Even if it was a snowy night, Yanze was surprised to arrive in less than an hour.

The temple has also been covered by snow, covered in silver, holy and sacred.

When the North domain holding museyin ten thousand anxious to get off the car, raised his foot and then closed the door kick open.


The courtyard was dark, silent, and without any light. If it were not for the snow, the scene of the courtyard could hardly be seen.

"Master Hu!" Yan Ze also quickly rushed in, looking at a dark yard, the heart can not help a cool.

Is master Hu not here?

At that time, Beiyu came to the front door of the temple with museyin in his arms, and knelt down with a bang. The snow on the ground instantly buried his knee.

"I know the elder must be here. Please help my wife."

In response to him, only the sound of snow.

"Young master, master Hu, will you not be here?"

Yanze voice down, when the northern region is still a persistent face, "if you can't wait for the elders to meet, then the younger generation would rather kneel down and die in this earth temple!"

When the voice of Beiyu fell, a long low sigh suddenly rang out in the quiet courtyard: "life and death of man lies in heaven, and it's no use asking me."

After that, the gate in front of him suddenly opened, and Hu Banxian, dressed in a plain robe, stood with his hands on his back, looking helplessly at Shi Beiyu kneeling in front of him.

When the northern region suddenly excited: "no, the master's magic is superb, there must be a way! As long as I can save her, no matter what the cost, I will do it

Hearing this, Hu Banxian's deep and bottomless black eyes fixed on Beiyu. His voice was firm: "Heaven's destiny can't be disobeyed. Please accept it."

"No, master! I beg you, even if you can only keep a wisp of her soul, I would like to! "

"You... Why are you so persistent?"

"Please, master!" When the northern region holding museyin suddenly bent over, that humble gesture, let speech Ze shocked beyond words.

Hubanxian a face of anger: "even if leave her a wisp of soul, you people ghost special way, also impossible together!"

"I only want her to be with me, no matter it's human or soul ···································

At that time, Beiyu didn't dare to expect musiyin to come back from the dead. It was unrealistic. He only hoped that Hu Banxian could keep the soul of musiyin. Even so, he was satisfied.

"You..." Hu Banxian shook his head helplessly: "why do you need it?"

"Please, master!"

At that time, the northern region was so persistent that Hu Banxian only got the way: "if you change your life against heaven, you will have a catastrophe. Do you know?"

When the northern region tightly hugged museyin, without hesitation: "as long as you can leave her."

Hu Banxian sighed: "ask what love is in the world, just teach people to live and die together."

When Beiyu heard this, like a pool of stagnant water, his eyes suddenly burst out with strong excitement: "great kindness, I will never forget it!"

Hu Banxian raised his hand: "don't thank me first."

Shibeiyu Dunzhu

Hu Banxian said, "it's not impossible for you to leave her soul behind. However, if she can't be reincarnated in the sun for a long time, she will be as spirited as her sister."

Shibeiyu was shocked!

"What should we do then?"

Hu Banxian frowned and pondered for a long time, and said: "I heard that in the distant Z country, there were fox immortals who were omnipotent and had great powers. If you could find him to help, your wife might be able to bring back the dead."

When northern region listen to this, pupil suddenly enlarged!

"Is that true?"

Hu Banxian nodded slightly: "but in recent years, he has almost disappeared in the world. Whether you can find him or not depends on whether you have a chance with him."