But before he was excited for two more seconds, hoskey accused: "how do you defend? Didn't you put those anti-virus drugs? How can poisonous snakes come and go? "

Wang Biao immediately silly eyes: "ah?"

"Ah, what! You must be lazy to let those poisonous snakes come in again

Huo Sikai stares at Wang Biao fiercely, as if he stares at his enemy.

He made the anti-virus drugs himself. They are very powerful. As long as they are scattered, the poisonous insects will stay away when they smell.

But in the first two days, Leng Jiao was bitten by a poisonous snake. It must have been the person who spread the medicine.

Wang Biao was shocked: "Leng, major Leng was bitten by a snake?"

Gao Tiantian looked at his silly appearance and roared: "yes! Look at the swelling! Say it! Are you lazy! If we are sleeping at night, what should we do when we are in our tent

Originally, we thought Gao Tiantian was concerned about lengjiao, but after listening to her second half sentence, she was speechless.

She was afraid that she would be bitten by a snake at night.

Wang Biao was suspicious: "but I told them to spread the medicine evenly."

"Everything is convenient. It doesn't matter. I'm sure they won't be lazy." Leng Jiao opens her mouth.

After listening to Leng Jiao's words, Wang Biao reproached himself: "I'm really sorry, major Leng. Where did you get bitten? I have to ask you about this. If there are other omissions, I need to spread a little more."

Without waiting for Leng Jiao to speak, Huo Sikai told Wang Biao where the incident happened, and then said, "you should sprinkle the medicine again after work tonight. That snake doesn't have to go anywhere. It's very difficult to get into any tent at night."

As soon as Huo Sikai said this, Wang Biao became more rigorous and did not care about the meal. He nodded: "OK, I'll do it now."

And Gao Tiantian and Fang Wen can't help but hold their shoulders tightly.

It's horrible!

It's terrible!

"Dr. Huo, do you still have that medicine?" Gao Tiantian looks at hoskey tentatively.

Hoskey nodded: "of course."

"Take it out quickly and let me spread more around us."


Leng Jiao suddenly said, "although she didn't kill the snake, she was also injured. It's estimated that she won't come out to harm people for the time being."

When Gao Tiantian heard this, she was even more frightened: "that's not necessarily. The snake can take revenge. If it brings company again at night, what will it do? You take it first. I'll have to take some medicine quickly. "

Leng Jiao

After dinner, Gao Tiantian and Fang Wen sort things out.

Hoskey gave lengjiao some water to wash, then poured tea and handed the medicine to her: "take the medicine, have a good rest tonight, and it will be much better tomorrow."

Leng Jiao took it in silence.

"Do you want that... What?"

See lengjiao obediently took the medicine, hoskey took the cup and asked her tentatively.

Leng Jiao frowned: "what?"

Hoskey coughed and whispered, "is it convenient?"

When he said this, Leng Jiao's face was embarrassed for a moment.

Because it's in the mountains, it's all temporary and convenient.

It's about five minutes' walk from hoskey.

Hoskey didn't want lengjiao to get up in the middle of the night, so he asked.

"Together?" Hoskey saw lengjiao didn't refuse and tried again.

Leng Jiao's face was a little red, but it was dark. Hoskey couldn't see it.

"I'll go myself."

Hoskey said: "I want convenience, too? It's just right. Let's talk about your feet together. It's not easy to walk now. I'll follow you. "

After that, she helped Leng Jiao up from her chair.

As soon as lengjiao's foot touched the ground, her eyebrows twisted slightly. The snake that bit her was really powerful. As soon as her foot touched the ground, her whole leg hurt.

Hoskey had been observing her expression, looking at her look as if she was in pain. He couldn't help saying, "I'll carry you."

Lengjiao listen to this, but refused: "no, I can."

"But you foot"

"There's no problem walking." She needs to adapt ahead of time. Tomorrow morning, her feet will not recover completely. She needs to adapt.

Hoskey looked at the insistence on her face and nodded, "OK."

Lengjiao's temperament is too stubborn.

If you were a little softer, it would be lovely.

Because it was dark, hoskey followed Leng Jiao with a flashlight, slowly watching her walking, only the rustling sound of the wind blowing in the woods, and the creaking sound of their walking.

At this moment, hoskey's heart was calm.

In fact, this is also very good, when she needs to be with her.

Five minutes on the road, they walked for more than ten minutes. Hoskey enjoyed the process.

At the destination, lengjiao goes in first. Hoskey's cheap mouth comes up again. He says to lengjiao's back: "do you need help? I don't peek. "

Leng Jiao threw a cold eye directly, oneself walked in.

Hoskey leaned on the tree trunk and looked up at the bright moon hanging on the top of the tree. He said with emotion: "I would have been looking for the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch."

Leng Jiao

Hoskey went on: "the falling flowers follow the flowing water intentionally, but the flowing water doesn't love the falling flowers."

Leng Jiao

"Don't read it again, Dr. Huo. You can't hold the coffins of the elders."

A voice of disgust came from a distance.

Hoskey hissed, "what's the matter with you when I read my poem?"

"I hear it harshly." Gao Tiantian walked this way carelessly.

Hoskey's face was speechless: "what are you doing here?"

"Why do you come here? I'll come here. Is it convenient for you, but not for me?"

Hoskey put his hands together and said to Gao Tiantian, "you're good, aunt."

Leng Jiao has come out of their fight.

Gao Tiantian looks at this and rushes in.

Hoskey: "well, he's a man. Men should be courteous to women.

But lengjiao didn't mean to wait for hoskey. She walked back slowly. Hoskey looked at it and said, "don't go, wait for me."

Cold Jiao light way: "I walk slowly."

Hoskay tut A: "I don't think you walk slowly."

But Leng Jiao didn't listen to him. She was still walking step by step. Hoskey was speechless. Anyway, he was not so anxious. She raised her foot and followed.

"Even if you don't love Zheng Zihao, you don't have to be so merciless to me, do you? Anyway, we are childhood friends, aren't we? "

Leng Jiao listened to the words of Huo Sikai, in the heart fierce a tight, the footstep also slightly a stiff.

Huo Sikai added: "well, if you really annoy me, when the exercise is over, I'll go by myself. You and Zheng Zihao don't have to make a big fuss about the place. Otherwise, when you go to a new place, you'll have to adapt for a while, or you can go back to Beijing. As a girl, you're suffering from staying here all the time. Grandpa Leng and ah Jiu are looking forward to your return."