This sucks. It really, really sucks. But it seems, for those who know, my refreshed feeling was temporary and a looming premonition to an upcoming my body.
Anyways, I've gotten sick. Is it the COVID-19 or not? I'm unsure. I'll keep you guys updated, but without going into too much yucky detail: fever and consistent bathroom visits. It's really screwing with my ability to write, think, sleep, and generally function so I'm going to take a short break from writing and uploading until I'm well, healthy, and safe.
I likely won't be writing for however long this lasts, and I hope its short and just the rare august flu, so there won't be any make-up chapters or anything. Just a regular and thorough break.
No need to feel panic though, I have an unusually strong body and mind so I'll ride this out. <3
Wish me the best!