

No one has any objection.

The result of the vote came out quickly. There was an unprecedented consensus, and the recall bill was passed by a unanimous vote.

Although he was removed from the post of deputy general manager, Qin Huai is still a major shareholder of Bo's because he still holds 5% of the shares of Bo's.

If you want to kick him out of the company completely, you have to go through some necessary procedures.

Bo Yanchen immediately announced at the meeting that next, Bo will file a lawsuit to the court on the ground that Qinhuai abused the rights of shareholders and damaged the interests of the company.

Qinhuai has been silent, did not make any comments.

After the meeting, he was the first to walk out of the meeting room. This time, no one stopped him from leaving.

Then the other directors left one after another.

Only Bo xiurui, Bo Yanchen and Bo Jingxuan were left in the conference room.

Of course, Bo Jingxuan stayed on his own.

"Jingxuan, I have something to say to a Chen. You should avoid it first!" Bo xiurui said.

"I'm not an outsider! Why avoid it? " Bo Jingxuan discontented, "do you have any secrets to tell behind my back? You're not trying to get rid of me, are you

Bo xiurui gave his grandson a blank look, "you have self-knowledge. Yes? Now you're afraid? Wasn't it very powerful just now? "

"Are you really going to dismiss me?" Bo Jingxuan was worried, "what have I done? I did not harm the interests of the company, and I did not do anything for the position of chairman. I'm clean and aboveboard. Why did you kick me out of the board? "

Bo Jingxuan's words are true.

Although he is a dandy, he is not a jerk to do such a shameless thing. Of course, with his ability and intelligence, it's not enough time to do something magnificent.

"You're so low on yourself!" Bo xiurui was angry and funny. "You feel your conscience. How much contribution have you made to the company in the past few years when you became the president of the company? I'm sorry to say you! No contribution, but a lot of trouble. Finally, I have to deal with the aftermath for you! Do you think what you have done is worthy of the position of President? As the president of the company, is he just competent without damaging the interests of the company? "

Bo Jingxuan is silenced by Bo xiurui's repeated questions. He bowed his head with a guilty heart and did not dare to make any more sophistry.

Looking at Sun Tzu's image, Bo xiurui shook his head and sighed: "I know you are not convinced. I think I gave the position of the chairman to a Chen, not to you. But you ask yourself, with your qualifications and ability, can you shoulder the burden of the whole Bo family? Those guys who can hold down the board of directors? Do you have a good management of Bo's tens of thousands of employees? I dare say that if you become chairman of the board, you will be ousted within a month. "

"Grandfather, how can I be so useless?" Bo Jingxuan couldn't help saying, "a month is too short, isn't it? It's still hopeful to work hard for a year and a half. "Poof! Bo xiurui gushed out of his old blood.

Is this grandson sure it's not monkey's Toby?

"Jingxuan! Jingxuan Bo xiurui couldn't laugh and cry, "how can I say hello? You are not a bad boy, but you are too lazy. Mind is not in work, play heart is too heavy. I stopped you, just want you to reflect. I'm going to reinstate you after you take up your temper and turn over a new leaf. But what about you? I feel that my punishment to you is too severe and that I don't love you enough. I not only resent me, but also abandon myself. I know all that. "

"Grandfather! I... " Bo Jingxuan didn't expect that Bo xiurui didn't beat him to death. He not only thinks that his nature is not bad, but also plans to reinstate him. But what about him? What did you just do?

Contradicting Bo xiurui in public makes him unable to get off the stage, and almost makes him angry to have a heart attack. What a sin! Sin!

"In fact, I have long found that Qinhuai has a different heart. This time I was suddenly ill and hospitalized, just to draw the snake out of the hole. Sure enough, within a few days, this poisonous snake will take action. " Bo xiurui said.

"What? Grandfather, you Are you pretending to be sick? " Bo Jingxuan surprised tongue knot, "how even we all hide? Do you know, grandma almost fainted from you? "

"I know. I know all about it. " Bo xiurui said, "if I don't tell you, I'm afraid that if it leaks, it will fall short. What's more, only in this way can your performance be true, and Qinhuai won't see any flaws. "

"Grandfather! Since you have so much evidence of Qinhuai in your hand, why don't you bring it out early in the morning and play a trick of pretending to be ill? Isn't it unnecessary? " Bo Jingxuan asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!