After that, without waiting for Gao Tiantian's reaction, hoskey walked forward with the medicine box. It seemed that the whole person was much more relaxed.

In fact, Gao Tiantian is right.

If lengjiao feels happy with Zheng Zihao, he will stop disturbing her and wish her well.

And he···

It's better to keep silent with her, which can be regarded as paying off the debt that she likes him for more than ten years.

Anyway, his original intention in this life is not to get married and have no children. It seems that everything has returned to the origin, so it's OK.

Gao Tiantian stood in the same place for a long time and then reacted. Looking at Huo Sikai's back, she stamped her feet angrily: "Dr. Huo, you are so stupid! People like you so much, don't you know how to cherish it? "

Fang Wen can't stand it: "let's go, nurse Gao. Dr. Huo only likes major Leng."

High sweet "····"

After walking along the sign for more than ten minutes, hoskey found their camp.

On the high trunk, there is a big red cross shaped sign, which is particularly conspicuous. Even if it is far away, you can see it.

Hoskey put down his things and took out his mobile phone. It was just after eight o'clock.

Today's actual combat exercise starts at nine o'clock sharp. They have one hour to prepare.

"Nurse Gao, you and nurse Fang sort out the medical supplies, and I'll sort out the drugs."


Hoskey looks really elegant. He stands in this green mountain in a white coat. The more he looks, the more beautiful he looks. Gao Tiantian thinks, if only such a person likes her, I really don't understand why major Leng doesn't want her.

Hoskey quickly sorted out the medicine. His action was skillful, elegant and beautiful. The sunlight was sprinkled on him through the green branches and leaves, which made him feel like a wild crane.

An hour passed quickly, only to hear a "boom" sound, scared Gao Tiantian hand can not help shaking.

"Oh, my God, it's so sudden. It scares me."

Huo Sikai can not help but say: "in the past actual combat exercises, are there many injured people?"

Gao Tiantian frowned, thought and said, "how to say, it depends on which team, the elite team who are rarely injured. There are still many recruits in this exercise. I expect there will be more injured."

In the morning, his ears were full of "bang bang" and all kinds of roars. Hoskey sat in his chair and thought he could figure out how fierce the war was. It was very exciting.

I don't know about lengjiao.

But there's nothing hurt this morning. No one?

"They're all very effective. None of them got hurt."

Gao Tiantian couldn't help saying: "for most of them, they don't need to see the minor injuries, unless they pass by a garrison, which is convenient to have a look."

Hoskay thought about it, too. If it's not a big deal, there's no need to find a special medical point. It's a waste of time.

"Anyway, it's nothing. You stay here first. I'll go around and have a look."

It's boring to sit around. Hoskey just walks around with his medicine box.

Gao Tiantian and Fang Wen listen and say, "no, doctor Huo!"

"Why not?" hoskey asked

Gao Tiantian tut said nervously: "there are traps everywhere in the exercise base. You can't walk around at will."

Fang Wen nodded: "yes, Dr. Huo, we have no combat experience. It's very dangerous."

But hoskey said, "don't worry, there's no sign here. I'll look around. I'll come back soon if I don't go far away, ah?"