Chapter 35

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weisuo was completely moved.

After all, even if the success rate of refining runes increased by 10%, it would be a huge sum of money over time. Now Wei Suo's medium and low level spirit stones are converted together, and there are more than 200 inferior spirit stones. However, the more than 200 inferior spirit stones can not be used up. At least more than 100 of them have to be left for cultivation and to pay for the purchase of fire scorpion.

Although the low price of this golden silk Rune pen is only 300 lower grade spirit stones, according to the previous experience, the transaction price may be at least 600 lower grade spirit stones.

In this way, you need to borrow at least 500 spirit stones.

"Hundreds of spirit stones I have only a hundred lower spirit stones on me. Do you have hundreds of them? " Weisuo looked at Nangong Yuqing and said with sweaty palms.

"Really." Nangong Yuqing said in a funny way, "there are about 700 lower grade spirit stones."

"Seven hundred inferior spirit stones. I'm really a little rich woman." Weisuo was a little tearful with excitement, but he was still worried and asked, "what if I can't afford it for a while? You don't have any strings attached, do you? "

Nangong Yuqing gave Wei Suo a look. "You are really annoying. Do you want to borrow it or not? Just think I didn't say it. Anyway, you dare not take many fireball amulets to sell. If you can't afford it, you can offset it with fireball talisman. Anyway, I can use this Dharma talisman at ordinary times."

"Borrow! Stupid people don't borrow it At this time, some people in the hall had already asked for the price to be added to 350 lower grade spirit stones. Weisuo immediately cried out, "four hundred!"

"Four hundred and fifty!" In the hall below, the voice of competition with weissou immediately came out.

"Five hundred!" Weisuo had never bought such an expensive thing in his life, and when he called out, he was gnashing his teeth.

"Five hundred and fifty!" A friar in a fur robe hesitated for a moment and added 50 spirit stones.

"It's just a rune pen. What can I do for you?" Weisuo called a few times in his heart, but he still called out: "six hundred!"

As soon as the price of the 600 pieces of Weisuo was exported, the friars at the bottom who had participated in the competition finally shook their heads and gave up shouting. After all, they did not know the identity of Weisuo. They thought that Weisuo in the VIP box above was also a figure of great importance. Moreover, the price of 600 lower grade crystal stones was not low even for ordinary operators of fumbles, after all At present, there is no master of Fuwen who has made such a huge profit.

"Hoo "Weisuo was greatly relieved. Fortunately, fufu masters were rare in Lingyue City, otherwise more people would raise prices.

"Seven hundred inferior spirit stones!"

It seems that no one will bid any more. All the young people holding the tray are ready to send the golden silk pen to Weisuo's VIP box. But at this moment, a lazy voice comes from a VIP box on the left.

"Damn it, this retarded child!" Weisuo almost fainted in front of his eyes.

The one who made a bid was Li Hongling, who looked very romantic and handsome.

"Eight hundred inferior spirit stones!" They had already called seven hundred Li, and Weisuo didn't want to give up. He gritted his teeth and added another hundred.

"Nine hundred inferior spirit stones!" Li Honglin is very indifferent to add another price.

"Damn it!" Wei Suo was completely speechless, and he was almost sure that Li Hongling did not need this Rune in particular. With the guy's special style of changing into a big box, he was deliberately trying to suppress him. Weisuo now hates that he doesn't have a lot of spirit stones. Otherwise, Weisuo will kill this guy even if he smashes them with spirit stones. But the key is that nine hundred low-grade spirit stones are already Weisuo's limit. Even if he adds one thousand spirit stones and Li Honglin gives up raising the price, the price is not what Weisuo can afford now.

"This guy, I'll scold him." Nangong Yuqing also had some fire, and immediately wanted to stand up.

"Don't worry. I'll talk about it later when something good comes out." But let her very surprised is, Weisuo actually pulled her, said this sentence quietly. She turned her head strangely and looked at Weisuo, whose face was angry and had a look similar to that of a landowner who was distressed for money. But Weisuo secretly pulled her and said in her ear, but let her know that Weisuo seems to be pretending.

Nangong Yuqing can't guess what idea Wei Suo's head melon seeds are playing. He can only wait suspiciously.

"Magic wood stove!"

"Putrid bat cubs!"

... the next few pieces are also very unique treasures, such as Shenmu stove, which is used to refine spiritual elixir and can greatly improve the quality of wood based elixir. The putu bat is a kind of level 4 primary monster. When the adult sapropel bat spreads its wings, its body length can reach several feet. Not only can it be used as a flying mount after being domesticated by friars, but also the power of the venom emitted by the sapropel bat itself It's also very powerful.

But the auction of these pieces of treasure, Weisuo is in the heart of the calculation, no voice.

"Nabao bag, the internal space is about 30 Zhang square meters, and the bottom price is 900 yuan, which is inferior to crystal stone!"But when shopkeeper Tian on the stage reported this thing, the whole hall was a sensation again.

Nabao bag is a unique magic weapon that looks only a few feet in size on the outside, but the space inside is very large, and you can't feel the weight of the things inside. This kind of magic weapon is extremely precious for every monk, especially for those who are used to bringing valuable things with them.

Not only that, for example, if you kill some monstrous monsters or find some huge ores, if you can't take them away for a while, you can only collect the part with the highest value of spirit stone to take away, and the rest can only bear to give up first. But with such magic weapons, you can collect them all, without wasting a spirit stone.

Some of the top-level nabao bags and rings can even hold tens of thousands of Jin of things, but at present, the appearance of this nabao bag looks like yellow leather, which can hold up to 30 Zhang square meters. Compared with some of the lowest grade nabao bags, which can only hold one or two feet square, it is very good.

The most important thing is that there are not many craftsmen who can refine nabao sachets in the whole Tianxuan continent. Nabao sachets are also very rare, valuable and marketable treasures.

"A thousand and two hundred spirit stones!" There has been no movement, Weisuo directly and loudly quoted a price of 300 lower spirit stones higher than the reserve price.

"Weisuo! You Nangong Yuqing's pretty face suddenly turned white, because she knew that she and Wei Suo's spirit stones did not add up to 1200 lower grade spirit stones.

"This nabao bag is very rare, and I am also very excited." As soon as Wei Suo's voice fell, Li Honglin in the VIP box also said this to himself, and then calmly said, "1300 inferior spirit stones."

"Don't shout any more, or if you can't pay the spirit stone, you will be forced to remove all valuable things from your body. You can never trade in any market of Lingyue city. If there is a big difference, you will even be expelled from Lingyue city directly!" Nangong Yuqing, who knew Wei Suo's details, was afraid that Weisuo would bid again. He said quickly in Weisuo's ear.

"Nangong Yuqing, I'm so sorry." But what made Nangong Yuqing dumbfounded was that Wei Suo was extremely numb at this time and said in a loud voice, "my spirit stone is just a little nervous. Just now you like that golden silk Rune pen, I didn't buy it. Now you want this nabao bag, I don't have enough spirit stones on me Why don't we wait and see if there's anything you like next? "

One side of the numbness called a Nangong Yuqing sister, while saying so, Weisuo or a very ashamed look.

Li Honglin's eyes lit up in the VIP box on the left. At this time, someone called out the price of 1300 lower grade spirit stones. Li Honglin was more arrogant and cried out more loudly: "1500 inferior spirit stones!"

“… .。” Nangong Yuqing is a little silly.

"Hey hey, this guy should be a panty later. You have to take this napalm bag and send it to me?" Weisuo hung his head and looked dejected, but he secretly said so to Nangong Yuqing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!