Chapter 5

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
After pressing the rune and baking it on the fire for a while, a square piece of vermilion Rune paper is fresh out of the oven.


A fire burst out in the hut.

"Dead old green haired old man, what do you think this thing is? How can this thing burst suddenly?" The whole face was black and his hair was burnt, and Wei Suo screamed desperately.

"Have you never made a rune?" The old man in green froze.

"No, what's the matter?"

"Don't you dare to do this before?" The old man in the green robe was very happy. "I thought you were a master of making runes. You are a rookie who has never made a rune and doesn't know anything. The symbols on the talisman are all in line with the vitality of heaven and earth. Each symbol is a small array. As long as there is a little deviation in the position on the rune paper and the rune is thicker and thinner, it will not become a talisman at all. Do you think that as long as you draw a similar appearance, you can refine it into a talisman? Do you think the talisman is so easy to fool? "

"You're not talking nonsense?" The old man in green laughed and laughed at Weisuo, who was not angry this time, but rather serious. Although there is a word "fire" in the fire tail flower, it is only because the appearance of this flower is very similar to a red dog tail. Although the fire scorpion has some fire evil spirit on its tail, no matter how fierce the fire scorpion is, it is impossible for the fire scorpion to emit the fire just now.

"Nonsense, if I'm talking nonsense, you'd like to show me three kinds of things that can explode into a fire when they are mixed together without the spirit of fire? I told you that the Fufang I said was 100% true, but you didn't believe it. "

"Damn it! If you're really bullshit, you'll have to soak in a cesspool." Weisuo called to the old man in green robe, but he made up his mind that he must try this Rune clearly.

Now Wei Suo is poor to die, and that loser beauty only used the first order fireball charm to stimulate him. A fireball dustpan of the same size, not to mention being hit directly, is to be rolled up by the flame, it is estimated that it is very uncomfortable. The power of this first-order fireball rune is at least as powerful as the fireball technique issued by the five friars of Shenhai realm.

Moreover, this first-order Rune doesn't need to consume much Zhenyuan. Take Weisuo as an example, the Zhenyuan skill that Weisuo is practicing now is the purple XuanZhen Jue, and the only attack skill he can use is Qingshui blade. With his double cultivation of Zixuan Zhenjue and shenhaijing, he can only issue more than 20 green water blades if he releases them successively. But if you want to change the first-order fireball Rune used by the black beauty, with Wei Suo's cultivation, you can send 100 pieces without any problem.

Therefore, this kind of talisman which does not need to consume real yuan has always been a hot item in the market. As long as a monk has enough spirit stones, he will buy several pieces to protect his life. However, the value of this first-order rune is generally around half a lower spirit stone. Except for some protective talismans for life protection, Weisuo has never bought any of these offensive runes, and all of them are more cost-effective explosive beads with the power of one-half of the fireball rune, but the price is only one-third of the fireball Rune.

If these three very common things can really make a first-order fireball rune, then the meaning of this Fufang to Weisuo will be the same as a hen who can lay down the spirit stone.

"Boy, don't you waste fire scorpion blood? As I told you, even if a monk who is very skilled in practicing Fu can change a new rune, he will have to practice for at least 10 days and a half months before he can succeed in refining a new rune. It's only seven days before you think of a fire. This waste of fire scorpion blood, I might as well drink it

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't shut up, I'll blame you on your head if I don't succeed in this rune, and then I'll invite you to take a piss."

“… ..。”

In the small stone house, Weisuo took a deep breath, put a blue Rune pen in his hand into the bottle containing the fire scorpion blood, and let the rune pen absorb enough fire scorpion blood.

After the last failure, Weisuo has been practicing for seven consecutive days.

After carefully recalling every detail of the Rune of fireball, Weisuo took the rune pen which had absorbed enough fire scorpion blood from the bottle. In front of him, he had already prepared a square Rune paper made of silver candle grass and fire tail flower.

Basically, all the people who haven't practiced runes have to train on runes. The so-called symbol carving is to first carve runes on a smooth board, and then practice along the carved runes with a rune pen over and over again. In this way, according to the thickness and depth of the carved lines on the runes, after the practice is skilled, when drawing on the formal Rune paper, the weight of the strokes will naturally be grasped, and the probability of success in making the runes will be greatly increased.

In addition to this, the value of ordinary Rune paper is also very high, and ordinary friars will not waste their practice with real Rune paper. But because the silver candle grass and the fire tail flower are everywhere near the Lingyue City, Wei Suo directly used the rune pen to suck the rest of the fire scorpion's useless blood, and directly refined it on the rune paper.

While practicing directly on the rune paper, Weisuo also found that the quality of the rune paper was closely related to the success of the Fuwen. Because, after all, if there are some slight flaws in the rune paper, or if there are some rough places, and a stroke is not smooth, it may directly lead to the failure of refining this first-order fireball rune.Therefore, in the past seven days, Weisuo has also made great efforts in refining Rune paper. Now, compared with the first batch refined seven days ago, Weisuo's Fuwen paper looks much smoother and smoother than the first batch refined seven days ago. Now the one he has prepared is the best one in recent batches of Rune paper, smooth as a mirror and flashing with fluorescence.

Weisuo's pen writing does not have a trace of hesitation, a smooth red line in the pen under the rapid extension. The originally dark red fire scorpion blood in the rune paper, immediately turned into fire red, and issued a jade like luster.

The sweat drips out on his forehead, but his eyes are extremely focused, and every movement is extremely accurate.

After less than half a stick of incense, Weisuo finished the last stroke on the fireball rune. At the moment when the last thin Rune was completed, all the runes on the rune paper, which were like fire red flame, suddenly lit up, emitting a hazy red light. On the whole Rune paper, there was also a trace of heat.

"Is it really refined?" In the silent little stone house, Weisuo looked at the talisman in front of him, and the old man in green robe also widened his eyes in disbelief.

On the vermilion Rune paper, the red patterns radiate a trace of heat, and the faint brilliance flows along these patterns, as if there is a little thin flame flowing in the rune.

The faint heat emanates from this talisman.

No matter from which aspect, this first-order fireball Rune can not see any problem.

"Have you ever made a rune before?" After a long time, the old man in green couldn't help looking at weissou.

"No Wei Suo seems to have not come back to the general, shaking his head, "used to just often draw a few stripes on the ordinary sable, pretending to be a ferret and selling it to others." , the fastest update of the webnovel!