Chapter 598

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Li Xintong was stunned. "So, your father was not deliberately angered by Qin Zhenfei for the sake of covering up his criminal evidence."

Bo Yanchen's eyes suddenly sank, "I have advised him not to do that for a long time, how can he return..."

Li Xintong sighed: "ah, his personality is so strong, how willing to listen to advice?" As like as two peas, she thought, in fact, Bo Yanchen's personality is exactly the same as that of his father.

Bo Yanchen looks at her, and her eyes are full of seriousness. As soon as Li Xintong makes contact with him, he immediately understands the emotion in his heart.

"I'll play it to you." Li Xintong stood up and went to get his laptop.

Open the USB flash drive, there is only one audio in it.

"Oh! How dare you come alone? Are you not afraid that I set up an ambush to kill you? "

"What's to be afraid of? Fear of death is not a man! Besides, since I promised you to come alone on the phone, I won't break my promise! "


"Say it! Didn't you say on the phone that you wanted to tell me something about Su Nuan? "

"Su Nuan? Oh, your little wife? "

"Stop! Go back and listen again Bo Yanchen cold not Ding heard the name of his mother, nerve immediately sensitive.

"Ah?" Li Xintong can't react.

Su Nuan? It seems to be my mother-in-law's name. She is very confused. How can Qin Zhenfei know Su Nuan's secret? It seems that two people can't make it, can they?

"Turn it back!" Bo Yanchen repeated.

"Good!" Li Xintong this just reaction comes over, the video reverses the position that returns a few seconds ahead.

Bo xiurui's voice rang again: "say it! Didn't you say on the phone that you wanted to tell me something about Su Nuan? "

Qin Zhenfei: "Su Nuan? Oh, your little wife? "


Bo Yanchen listened carefully, even without blinking his eyelids. He didn't skip the battle of words between the two men, for fear that he might miss any details.

Qin Zhenfei later told, let him shocked, many things in the past suddenly clear, there is a sense of sudden realization.

When he was a child, his mother was very nervous about Bo Yanchen. She didn't let him run around for fear that he would be abducted by bad people. Also solemnly and Bo Yanchen about his childhood almost abducted experience.

She said that if a kind-hearted person had not saved her, she would have been sold to a remote forest as a child bride.

Bo Yanchen was so impressed by this story that he took his son with him after he had reminiscence. He was very nervous for fear that his son would be abducted by bad people.

After a long time, Qin Zhenfei was the Savior in his mother's mouth!!

Oh! This is the irony of heaven!

The greater irony is Over the years, he blamed the wrong person!

It turned out that it wasn't the father who was romantic and had hidden rules for female subordinates. But the mother with ulterior motives, take the initiative to approach his father.

It turned out that it was not the father who abandoned their mother and son, but the mother who broke up voluntarily after awakening.

It turns out that the source of all this tragedy comes from Qin Zhenfei's plot!

No wonder his mother called him to the bedside when she died. Tell him, don't hate Bo xiurui, everything is her fault.

However, at that time, he was blinded by hatred and arbitrarily believed that Bo xiurui was the initiator of all this. The author thinks that the mother's last words are an excuse for her father.

I didn't expect that what she said was from the heart and the truth!

When a man is dying, his words are good!

Yes! Mother made a lot of mistakes!

She shouldn't agree to Qin Zhenfei's unreasonable request, to seduce Bo xiurui, to be a third party. He should not fall in love with Bo xiurui in the process of approaching him. The last thing we should do is to give birth to his illegitimate son.

And he's wrong.

He shouldn't have attributed all his mistakes to his father without knowing what happened in those years.

Every time my father wants to explain to him, a "I don't want to hear" should not block him back.

Think of their own in every meeting with his father, all speak against, do not make him angry to heart attack, never give up.

I think that I have rejected my father's kindness for countless times, throwing the gifts from my father on the street, even the gifts to Yi Tong.

Think of oneself from birth to now, have not even called Bo Yanchen a "father"!


Bo Yanchen painfully closed his eyes, tears of regret down the corner of his eyes, dripping on the back of Li Xintong's hand.

Men don't play lightly when they have tears. Bo Yanchen such man will not easily shed tears.

"Ah Chen..." Li Xintong felt wet on the back of her hand and looked up at him incredulously.

Bo Yanchen suddenly opened his eyes and was looking at his wife with concern. I'm going to start right away.

Li Xintong held his hand: "ah Chen I know you feel bad in your heart. You don't have to bear it in front of me. I won't laugh at you. "Bo Yanchen turns his head slowly and looks at Li Xintong for a long time. Her clear eyes, always so pure, seem to be able to wash all the filth in the world, as if as long as a look can eliminate the inner restlessness.

"Tong Tong..." Bo Yanchen held Li Xintong in his arms and choked: "I'm wrong I did a lot of wrong things! I'm a conceited fool... "

“!!” Li Xintong by his incoherent words make some can't laugh or cry, "Chen, how do you say so yourself? What's wrong with you? You are the best man in my mind

If put in peacetime, wife so boast oneself, he will probably be happy to fly. But today, these praise words are particularly harsh, "Tong Tong, don't praise me! I don't deserve it! I'm a fool! Big fool! Over the years, I've been wrong about him! I I'm sorry for him! I I don't deserve to be his son

Li Xintong's heart suddenly a draw, in the heart is like to be blocked by a mass of thick cotton, stuffy to suffocate.

After listening to the recording just now, she was also quite shocked and couldn't calm down for a long time.

She understands Bo Yanchen's mood very well at the moment. He is suffering, he blames himself, he is tangled, he is suffering

"Ah Chen, I can't blame you. At that time, you were not born... " At this time, apart from comforting him, she couldn't think of anything else.

"Don't excuse me!" Bo Yanchen interrupts her way, "it's my own stupidity! Do you know the last words my mother said to me before she died? "

"What?" Asked Li Xintong.

"She said: ah Chen! In the future, keep away from the women who are close to you, especially the beautiful women Bo Yanchen said word by word, "before, I always thought that my mother had such a feeling of life because she regretted that she had been a third party accidentally. Now I know that she is going to be a third party in a premeditated way , the fastest update of the webnovel!