"A hundred and fifty stone coins are OK. Let me pick a stone!"

Yang Junshan pointed to the three ores in front of him and said that this is his real purpose.

"What? Impossible!" Li Laosan exploded like a cat with its tail stepped on.

But then Li Laosan immediately calmed down, looked around and said, "boy, do you want a gambling stone?"

Yang Junshan was surprised and said, "why, can't you?"

Li Laosan sneered: "OK, why not? But Lao Li got these three ores from old pits of different veins. There will be goods in such stones. The difference is only in how many. Such a stone needs at least 50 stone coins. I feel I'm in a panic when you get this heart guard mirror for 150 stone coins. I'll spare you a stone. Don't think about it."

Old mine pit? Yang Junshan sneered in his heart: if you could get ore from the old mine pit, would you be so down and out?

However, Yang Junshan did not dare to show it on his face, but carefully said, "then, add ten stone coins?"

Li Lao San stared and said, "spare your boy ten stone coins and take 190 stone coins!"

Yang Junshan took out a jade coin and 69 stone coins in his arms for a long time. Some of them were: "look, all my jade coins and stone coins are here..."

Li Laosan's eyelids jumped, and Shengsheng suppressed the evil fire in his heart. At this time, he realized again that the person in front of him was only a child after all. Even if he was old enough, how many stone coins could there be on an 11-year-old child?

To tell the truth, when Li Laosan saw that Yang Junshan could take out 169 stone coins, he was surprised enough. Where would he doubt whether Yang Junshan still had excess stone coins.

Li Lao San was reluctant to give up, but he was even more reluctant to give up so many stone coins. For a mortal like him, these more than 100 stone coins are not a small income.

As soon as Li Lao San gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, he looked like I was losing a lot. He shook his hand impatiently and said, "well, well, it's yours, it's yours. Hurry to pick a stone and go with the goggles. Don't delay our business. I'm losing a lot of money on you little devil today!"

Yang Junshan couldn't wait to put away the goggles. However, he was very embarrassed and wandered in front of the three ores for a moment. Until the color of intolerance in Li Laosan's eyes became more and more thick, he hesitated to pick one of them and said, "then, let's take this one!"

Li Laosan doesn't doubt him. He has seen two groups of people stop in front of his stall, look at the things he put, and quickly said: "this is an ore containing refined iron from the lower grade of the French level. If you can extract 30% of the refined iron, you'll make a profit. Go and go, but don't say that we Lao Li bully children."

Thirty percent refined iron? Li Laosan himself scoffs. It's good to extract ten percent refined iron from this ore!

Looking at the back of Li Laosan who hurried to his shop, Yang Junshan threw away the piece of ore with a faint inch long grain like red rust and smiled proudly.

Yang Junshan first happily put away the goggle with a fist seal in his hand. This goggle is a low-grade magic weapon that has been smashed by most of the Dharma array. It's good, but from the perspective of Yang Junshan's previous life, this goggle has been used for a long time since it was made into a low-grade magic weapon. In other words, the refining level of the refiner of this goggle is really not very good, which will A magic instrument that could have been refined into a middle grade has been raised to a new level.

Green and red steel, the middle-class spiritual material of the Dharma level, is a good spiritual material for refining middle-class protective magic tools.

After this goggle was smashed by a fist and the fist seal was printed on the mirror, the four finger marks on the fist surface glittered with cyan light, which convinced Yang Junshan that the green and red steel must be melted from the original material of this goggle.

In the past, Yang Junshan wandered around as a casual practitioner after the collapse of his family. In order to save all cultivation resources, even if there is a little accumulation, he can't find anyone to help. He can only choose to do it himself. Therefore, the biggest feature of casual practitioners is that they should know a little about any cultivation skills. At best, they are broad but not refined, at worst, they are nothing You just know a little about everything.

Even so, Yang Junshan in his previous life stubbornly pushed his cultivation all the way to the fourth level of the martial arts realm. If he was in some forces, he could control the existence of a small town. Naturally, his experience was not comparable to the casual cultivation that did not even reach the martial arts realm like Li Laosan.

The green and red steel Li Laosan didn't know, but Yang Junshan was able to be sure that he didn't look out of sight.

One hundred and fifty stone coins bought the goggle. Even if the goggle was returned to the furnace, the refined green and red steel was worth at least five jade coins.

