Chapter 16

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Wei Suo came out of the old fox's shop with a bright pearl about the size of an egg that would give off soft white light, and then walked towards the vinegar square bridge in the north of the city.

This time, Weisuo didn't sell his fireball Rune to replace the spirit stone as he did last time. What the old man in green robe said last time was very reasonable. He felt that if he did this kind of thing once more, the danger of being watched by some big forces in Lingyue city would be one more point. So his current plan is to first use the remaining 27 inferior spirit stones for some equipment, and then rely on these equipment and fireball Rune to play some things to sell.

Vinegar square bridge is an ordinary black stone bridge, but this ordinary stone arch bridge was built together with Lingyue City, which belongs to one of the earliest buildings in Lingyue city. There is a large stone wall at the south end of the bridge. Many cities and businesses will publish some information on this stone wall, which is the largest notice board in the north of Lingyue city. Accepting the entrustment, employment or collection of materials required by some local businesses and businesses was the most important source of exchanging spiritual stones for all the free practices in Tianxuan.

Wei Suo bought four bottles of Huiqi powder in a shop in the north of the city because his Huiqi powder had been used up, and the shield amulet with good defense could only be used once. Although the total amount of aura contained in the two bottles of Huiqi powder is not comparable to that of a inferior spirit stone, in terms of rapid recovery of Zhenyuan, it is incomparable with inferior spirit stone.

Huiqi powder is a necessary consumable for all low-level sandals to be cultivated in the wild. Weisuo is eager to know a Dan Fang similar to Huiqi San. If it is as worthless as the raw material of his fireball rune, he will be really rich. However, the old man in green robe obviously does not have this kind of elixir. Otherwise, he will give Weisuo the same as the Fufang of fireball rune Yes.

After buying four bottles of Huiqi powder, Weisuo gritted his teeth, bought a second-order ice Rune with three inferior spirit stones, a Lingtian jade pendant with 15 inferior spirit stones, and a wind escape charm and golden light amulet with one inferior spirit stone.

Weisuo has no magic weapon with more powerful attack power except fireball rune. In addition to the magic power of the friars who have been rebuilt in the surrounding environment, the second-order ice Rune also has the effect of freezing and paralyzing the opponent and slowing down the opponent's movement. The Lingtian jade pendant is a kind of magic weapon of tianyimen, and the defense power of the aura mask released by it is about the same as that of the friars Weisuo's shield talisman is almost the same. However, this magic weapon can not only be used five times, but also can automatically sense the changes of the surrounding vitality after being activated. In case of being attacked by stealth, the aura mask will be released automatically.

This is especially useful in the wilderness where there are many monsters and beasts. Weisuo has been coveting this kind of jade pendant with a greatly increased life preservation coefficient. However, the inferior spirit stone on his body is generally no more than seven pieces. Weisuo can't afford to buy it. As for the gold amulet which is also a defense talisman after he bought the Lingtian jade pendant, it is because Weisuo thinks that when the monster's attack power is not strong, he can use this kind of gold light Rune with only half a lower grade spirit stone to defend, so as not to consume the power of Lingtian jade pendant.

Now the night pearl in Wei Suo's arms has also spent his inferior spirit stone. He bought the night pearl because he accidentally fell into some dark places in the wild, and the other was to refine the talisman at night. The brighter the light in the small stone room is, the higher the power of his Fuwen.

After such careful calculation, Weisuo's twenty-seven lower spirit stones in his pocket were only five.

"Brother, I wonder if I can borrow a place to speak?" At the entrance of an alley near the bridge of vinegar square, three people suddenly approached Wei Suo from the rear and made a voice.

Weisuo turned his head in surprise, but he saw that he was talking to himself, a young Taoist in green robe who looked like twenty-eight years old. His face was somewhat narrow and he looked very kind. Beside him, there was a man and a woman. The man looked about thirty years old. He was very strong and strong. He was more than half his head. His face was very simple and honest. He was wearing a piece of clothes There is a dark light in the blue clothes. It seems that it is wearing some kind of gold and iron inner armor. There is a long cloth strip behind her. It looks very broad and heavy. It should be a heavy weapon. But standing beside this strong and strong man, it is a beautiful woman in light yellow, with a light rose pattern embroidered on the blue silk thread, Melon seed face, fair complexion, looks like a little bigger than weisuoluo.

"Ordinary robes are not worth money. The black iron soft inner armor is a lower grade spirit stone."

"The girl is pretty good .。”

Because of his poverty, Weisuo habitually took a look at the family background of these three people, and judged that these three people should be the same as him. Then he secretly took a glance at the melon shaped face, which looked very beautiful. Then Wei Suo asked the white robed monk who looked very kind, "what's the matter? I never seem to know you. "

"My name is Lin Daoyi, and they are ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei." the young Taoist with a somewhat narrow face and green robe smiles politely. "Excuse me, we have a task that should be able to earn a lot of spirit stones. More people will be safer. We want to invite you to join us. I wonder if you are interested in it?"

