Chapter 624

Name:Painful Love Author:Yun Ye Piao Piao
Looking at his wife's angry appearance, Bo Yanchen was in a good mood and asked: "do you think I am?"

"I don't know." Li Xintong curled his mouth, "you just said, men are not like that?"

"I'm talking about it in general. Most men do. But I'm your husband, but I'm not an ordinary man. " Bo Yanchen stretched out a finger and frivolously raised Li Xintong's chin. "In addition to you, other women in my eyes are the clouds on that day!"

Li Xintong's corner of the mouth smoked: "cut, I found that recently you are more and more glib! And extremely narcissistic

Before Bo Yanchen also quite narcissistic, but narcissistic is relatively quiet. Now she's always flaunting herself in front of her, no face, no skin.

"Do I have one?" Bo Yanchen did not admit, "I just told the truth. Wife, my body and mind, everything I have is yours

With that, he bowed his head and kissed it.

"Come on, stop it! Let's get down to business. " Li Xintong smiles and avoids his lips. Up to now, her mouth is swollen. If she is lifted by him again, she has no strength to serve him again.

"Well." Bo Yanchen is also really obedient no longer make, will she embrace in the arms, "wife, how do I feel a little uneasy?"

Li Xintong lies in his arms, so comfortable that she is sleepy. When Leng Buding hears such a sentence, she immediately raises her head: "what are you worried about?"

"You have a good friend who studies sexuality. What should you do if you are badly taught? Can I rest assured? " Bo Yanchen is serious.


Li Xintong is about to be angry and laughs, "do you have no confidence in me? Am I so easily taught to be bad? Besides, they are engaged in academic research. Even if they teach me, I can't understand them! "

"Is it?" Bo Yanchen picked his eyebrows and laughed strangely. He stretched out his finger to caress Li Xintong's red and swollen lips. "Is this She didn't teach you that? "


Li Xintong's face flushed to the bottom of her ears and looked at Bo Yanchen in horror, "you How do you know? "

Bo Yanchen shaved her little nose: "my family is so simple. If someone doesn't teach me, how can I understand these?"

Li Xintong

All right! He guessed right! It was mo Shuangshuang who taught her.

that was not long ago, when she and Mo pairs talked, Tucao was very big in her month, and dared not make complaints about the intense sexual activity again, but she was afraid that she could not satisfy her husband, and was very upset.

Mo Shuangshuang gave the idea.

At that time, Li Xintong immediately blushed, accusing that as an unmarried girl, she was even more experienced than her second child.

Mo Shuangshuang shook his head and said that he had no experience at all. Then, from a medical point of view, he solemnly analyzed a lot of things that Li Xintong could not understand.

At that time, Li Xintong was stunned by what she said. After returning home, she used her method to practice.

Discover Oh! The effect is really good!

"Tell me, what else did she teach you?" Bo Yanchen asked.

"No No... " Li Xintong hesitated, "that's it..."

"Oh? Is that right? " Bo Yanchen obviously does not believe, "that she is really not enough meaning, want to teach also have to teach you the whole set!"

Full set? fuck! A man who takes an inch.

"I don't care about you! I knew I wouldn't tell you that! " Li Xintong rolled her eyes. "Shuangshuang is a serious girl. She studies these purely for academic purposes. Don't think it's wrong!"

"I see. I'm joking. Why are you so serious?" Bo Yanchen said, "well, in order to thank Mr. Mo for imparting skills to my wife, I invite her to attend the press conference tomorrow evening. How's it going? "

Li Xintong suddenly realized, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. Oh, look at my memory! I thought it was next week! I'll call Shuangshuang right now. "

Bo Yanchen took the mobile phone from his wife: "no, I've already given her the invitation."

"Ah? when? I don't know! You are fast enough

Bo Yanchen laughed, "I also made my own decision and gave her the dress you designed."

"Which one?" She designed too many dresses.

"That's the one "A beautiful encounter."

"Ah? That one? " Li Xintong squinted and looked at him meaningfully, "you Are you... "

Bo Yanchen smiles but says nothing. He knows his wife has understood.


"brother Ayan, let me go with you tonight? How about it

In Coco's studio, Fu Jingya has been pestering him for nearly half an hour.

"No way!" Coco's face was expressionless. "There are too many people in the evening, too miscellaneous, not suitable for a little girl like you."

"I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm twenty-six years old! " Fu Jingya pouted, "and I have participated in similar press conferences before, and I can't see what happened?"Red's fashion show is not a big one. Reporters from all walks of life gather to report the news, but they don't forget to dig out the sidelights.

Coco's popularity is enough to become the target of gossip entertainment reporters.

Mo Shuangshuang is often reported as Cinderella's inspirational legend. Every time she saw such a report, she was so angry that she wanted to hit people.

Just imagine, even Mo Shuangshuang such a man, can not stand these, let alone the weak Fu Jingya. What's more, the doctor told her not to be subject to any emotional fluctuations, otherwise it would hurt her life.

He must not take such a risk.

"If you say no, you can't!" Coco's tone is tough.

"Brother Ayan. Please, let me go. At most, I'll stay backstage and watch you do the modeling! " Fu Jingya begged.

In fact, Fu Jingya only wants to be with coco, and has little interest in the press conference.

How could coco not know her thoughtfulness? Speechless ground looked at her one eye, "backstage person is so many, at that time you even sit of place all have no!"

Coco's words are not a hoax. Generally, for such a large fashion show, there are many models and actors, and there are not so many backstage positions. It's certain that there is no place to sit.

Fu Jingya shook her head indifferently: "it's OK. If there's no place to sit, I'll stand behind you!"

Coco is ashamed of it. That sounds so awkward.

"Please, let me go! I promise I won't disturb your work. " Fu Jingya begged pitifully, but she almost didn't swear.

"All right." Coco can't bear to refuse, "let Emily make room for you then."

You can't have a critical patient standing there for hours.

"Thank you! Brother Ayan, it's very kind of you! " Fu Jingya's eyes narrowed with laughter.

She's such a satisfiable girl, which is very similar to someone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!