Chapter 594

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
At that time, Qin Zhenfei was still a warm-blooded young man full of enthusiasm and integrity. He helped him when the road was rough.

Not only saved Su Nuan, but also sent her to the police station to find relatives.

After that, he left alone.

More than ten years later, until they meet again, Su Nuan has grown into a graceful girl.

At that time, Qin Zhenfei had just experienced suspended animation, had no fixed place to live, and could not reunite with his wife and children, which was also his most depressed time.

Su Nuan recognized Qin Zhenfei as soon as he saw him.

The little girl recalled the past and was very excited. She kept saying that she wanted to repay him.

At first, Qin Zhenfei was just a joke.

Su Nuan's family was not rich. Her parents died. After graduating from high school, she couldn't afford the expensive tuition. She went to work in the factory early and barely made a living.

How can she help Qin Zhenfei to complete his grand plan?

However, within a few days, Qin Zhenfei discovered a trait in Su Nuan, that is The opposite sex is very good.

Men who pursue her range from teenagers to forties.

An evil idea suddenly appeared in Qin Zhenfei's mind.

That is Let Su Nuan seduce Bo xiurui.

An Huiying is a famous jealous woman. There are few female employees in Bo's family. It's because of her. Qin Zhenfei is quite clear about this.

So he went to Su Nuan and explained the situation.

Su Nuan immediately refused, saying that he was determined not to be Xiao saner. Especially when she was asked to seduce a man old enough to be her own father, she would not agree.

However, Qin Zhenfei persevered in persuading Su Nuan to compromise.

At that time, Bo xiurui was preparing a branch office in M country, and needed to recruit more people.

Su Nuan, with a good face and temperament, successfully entered the branch office and became an administrative secretary.

Due to lack of education, her main job is cleaning Bo xiurui's office, and some typing and copying work.

Su Nuan is very diligent. Even if she is doing the simplest mechanical work, she is also very conscientious and dedicated.

But Bo xiurui is busy talking business all day and seldom returns to the office. Even if I come back, it's late at night.

Qin Zhenfei gave her only three months.

In other words, in three months time, she will let Qin Zhenfei bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

However, now half a month has passed, and she hasn't even met Bo xiurui herself.

Su is in a hurry. It can't go on like this.

So, she began to use some small techniques to attract Bo xiurui's attention.

Every time after cleaning the room, she would leave a post it note. It's like: the floor is slippery. Be careful if you fall. Or: remember to take medicine and eat on time

At the beginning, Bo xiurui saw these little notes and tore them off without saying a word.

But Su Nuan is stubborn. Bo xiurui tears a few and she pastes a few.

In a rage, Bo xiurui transfers Su Nuan to the tea room and turns her into the youngest tea girl in the company.

Although he was demoted, Su Nuan didn't care. He was still diligent and devoted.

Once, Bo xiurui passed by the tea room and heard the girl's cheerful singing, which was so sweet.

He can't help but walk over to see, just as Su Nuan looks back to see him. The first time we met, the sight of the moment, doomed everything.

Later, the plot is a bit conventional. Bo xiurui has a stomachache. Su Nuan just sees it and sends him to the hospital to take good care of him. The man is well, but the woman is ill.

One come and two go, two people lean together like this.

Bo xiurui is determined to divorce. An Huiying, together with the relatives and friends of the Bo family, went to m country in turn as a lobbyist. Even at the expense of letting Bo xiurui's 80 year old mother kneel down and beg her son to change his mind.

When Bo xiurui hesitates, Su Nuan takes the initiative to break up with him and disappears the next day.

Two months later, Qin Zhenfei finally finds Su Nuan and slaps her in the face and scolds her for breaking her promise.

Su Nuan kneels on the ground and cries for him, saying that he has fallen in love with Bo xiurui. He doesn't have the heart to cheat him and doesn't want to hurt him.

Qin Zhenfei is so angry and despondent that victory is in sight, but she gives up with a word of love.

When she wanted to hit her, Su Nuan suddenly fainted.

The doctor diagnosed that Su Nuan was three months pregnant.

Qin Zhenfei turns anger into joy. With a child, Bo xiurui has to be responsible?

If he refuses to be responsible, he will sue his female employees for not being responsible.

Ha ha! At that time, even if you don't divorce, you can make Bo's family uneasy and make Bo xiurui lose his reputation!

Qin Zhenfei is making a calculation, suddenly from the hospital came the news of Su warm missing.

When Qin Zhenfei inquires about Su Nuan again, it will be several years later. At that time, Su Nuan has become a portrait.He hates it! Hate Bo xiurui, hate Su Nuan who betrayed him!

Bo xiurui was shocked. It turned out that Su Nuan had intended to approach him. No wonder she always saw a trace of fear and uneasiness in her eyes.

Every time she wanted to be close to her, her body would tremble uncontrollably, even in the deepest feelings between them.

At that time, Bo xiurui only thought Su Nuan was young, because he was shy and scared because he was unconscious.

Now I think it's all because she has a big secret in her heart.

Bo xiurui is thinking, just listen to a bang, face heavily get a punch.

"Bo xiurui, I want to take revenge on you. You made me homeless." Qin Zhenfei scolded him as he hit him. One punch was heavier than the other, which made his mouth bleed. "I want to revenge Su Nuan, the woman who avenged the kindness! Even if she died, I will revenge her son and let her know what will happen if she betrays me! Let her be restless under the nine springs

"Ah Bo xiurui suddenly roared, swung his fist and tried his best to wave to Qin Zhenfei's face. Poof, a tooth mixed with blood flew out.

Qin Zhenfei was stunned and fell to the ground. Ouch, ouch.

Bo xiurui rode on him, like crazy, one punch one punch, bang bang, beat rhythmically, "you bastard! Actually abetting a just 18-year-old innocent girl to seduce a married man

If it wasn't for Qin Zhenfei, Su Nuan would be the kind, simple and carefree girl. She is so beautiful and popular that she will marry a young man who loves her and live a happy and comfortable life. Maybe now the family is full!

"It's you! You killed Xiao Nuan! You devil! I want you to pay for your life

Bo xiurui is fighting hard, cold not Ding blunt abdominal pain, he subconsciously looked down, saw a cold shining dagger inserted into his flesh. , the fastest update of the webnovel!