However, at this time, Yang Junshan will not covet the green and red steel fused inside. Even without the protection of the Dharma array, this goggle can resist the stab of all kinds of weapons by melting the green and red steel itself.

Moreover, in Yang Junshan's opinion, some of the remaining Dharma array symbols on the surface of the goggles can not be reused!

This can also be said to be a clear proof of the extreme poverty of casual cultivation. In order to make the best use of all the resources at hand, even the damaged magic and spirit tools should be used as much as possible.

Although most of the magic array runes on this goggle have been damaged, Yang Junshan can simply connect the remaining limited runes. Although he can't achieve the power of magic tools, he can at least improve the defense of the goggle.

This goggle alone has made the 169 stone coins spent by Yang Junshan worth more, not to mention a piece of ore in Yang Junshan's hand at this time.

Before, Yang Junshan seemed to hesitate between the three ores. In fact, from the beginning, his goal was the rusty red stone in his hand. Even the goggles were just a tool he used to cover.

Some cultivation resources such as iron and stone in the cultivation world are hidden in the stone, or simply dissolved in the stone. Even the most skilled monks are very difficult to judge whether there are things they need by magic, or they can barely judge but can't determine the content. Therefore, gambling stone, an interesting way of gambling, was born in the cultivation world.

Gambling stone is naturally the uncertainty, but if it is determined whether or how much there is in the ore, then the gambling stone is naturally meaningless. Therefore, it is natural that anyone who can make a conclusion and is well-known can not gamble.

Red rust raw stone is such an ore that can determine what kind of cultivation resources it is. However, the knowledge of red stripe raw stone has been widely spread for more than ten years.

A well-known son of a family who has been engaged in ore business for generations found that this appearance is wrapped with a layer of refined iron ore skin, and there is often an inch of light red rust on it. If you don't look carefully, you will even ignore the ore with red rust pattern, and such ore will be wrapped with a small piece of spirit jade!

Yes, it is Lingyu, the raw material used to cut jade coins, and it is also a treasure that monks can directly use to assist in cultivation.

After discovering this secret in the previous generation, the well-known son of the family quickly reported it to the family. The family saw it as an opportunity to rise and soon tried to secretly collect a large number of red rust stones. However, this red rust stone itself was very few, and the family didn't want to make a big fuss to make everyone know, so the number of collections was not too much.

Three years later, the secret was finally discovered and widely spread. The unimportant red rust stone was immediately controlled by various forces, and it was difficult to see the red rust stone in the market.

Nevertheless, after three years of secret accumulation, the family that first discovered the secret of the red rust original stone also gave birth to a real world Master in just 30 years, which promoted the family from a famous family in a remote town to a rich family in a county.

Later, Yang Junshan had a good relationship with the children of the family. The latter once told him that if the original red rust stone itself was very rare, it was not impossible for his family to have at least one or two more real life monks in the family after three years of unknown secret accumulation, or even become a famous county family.

In fact, the original red rust stone is not only rare in itself, but also small in size. The largest one is only the size of a fist. Therefore, it also limits the size of the spirit jade wrapped inside. The largest spirit jade from the original red rust stone found in a previous life has only cut 30 jade coins, Even it often happens that a thin piece of Lingyu, which is only the size of a finger belly and is not enough for a jade coin, is solved from the original red rust stone.

However, no matter the size of the spirit jade wrapped in the red rust original stone is different, one thing is absolute, that is, the spirit jade must exist in the red rust original stone.

After weighing the ore in his hand, Yang Junshan secretly said that it was a shortcut to get rich, but there were not many red rust raw stones. The probability of meeting them in this remote wasteland town was even smaller. Moreover, at the current age of Yang Junshan, he often went to the grass market to gamble. Obviously, it was too attractive.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he can't solve the red rust original stone with his current cultivation. Naturally, he can't get the spirit jade inside. Without the spirit jade, he can't cut the jade coin. How can Yang Junshan secretly collect the red rust original stone without the jade coin?

It seems that if you want to accumulate wealth in advance, you still need to rely on dad's strength. With dad's cultivation of martial arts and human environment, taking gambling stone as an interest will not be doubted by others.

Yang Junshan seemed to think of something. For a moment, his face looked a little grim: moreover, in order to resist the great disaster sweeping the whole Yu county a few years later, he must try his best to help Yang Tiangang improve his cultivation. Only in this way can he avoid the end of family destruction and death again.