"To earn a lot of spirit stones? What kind of mission is it? " Weisuo was stunned for a moment. Of course, he was very clear that some free monks would join hands to take on a task that he could not eat but had a large profit. However, Wei Suo always adhered to the principle of safety first. Anything that was too dangerous or too uncertain was generally not allowed to do."Can you speak in another place?" Lin Daoyi looked at Weisuo mysteriously and said.

Wei Suo shrugged his shoulders and nodded. Anyway, Lingyue city could not kill people and steal goods. Moreover, he saw that the three men, especially the white women in light yellow clothes, were very agreeable to his eyes.

Seeing Wei Suo nodding, Lin Dao led the way in front of him. A few people didn't go far, so he went to a remote alley beside the vinegar square bridge. After confirming that no one was following him, Lin Dao looked at Wei Suo and said softly, "actually, it's not a task. I got the exact rest. I know that there are three ice silk spiders in a place outside Lingyue city."

"Three ice silk spiders?" Weisuo is a little surprised. The ice silk spider is a third level medium level monster. The ice silk in the silk bag is not only very tough, but also has the effect of resisting fire. It is the best raw material for refining the fire dispelling mantra. What's more, all the three level demons have internal elixir. Now the price of a third level medium level monster's internal elixir is above 50 lower level spirit stones. If it's three heads, it will become one The total value of the spider will be more than 190 lower spirit stones. And in general, there are few monsters above three levels in the sky.

"How did you invite me?" One hundred and ninety spirit stones are enough to make Weisuo serious, and Weisuo doesn't feel how wise he looks with a scorched chicken coop head. On the road, strangers come to invite him to make a fortune.

"We just noticed you in the square city. You bought a second-order ice Rune and Lingtian jade pendant." Lin Dao looked at Weisuo and explained: "we think we have the ability to buy these things. Our strength should not be bad. However, if it is too strong, we also have concerns and dare not invite them to hunt and kill these two monsters. Your accomplishments are similar to ours. They are the third level of Shenhai realm, which just meets our requirements."

"How do you know that my cultivation is the third level of Shenhai realm?" Wei Suo was stunned. In addition to many skills that he would bring with him after he had completed his cultivation, it was difficult to judge the cultivation level of general skills. For example, when Wei Suo looked at the little beauty with silver robe on that day, he judged that the little beauty in silver robe should be a monk twice higher than that of him.

"Oh, I have a Qi watching technique, but if I'm more than twice a monk, I can't see it." Lin Dao a smile a way.

"This Qi watching technique is very useful. It seems that I have to find a way to learn it in the future." Weisuo thought in his heart, and his eyes turned. "But how can I believe you?"

"The traces of these three ice silk spiders were discovered by their brothers and sisters. You should also know that the eagle's man is very trustworthy." Lin Dao a little bit, beside the silent Ye Xiaozheng and ye Guwei way.

"Are you the eagle's man, or brother and sister?" Wei Siu Wei and Xiao Yecheng, who have been working for a long time, don't know the difference between them. However, they don't want to know each other The other one was white and pretty, and there was no resemblance at all.

"Yes, we are eagles." Hearing Wei Suo's words, ye Xiao, who is very tall, nodded and took out a small card made of black gold from his arms. There was a flying eagle pattern on it, "that is, we flying eagle. The rest of us just took a task and went to Taiyi city. We were afraid that the time would drag on for a long time, and the two ice silk spiders would go away, so we found a friend of Lin Dao who we had known before, and wanted to hunt them as soon as possible

"If you don't worry, I can tell you that we have an appointment with tiece for the sake of safety. The price is forty inferior spirit stones. " Lin Dao looked at Weisuo, "if it goes well, at least each of us can get more than 30 lower spirit stones."

"In that case, I'll go with you." Weisseau nodded and agreed without much hesitation.

Although tiece is also an organization composed of scattered repairs in Lingyue City, there are dozens of such organizations in Lingyue City alone, but tiece's fame and scale are not comparable to other organizations. In addition to the fact that they are all in loose repair, and there are no restrictions on joining or exiting, the strength of tiece is no different from that of some sects. Moreover, tiece's people are also very reputable. They say that they will receive as much as they like, and they won't be motivated by money. This is also the reason why tiece has become more and more famous over the years.

Thirty inferior spirit stones. This is what Weisuo can only earn by practicing the runes for two days. Besides, if there are flying eagle and tiece, there should be no problem. As for the three ice silk spiders, Weisuo still has more than 100 fireball charms on him. When he can't help it, he can still use these fireball charms. There must be no problem to keep his life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!