Hearing this, Lu Jingchen immediately wrinkled his handsome face.

When he heard the word "dragon seven", he was very upset!

I don't want Ji Yang to interfere in anything about Dragon seven.

"You're still injured. You can't do anything to inquire about his whereabouts. Other people must be staring at you. Don't worry about it."

Lu Jingchen tried to persuade Ji Yang to go to the Bureau.

But Ji Yang doesn't think so-

"I'll be responsible for the case of dragon seven in the future. I'd better go by myself. I'm more relieved."

Lu Jingchen didn't understand: "how capable are you? Why do you have to take charge of the case of dragon seven? Can't you change it for something else?"

Long Qi is too dangerous. Lu Jingchen doesn't want to let Ji Yang risk any more, but Ji Yang doesn't seem to shrink back.

"I've been in charge of this case all the time. It's very troublesome to change people halfway. Don't worry about so much."

Ji Yang didn't want Lu Jingchen to say any more, so he went to the entrance to change his shoes and went out.

Lu Jingchen looks at Ji Yang changing his shoes and then pushes the door to go. He's so sulky.

He raised his hand and forked his waist and said, "good intentions are like donkey's liver and lung! I don't think I've been hurt too much! "

Zhang Ma has been standing by the kitchen door. Seeing that they are not happy today, she sighs helplessly.

In these days, she also saw the relationship between them.

Although they have just been in contact, they should not develop so fast, but it seems that their young master hasn't even held Miss Ji's hand, let alone kissing.

The two also have separate rooms and sleep separately at night.

Sometimes it's unpleasant because of differences of opinion, just like now.

If we go on like this, let alone development, we may have to fight each other!

Mother Zhang has a sad face.

"Young master, since Miss Ji is going to work, don't be angry."

Lu Jingchen is not angry: "where is she going to work, she is going to die!"

Lu Jingchen's words shocked Zhang's mother: "what?"

"I'll see." After that, he picked up his coat and went out with him.

Lu Jingchen doesn't know how many times he has compromised. He originally wanted Ji Yang to listen to him, but now it doesn't seem like this. This hateful man!

Looking at this, Zhang's mother was very worried and had to call Lu's mother.

Lu's mother thought that there was Zhang's mother who was making up the two. Lu Jingchen and Ji Yang would have a great development. How could she think that they didn't seem to get along very well?

"You said Yang Yang went to work today?"

"Yes! The young master doesn't want miss Ji to go either, but miss Ji says that she is in charge of the case, and she will go to the Bureau today to find out the situation. "

Lu's mother twisted her eyebrows: "I think I have to go and have a look."

Ji Yang, Lu's mother likes it very much, so I want her and Lu Jingchen to develop well.

I don't want to listen to Zhang Ma all the time. They always quarrel.

What if the quarrel ends one day?

Ji Yang went downstairs. He wanted to take a taxi. However, Lu Jingchen followed him with an unhappy face.

She slightly picked pick eyebrows, a face to explore looking at Lu Jingchen.

Lu Jingchen said angrily, "I'm going to the company. I'll see you off by the way."

Ji Yang meaningful Oh a: "then you go directly to the company, I take a taxi is also very convenient."

If her arm hadn't been too strong, she would have driven by herself.

After hearing this, Lu Jingchen's angry face turned black: "man, woman! When can you be more obedient? "