Chapter 606

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
After walking for a while, Li Xintong felt a little tired.

Bo Yanchen is acutely aware that his wife's steps are obviously slowing down, "Tong Tong, are you tired? Go and sit down

"Well." Li Xintong saw a stone stool in front of her, only a few steps away.

Just want to walk past, Bo Yanchen has already picked up her Princess.

"Hello! What are you doing? " Li Xintong stares at him in surprise.

Come on, this is not my garden. This is a hospital. People come and go. This is too Is it dazzling?

Bo Yanchen just ignore other people's eyes, wife tired, how still willing to let her walk?

Xiaoyitong suddenly ran past, took off his little coat and spread it on the stone stool.

"Yi Tong, what are you doing?" Li Xintong was surprised again, "put on your clothes quickly! The temperature is low in the morning, be careful to catch cold! "

Xiaoyi with a small hand into the shape of a fan, toward his face fan, "Mom, I'm ok, not cold at all. Come and sit down. The stone stool is too hard and too cold. If you put clothes on it, you will be more comfortable to sit on

Li Xintong was almost moved to cry. Is this son too filial and sensible?

A little warm man, which girl will marry him in the future, is really blessed, not just blessed? It can be said that I am lucky in my life!

"Take your son's filial piety." Bo Yanchen said and put his wife on the stool.

Sure enough, with a layer of soft cloth, it was very comfortable to sit.

Bo Yanchen sat down next to his wife, stretched out his long arm and took her into his arms.

"Son, come here!" Li Xintong opens her arms and embraces Yi Tong in her arms.

Being spoiled by two favorite men at the same time, Li Xintong feels that she is the happiest woman in the world.

The early morning sun is shining on the earth.

The three members of the family nestled tightly together.

Warm! Quiet!


a few days later, news came out from the police.

After Qin Zhenfei was arrested, he not only confessed to the crime of intentionally injuring Bo xiurui, but also confessed that he had drunk two street sleepers with strong liquor 30 years ago. He made the explosion that shocked the west city and successfully replaced himself and the driver with the bodies of two people.

Police do not believe that Qin Zhenfei will be a good citizen in the next 30 years.

In the police continue to dig in depth, Qin Zhenfei's psychological defense line collapsed.

He also explained that five years ago, he instigated his eldest son Qin Huai to create a traffic accident on the streets of Paris, causing a fatal accident and a serious injury.

Instigated his youngest son Qin Shaoqian to create a huge fire in the obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of n city, causing heavy casualties.

The truth is appalling. After being shocked, the police soon handed over Qin Zhenfei, who is full of evil, to the police for examination and prosecution on the charges of intentional homicide, explosion, arson and so on.

A few months later, Qin Huai and Qin Shaoqian were handed over for examination and prosecution on charges of intentional homicide and arson respectively.

Xu is aware of his guilt. Before the public trial, Qin Zhenfei was in the detention center, breaking a toothbrush and inserting it into his throat.

Qin Zhenfei, who committed a heinous crime, killed himself.

One person, for his own selfish desire, has killed so many innocent lives.

When he destroyed himself, he dragged the whole family to hell.

It's a sad ending.

The trial of Qin Huai and Qin Shaoqian was very smooth. Because the crimes committed by them were extremely serious, there was no circumstances that could be mitigated. As a result, the death penalty was executed immediately without any dispute.

A few days before the execution of the death penalty, it is customary for criminals to meet with relatives and friends.

It is not surprising that Qin Shaoqian asked to see Li Xintong.

It's amazing that Qin Huai didn't want to see his wife and asked to see Bo Yanchen.

In the study, Bo Yanchen faces the computer without expression, and his slender fingers are flying on the keyboard.

The crackle of typing reverberated in the huge study.

"Ah Chen, I want to see Qin Shaoqian!" Sitting on the sofa opposite Li Xintong, after nearly a quarter of an hour's silence, finally summoned up the courage to say a word.

Typing voice suddenly stopped, Bo Yanchen gloomy face, eyes from the computer screen to his wife's face, cold spit out two words: "no way!"

"Why? You can see Qinhuai! Can't I see Qin Shaoqian? " Li Xintong curled his lips discontentedly.

"It's two things! Is there any settlement between Qinhuai and me? " Bo Yanchen explained.

"Yes! Is there a settlement between Qin Shaoqian and me? " Li Xintong followed his words.

"Don't join in the fun! How can a pregnant woman go to a place like a detention house where there is a lot of yin and Yang? "

"Give me half an hour, oh, not a quarter of an hour, and I'll leave when I finish what I have to say. I won't stay more than a minute." Li Xintong bargained."Not for a minute! Anyway, I can't go! " Bo Yanchen's tone does not have the slightest bargaining room.

"Well, why don't you be reasonable?" Li Xintong quit.

Bo Yanchen ignored her and continued to knock on the keyboard, which was obviously absent-minded.

Li Xintong slowly stood up, holding his stomach for more than seven months, went to Bo Yanchen and turned off the computer screen.

"What are you doing?" Bo Yanchen frowned impatiently.

"You mean to annoy me, don't you?" Li Xintong toots a small mouth, "you said, everything depends on me, it is to coax me originally! Hum

"I did, but that doesn't mean I have to agree to all your unreasonable demands!" Bo Yanchen's cold voice.

"Who says it's unreasonable? I have a good reason

"Well, you say! If your reasons can convince me, I'll allow you to go Bo Yanchen looks at her with the whole flaw.

I thought in my heart. Hum! It's not that easy to convince me.

"I know what you mind?" Li Xintong said, "you hate what Qin Shaoqian did in those years, because he made us separate for so many years. Yeah, I hate him, too! But what I hate more is that he went to set fire in a frenzy. So many lives! How can he do it... "

Li Xintong said here, already can not go on.

"Tong Tong, don't get excited!" Bo Yanchen quickly held her, "you see, you haven't seen him yet, just like this, how dare I let you go?"

"No! I'm going Li Xintong's resolute tone.


West City Detention Center.

Across the glass, Li Xintong meets Qin Shaoqian again, but she can hardly recognize him.

His hair was shaved short, he was horribly thin, his cheeks were sunken, his eyes were dull, and he had heavy shackles on his hands and feet.

Seeing her, Qin Shaoqian's dark eyes brightened.

After sitting in the designated position, they picked up the phone at the same time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!